View Full Version : Any way to turn off post cache when a particular bb code is used?

01-12-2011, 11:58 PM
I have a BB Code that I modify the exact size of based off a custom user profile field.

I do this by using a hook on bbcode_parse_start, scanning the code for this bb code, and if found setting a custom height.

However while this seemed to work I notice now that the size is usually set by the first person to view it and I guess it's cached. Subsequent viewers don't see it at their specified height but that of whomever viewed it first's height.

This isn't an often used bb code so i figured disabling the post cache if this bb code was used wouldn't be a big deal.

However I'm not seeing how to do this... the code in class_bbcode.php to test if it is cachable is:
if ($this->options['cachable'])

So I tried just setting $this->options['cachable'] = false, but it doesn't seem to do anything at all.

Would there be some other way of turning off the post cache for a specific post?

01-13-2011, 09:59 AM
I'm not completely sure if I know what's going on in the code, or if I get what you're asking, but I think there's different kinds of caching going on. One is to cache results during the processing of a page so that work isn't repeated, like parsing the same signatures over and over in the a thread. Then there's the post cache that survives between user requests. So I think that 'cachable' field in class_bbcode might be for caching signatures during one page request but not between (different users') requests. (I know this doesn't really help you solve your problem).

01-13-2011, 11:01 AM
Basically I have a BB Code... in the replacement code there used to be a part that said height="400" in an HTML tag.

But some users with high resolution screens asked for it to be taller than 400 pixels... So I made a custom user profile field where each user can specify the height they want for this particular BB Code.

In the BB Code replacement I changed it from height="400" to height="xxx" (for example) and then on the hook bbcode_parse_start I do a str_replace for "xxx" and swap in the value set by the user in their profile field. For the most part this works except sometimes it gets cached at a different user's value.

In class_bbcode.php there are the following lines around line 440...

// save the cached post
if ($this->options['cachable'])
$this->cached['text'] = $text;
$this->cached['has_images'] = $has_img_tag;

// do [img] tags if the item contains images
if(($do_bbcode OR $do_imgcode) AND $has_img_tag)
$text = $this->handle_bbcode_img($text, $do_imgcode, $has_img_tag);

($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('bbcode_parse_complete') ) ? eval($hook) : false;

return $text;

I *think* what I have to do is to make this condition false when a specific BB Code is present in $text. (Which is already converted to HTML at this point).

My main question is how can I change the value of $this->options['cachable'] because simply setting it equal to zero or false doesn't appear to have any affect.

Unless what you're telling me it might be working but it's cached somewhere else...

01-13-2011, 01:55 PM
Unless what you're telling me it might be working but it's cached somewhere else...

Yeah, I guess I was saying that I think the cachable variable in class_bbcode isn't what controls caching of posts across different user requests (like you're describing). But in retrospect I probably shouldn't have replied at all unless I had a better answer than that. :)

01-13-2011, 01:58 PM
Yeah, I guess I was saying that I think the cachable variable in class_bbcode isn't what controls caching of posts across different user requests (like you're describing). But in retrospect I probably shouldn't have replied at all unless I had a better answer than that. :)

Your replies are ALWAYS welcome. :up:

02-13-2011, 10:58 AM
How did you go here BirdOfPrey5 - I'm looking for something similar ...

02-13-2011, 12:29 PM
I never did figure it out really... instead of doing the replacements on bbcode_parse_start and bbcode_parse_complete_precache I instead did them on postbit_display_complete, newpost_preview, and newreply_form_reviewbit and I didn't run into the cache issues with these hooks.

The down side is that I needed 3 plugins instead of 2 and it won't work if I ever needed to use the bb code outside a post (say in a social group or signature) but I won't so it's not a big deal- otherwise I'd need even more plugins for those locations.