View Full Version : Adding Custom profile Field to Template.

09-23-2010, 02:53 PM

So I have been searching and reading for a few hours now, and banging my head against a wall trying to figure this out. I'm not a programmer or coder by any means, so please bear with me here...

I have been working on adding a weather block to my page and have a template working (to a point) on the CMPS_INDEX.php page to show the local weather.

The Template script has a line in it which will allow me to set the location, however I would like to use a custom Profile field to set this for the user depending on where they are.

the line int he script is....

var wx_locID = 'CAXX0126';

CAXX0126 is the Code for Edmonton Canada, I would like users to be able to enter the code for their respective City, be it Calgary (CAXX0054) , Wainwright (CAXX0179), whatever, and have it go into that locID='XXXXXXXX' spot...

What I would like to do is to Pull the "FIELD6" from the user's custom profile section and use it instead... So I assume it's something like...

var wx_locID = '[field6]';


var wx_locID = '[$post:field6]';

Or one of about 50 or so different combinations i have tried from my searching.

Any thoughts or assistance would be appreciated.


09-24-2010, 03:27 PM
I got it sorted.