View Full Version : Last Post button not working after Impex import

09-02-2010, 07:29 PM
Hi, I searched for this issue first but found no results.

After using Impex to import a fairly large amount of threads, posts, & usergrouns, the Last Post icon is not linking correctly. This only happens on FORUMHOME, and produces the following target on hover:


However, once clicking into the forum categories or further into subforums, the Last Post icons begin targeting correctly, such as:


I've verified this change occurs on the same thread viewed at both ForumHome & category level, to be sure. After the import, proper procedures were followed by rebuilding the counters in Maintenance. All new posts created after import work correctly.

I'm a bit nervous to try recounting again, as the first try importing+recounting actually produced problems & we had to start again with a backup.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!