View Full Version : Complex Ratings Options?

08-31-2010, 03:47 PM
Hey guys,

I'm currently working on a vbulletin site for my work, and so far so good, the 4.0 software platform is very capable, but was hoping to find a more sophisticated ratings system or a way of sorting information based on who in particular is doing the rating. I'm just imagining as as content accumulates that filtering will become critical to usability.

Does anyone know a plugin that offers filtering threads in these sorts of ways?

- threads liked by the kind of people who like the same sort of threads you do (a la Amazon, "people like you...")

- latest stuff from people whose threads you have rated highly in the past

- latest threads from people who are generally rated highest by all users

Does anyone know any handy developers who would be interested in doing some kind of work to create these sorts of options in the 'sort by' drop down box?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!