OC Keith
07-14-2010, 06:19 AM
OK, This looks like it is going to be great! I just installed Logician's WebTemplates
and when I got to the part about uploading the file: webtemplate_export.xml, it won't take it. It keeps saying "You did not upload and .xml file
I followed the instruction to the letter:
STEP 1- Upload all files under /forum/ directory to your server's forum directory.
This is where they be put:
/Forum Root/ => view.php, editors.php
/Forum Root/admincp/ => wt_wt.php, wt_wq.php, wt_export.php
/Forum Root/includes/ => wt_include.php
/Forum Root/includes/cron/ => wt_clear_logs.php
/Forum Root/includes/xml/ => cpnav_webtemplates.xml
STEP 2- Login Admin CP/Product Manager/Add-Import Product/ -> Tick "Allow Overwrite
" and Import the file named "product-webtemplates.xml"
(There are 2 XML files, please make sure you import the file named "product-webtemplates.xml"!)
(This steps installs webtemplates templates, phrases, settings to your vbulletin)
STEP 3- Close your browser, reopen it, relogin to your admin cp and you should to see "Logician's WebTemplates" in the left menu.
Expand it and click "Export/Import", then "Upload Webtemplate .XML File", point the file named "webtemplate_export.xml".
(There are 2 XML files, please make sure you import the file named "webtemplate_export.xml"!)
(This step is to upload default webtemplates and webqueries to your webtemplate system)
(Many people are missing step 3 above while installing the hack so please make sure you didn't!) :)
STEP 4- (For first time installation! Skip if you are upgrading your version) In admin cp, click Scheduled Tasks/Add New Scheduled Task/ and enter this data:
varname : wtclearlogs
description : WebTemplate Clear Logs Cron
Title : WebTemplate Visitor Logs Purge
Day of the Week : *
Day of the Month : *
Hour : 3
Minute : 0
Active : Yes
Log Entries : No
Filename : ./includes/cron/wt_clear_logs.php
log phrase : [LEAVE EMTPY]
Product : Logician's WebTemplates
Click Save.
(This step was for setting up the vb cron which will purge your webtemplate visit logs in certain intervals)
You have now installed Logician's WebTemplates Hack, congratulations!
I am using this on VB 3.8.6
Everything is working great EXCEPT I can't import the "webtemplate_export.xml" file, any help?
This is just what I have been looking for.
Here is an example of what this will do: http://www.californiacontractortalk.com/editors.php?do=donate
It works fine for that page that comes embedded in the program, but I cant get the header and footer to load on my pages I build becase I can't get that one file to upload.
Thanks for any help you guys may have!
and when I got to the part about uploading the file: webtemplate_export.xml, it won't take it. It keeps saying "You did not upload and .xml file
I followed the instruction to the letter:
STEP 1- Upload all files under /forum/ directory to your server's forum directory.
This is where they be put:
/Forum Root/ => view.php, editors.php
/Forum Root/admincp/ => wt_wt.php, wt_wq.php, wt_export.php
/Forum Root/includes/ => wt_include.php
/Forum Root/includes/cron/ => wt_clear_logs.php
/Forum Root/includes/xml/ => cpnav_webtemplates.xml
STEP 2- Login Admin CP/Product Manager/Add-Import Product/ -> Tick "Allow Overwrite
" and Import the file named "product-webtemplates.xml"
(There are 2 XML files, please make sure you import the file named "product-webtemplates.xml"!)
(This steps installs webtemplates templates, phrases, settings to your vbulletin)
STEP 3- Close your browser, reopen it, relogin to your admin cp and you should to see "Logician's WebTemplates" in the left menu.
Expand it and click "Export/Import", then "Upload Webtemplate .XML File", point the file named "webtemplate_export.xml".
(There are 2 XML files, please make sure you import the file named "webtemplate_export.xml"!)
(This step is to upload default webtemplates and webqueries to your webtemplate system)
(Many people are missing step 3 above while installing the hack so please make sure you didn't!) :)
STEP 4- (For first time installation! Skip if you are upgrading your version) In admin cp, click Scheduled Tasks/Add New Scheduled Task/ and enter this data:
varname : wtclearlogs
description : WebTemplate Clear Logs Cron
Title : WebTemplate Visitor Logs Purge
Day of the Week : *
Day of the Month : *
Hour : 3
Minute : 0
Active : Yes
Log Entries : No
Filename : ./includes/cron/wt_clear_logs.php
log phrase : [LEAVE EMTPY]
Product : Logician's WebTemplates
Click Save.
(This step was for setting up the vb cron which will purge your webtemplate visit logs in certain intervals)
You have now installed Logician's WebTemplates Hack, congratulations!
I am using this on VB 3.8.6
Everything is working great EXCEPT I can't import the "webtemplate_export.xml" file, any help?
This is just what I have been looking for.
Here is an example of what this will do: http://www.californiacontractortalk.com/editors.php?do=donate
It works fine for that page that comes embedded in the program, but I cant get the header and footer to load on my pages I build becase I can't get that one file to upload.
Thanks for any help you guys may have!