View Full Version : Mandatory acknowledgement field in one forum? Possible?

07-13-2010, 07:06 PM
Here's the problem, or what I'm looking for:
On one of my forums, in one forum specifically (helpdesk),users are failing to read the forum info which states that the forum is for forum help only (account assistance), and throwing hardware questions in the forum, causing the mods to freak out.

The idea is to create a dropdown box, defaulted to "no" where, the question is

This forum is specifically for site related questions only. Is your question a site related question?

in that specific forum, and they won't be able to create a new thread unless it's changed from 'no' to 'yes'.

I know, it's too much to ask that a custom mod be developed for this, but is this even possible to do?

07-14-2010, 01:21 AM
Certainly seems possible.... would just be a template edit with a couple of conditionals...
first one: If in the specific forum (forumid = x) then display the drop down box...
Second... if in the specific forum use the special submit button (that checks for the drop down box) otherwise use the standard submit button.

Not exactly my specialty else I could offer more detailed help, but definitely do-able.

You'd probably need a little javascript to confirm the acknowledgement without changing the php files.