View Full Version : Navbar - Can't find the changes I made year ago. Help!

07-06-2010, 04:35 AM
Years ago I tweaked my navbar and added two more links that went to an external URL. For example I added a link to my online store and one to a google type member map.

Well, Frappr is gone and my store has moved. I have spent the last 2-3 hours trying to find the changes I made without luck. I only have one style and the navbar found by searching in the templates does not show the changes I made. It's driving me crazy.

Where else could I have made the changes? I read all the posts I could find here and at vbulletin.com and all the posts I find that show me how to tweak the navbar show basically the same thing. They all point me to the navbar template under styles but there is nothing there.

Is there a .php file I might have tweaked? I can't believe I can't remember this.


07-08-2010, 05:03 AM
The first thing you should do is go to the navbar template and click [view history] which will let you compare the default template with any edits you've made.

If you've made no changes to that, then I'd look at your forum source code, find a unique bit of code or phrasing (like "Frappr") and then search the template system.

If that doesn't pull up any results, go to "Manage Plugins" (Not manage products) and see if you have any residual Frappr-related plugins that could be modifying the template via php plugin.

07-08-2010, 12:32 PM
I'm an idiot. It was a plugin to make edits to the navbar simple.

Doh!!!!!!!! Thanks for the help. I never would have looked there.