View Full Version : How do I randomize the filename/directory of a file the way this article suggests?

06-09-2010, 12:18 AM
We've had a problem of users continually posting Youtube videos with that horrible, evil autoplay function, so I'm channeling my inner Hammurabi in making a creative punishment. I'm making a forum style that autoplay users will be restricted to, and I want to have an annoying mp3 playing in the background at all times. Unfortunately, if I just embed the mp3, the user can just adblock it and move on. But this article:


has a great idea, to randomize the filename and directory. The author even gives code that will do this. However, having no experience coding, I have no idea how it would be applied to vBulletin. I'm running 3.8.3.


06-09-2010, 11:24 PM
interesting stuff.., I do some php coding but that web server stuff is beyond me.

06-09-2010, 11:56 PM
Would this fit better in Programming Discussions then?

06-10-2010, 12:12 AM
Probably but multiple posts on the same topic are frowned upon... I'd just wait and hope a mod moves it.

06-11-2010, 05:11 PM
Does this not intrigue anyone? This would make for a neat code rewrite or plugin.

06-18-2010, 04:19 AM
Desperate bump for attention. :/

06-21-2010, 10:33 AM
If a user has adblock enabled, there is a mod to tell them to turn it off before browsing the forum.