View Full Version : How to use Friendly URLs?

06-08-2010, 07:06 AM
Hello all,
I've made a mod that takes the x latest cms articales that have been published.
Now my problem is how to use the frindly url settings that are set in the control panel or in the vBSeo Modification.
You should be noticed that i've create a new template fot the articles bit.
For conclusion I want to know how can i make my new mod to use frindely urls.


06-09-2010, 05:00 PM
I'm writing an article about this that should be posted within the week. Basically, you just need to extend the base class (vB_Friendly_Url I believe off the top of my head) just like vB itself does to support blogs / threads / and forums.

So if you are good enough with PHP, you should be able to the class file as a guide.

You also need to edit the .htaccess file as well.

06-10-2010, 07:21 AM
I'm writing an article about this that should be posted within the week.
Sounds great:)