View Full Version : Templates within a template within a template

06-06-2010, 08:07 PM
Ok Ive been trying to add a custom "container" template, which will contain serveral of my custom child templates, to a standard template via template hook. Not loving the new vB4 code changes but anyways...

The problem is that the child templates are coming out directly on the standard template but not IN the container template. Im sure I am just missing something simple.

Templates are cached and I do have the "{vb:raw mychildtemplate1}" and "{vb:raw mychildtemplate2}" in the container template.

Maybe its something with preregistering variables or such?

Plugin psuedocode:
//Create the container template
$templatcontainer = vB_Template::create('mycontainertemplate');
$templatcontainer = $templatcontainer->render();
vB_Template::preRegister('vbstandardtemplate', array('mycontainertemplate' => $templatecontainer));

//...Load the first child template
$templater = vB_Template::create('mychildtempalte1');
$templater->register('somevariable1', $somevariable1);
$templater->register('somevariable2', $somevariable2);
$templatechild1 = $templater->render();
vB_Template::preRegister('mycontainertemplate', array('mycontainertemplate' => $templatechild1));
$templatcontainer = $templatechild1;

//...Load the second child template
$templater = vB_Template::create('mychildtempalte2');
$templater->register('somevariable21', $somevariable21);
$templater->register('somevariable22', $somevariable22);
$templatechild2 = $templater->render();
vB_Template::preRegister('mycontainertemplate', array('mycontainertemplate' => $templatechild2));
$templatcontainer .= $templatechild2;

$template_hook[some_position] .= $templatcontainer;


06-06-2010, 08:44 PM
You're doing it backwards.
Your child templates need to be rendered first, then registered to the container template, then that gets registered to the next container template, etc.
Also, you do not need to preRegister, you can just simply use register.

For example:
$templatechildren = '';

//...Load the first child template
$templater = vB_Template::create('mychildtempalte1');
$templater->register('somevariable1', $somevariable1);
$templater->register('somevariable2', $somevariable2);
$templatechildren .= $templater->render();

//...Load the second child template
$templater = vB_Template::create('mychildtempalte2');
$templater->register('somevariable21', $somevariable21);
$templater->register('somevariable22', $somevariable22);
$templatechildren .= $templater->render();

//Create the container template
$templater = vB_Template::create('mycontainertemplate');
$templater->register('templatechildren', $templatechildren);
$template_hook[some_position] .= $templater->render();

06-06-2010, 09:12 PM
Got it working now. Thanks! :)
Yes, Im a bit dyslexic lol