View Full Version : Replace BB Codes

Danny M
06-03-2010, 01:34 PM

After I imported my phpBB forum software to VBulletin, all of my BB codes went 'funny' and added extra characters such as:


I have fixed most of these BB Codes now by entering the code below into phpmyadmin:

pagetext = replace( pagetext, substring( pagetext, locate( '[center', pagetext ) , 16 ) , '[center' )
LOCATE( '[center', pagetext ) >0;

pagetext = replace( pagetext, substring( pagetext, locate( '[/center', pagetext ) , 17 ) , '[/center' )
LOCATE( '[/center', pagetext ) >0;

But this only fixed the center BB codes in the forum posts. So users who had center tags in their signatures still have the horrible BB code around their signatures :(

Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Hope you understand, thanks :)

06-03-2010, 02:33 PM
look at the user text field table. The signatures are in there. You may also have to remove sigs from the sigparsed table

Danny M
06-03-2010, 02:44 PM
look at the user text field table. The signatures are in there. You may also have to remove sigs from the sigparsed table

I don't understand though, wouldn't the code I used above work for all of the tables?

And I didn't get what you meant when you said: "You may also have to remove sigs from the sigparsed table". Can you explain more please, or do you use some sortof IM?


06-05-2010, 09:52 AM
With the query you did before, you only affected the post table. The user signatures are stored in a different table; the user text field table's signature coloumn - you can look at this table in phpmyadmin.

If you run the same queries you did on the post table on the user text field table, you will be able to fix them properly.


The sig parsed table contains signatures that have been pre parsed. Once you've corrected the sigs in the user text field table, you may need to delete the effected signatures from teh sigparsed table before you see an effect.