View Full Version : How to create friendly url for my own addon ?

04-27-2010, 02:12 PM
Now in my addon links look like as http://mysite.net/addon.php?category=2&id=123

But i want change it like as http://mysite.net/category/2-123 if forum using friendly url

I look class_friendly_url.php but not enough understened how to do this

04-28-2010, 12:27 AM
Look up fetch_seo_url in the API (or the files).

05-02-2010, 03:45 PM
You'll need to

Subclass vB_Friendly_Url/vB_Friendly_Url_Paged
Take a look at vB_Friendly_Url_Member in class_friendly_url.php to see how that works - it's pretty straightforward.
Create a Plug-in for Hook Hook friendlyurl_resolve_class to load your class if necessary
Create an appropriate rewrite rule
Use fetch_seo_url(), verify_seo_url() in your PHP code when you constructing URLs
Use {vb:link} in your templates

05-04-2010, 12:43 PM
thanks, so i describe all my steps
i create file /includes/class_myaddon_seo.php with code

class vB_Friendly_Url_Category extends vB_Friendly_Url_Paged
protected $idvar = 'cat';
protected $idkey = 'id';
protected $titlekey = 'catname';
protected $ignorelist = array('cat','product');
protected $script = 'myaddon.php';
protected $rewrite_segment = 'category';

create plugin on hook friendlyurl_resolve_class

in myaddon.php define
define('FRIENDLY_URL_LINK', 'articles');

add in .htaccess rules
ReWriteRule ^category/.* myaddon.php [QSA]

And successfully generate links for example
And links look as http://mysite.net/category/id-categoryname
All works good!

05-09-2010, 04:02 AM
Okay... I'm confused on how this whole process works. Would someone mind explaining it better to me?



Is something like this possible? And if so, how would I do it?

--------------- Added 1273382667 at 1273382667 ---------------

With my URLs, a lot of information can get passed... for instance


With my current SEO method (I want to change, because its causing problems), the URL would be:


With the built in SEO method, could I keep a similar URL? Or would it have to be:


06-18-2010, 11:49 AM

Sorry, I had an error in my code. Now everything works fine



I tried this method but I got an error:
Call to undefined method vB_Friendly_Url_Error::redirect_canonical_url() in ...\includes\functions.php on line 6902

11-22-2010, 01:44 PM
How can I handle a link like this one:


As a matter of fact I didnt find any way to work with such a link in order to convert it to


This would be the friendly url I'd like to see, but with the actual method vB uses it aint easy to do.

Any ideas?

11-22-2010, 02:42 PM
If you need to actually have a 'converter' script for your own page, then you can probably write a class to extend vB_Friendly_Url_Paged

11-22-2010, 03:54 PM
If you need to actually have a 'converter' script for your own page, then you can probably write a class to extend vB_Friendly_Url_Paged
What means, that I cant do it like the way which is explained in this thread, correct?

To actually 'convert'




is described in here; i got this done (with changings).

11-22-2010, 06:36 PM
You would need to add that to your htaccess if you want it to redirect.

11-23-2010, 04:44 AM
ReWriteRule ^category/.* myaddon.php?do=showentry [QSA]

doesnt work ;)

11-23-2010, 02:11 PM
Did you also create the class to extend vB_Friendly_Url_Paged?

11-24-2010, 06:55 AM
Yes, sure. My problem is, that I cant get rid of ?var=int right after myaddon.php as the content of the var I set in $idkey within the class only allows integer. I can set $idvar to 'do' for example but $idkey doesnt allow strings.

By changing $script in the class and by adding a ?do=routine i can place the holders, but then class_friendly_url.php puts a ?= right after it and it looks like this: myaddon.php?do=routine?=&id=x

11-24-2010, 01:47 PM
Post up your code for the class and perhaps we can see what is wrong. (And I assume you are using the htaccess rewrite rule from above?)

11-24-2010, 02:03 PM
I'm about to include friendly url to my glossary addon so i wrote the following class (filename: class_friendly_url_vbglossar.php):
class vB_Friendly_Url_Glossary_Category extends vB_Friendly_Url_Paged
class vB_Friendly_Url_Glossary_Category extends vB_Friendly_Url_Paged
protected $idvar = 'catid';
protected $idkey = 'id';
protected $ignorelist = array('catid', 'id');
protected $script = 'vbglossar.php';
protected $rewrite_segment = 'glossary_category';
and included it with
<plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
<title>vBulletin-Glossar: Include additional class for friendly url</title>
My re-write rules in .htaccess look like this:
# Glossary
RewriteRule ^glossary/.* vbglossar.php [QSA]
In the main script called 'vbglossar.php' i define
define('FRIENDLY_URL_LINK', 'glossary_category');
Usually my addon calls the category with the following link (for example: the id of the category is 1, the name is 'automobile'):
and I want to convert the link to
So I'm using this code in my template:
<a href="{vb:link glossary_category, {vb:raw row}, {vb:raw pageinfo}, 'catid', 'title'}">{vb:raw row.title}</a>
$pageinfo['catid'] is set to 1, $row['do'] = 'showcat'. So the output by now is:
How and where do I include 'showcat' as $idkey only works with integer?