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View Full Version : Buddy / Contact / Friend list Management

04-09-2010, 06:26 PM
I wish if I can control member contact lists in away that members of group 'A' can make friends with each other if they want, while members of group 'B' can do the same within their group.

In the same time the Mod should update itself by checking if any of the members was moved to other groups before removing him/her from allowed members contact lists.

Any answer is appreciated as I am trying to work this around :erm:

04-14-2010, 06:12 AM
I made some searches here and on the Internet, but unfortunately couldn't find any mods helping in this regard. This is why I keep on checking this thread to see if anyone could offer any help.

04-14-2010, 09:53 AM
Im not quite sure what your trying to do..


2 Groups..

Members of each group can only add friends in there group?

04-17-2010, 12:13 AM
NoKSouLz, Let's say we have six members in three groups:


Who is allowed to make friends?
Blue and Green can make friends with other members of the White group ..
Red and Brown can make friends with other members of the Black group ..

Who isn't allowed?
Blue and Green can't make friends with members of groups: Black and Gray ..
Red and Brown can't make friends with members of groups: White and Gray ..
Yellow and Orange can't make friends with members of groups: White, Black and Gray ..

What else?
If Green is a friend with member Blue .. and the Administrator moved Green to the Black or Gray groups; then Green is no longer a friend with member Blue automatically, unless moved back to the white group on a later time.