View Full Version : Importing albums from folders

03-16-2010, 01:55 AM
I have a bunch of photos (lots of them) and I need to create albums with them.
Basically I have a gallery folder in my server which contains subfolders and everyone of these subfolders with the pictures in it will become an album.

Creating an album manually for each one of these folders it is going to take quite some time.

Does anybody knows of a mod or script that can be used to convert all of these folders in albums? and then upload all the pictures in there to that specific album ?

I'm using vB 4.0.2

03-16-2010, 09:17 AM
I have a similar task I need to do... If you find a solution, it'd probably apply to my problem too...

03-22-2010, 04:38 PM
Anyone ? I really hate to import more than 2k pictures manually one by one.

03-22-2010, 10:58 PM
There's certainly no way to do that with base vb. And I don't recall ever seeing a mod that would do it.

03-31-2010, 11:27 AM
Hi guys,
I have a similar problem, and currently working on alternatives to do this.

I'm a newbie, do not sure what is the most efficient way to do this, and I'm also struggling to get albums to display to guests, so if you have any insight into this I'd appreciate it.

Ok here is what I am testing.

I use a tool called Sothink SWF Quicker. I use the Album template.
I create a flash album with external images. (The reason why i selected external was to see if I can create one album, for many different images)

It creates the html display code which I load into a forum post (with html enabled)
You will have to play around with the sizing to make it fit, but this is html.
The question is where do I load the images and swf file?

Right now I have a folder called images on the server and placed everything in there.
I provide a full link to the content from the html and it works.

benefits are I can batch upload any number of images.
It has a slide show with a reasonable size image, with control options.
It is flash so images are protected from download
Also protected from linking too.Issues:
Not sure it works well with photos of different orientations. (I have manually post processing rotated some images and shrunk them to fit vertical dimension, I need to pla around with centering the image)
I'd like to custom name the browser
I want to add captions somehowQuestions.

If I add an attachment to a forum or article, what is the physical address location? (I'd like to address items for display, ie attach an album with embedded images)
Once you have added html into a post, how do you redisplay it to edit it?
I have checked various posts about album support and have not come to a conclusive solution, if anybody has any better solutions please advise.I took a look at PHPMotion, but its too time consuming uploading images in threes and labeling each individual one. Then you have the different authentication to deal with.

If you want to take a quick look at what this looks like go HERE (http://www.lakeeustissailingclub.org/forum/showthread.php?62-This-is-a-test-of-an-album-of-LESC-images)

Would be interested in your comments.


03-31-2010, 05:16 PM
Looks cute, but a whole lot of trouble for still images. And with the new video tag, Flash is probably more trouble than it's worth also. Besides, I can't see any way users could actually do that - for various security reasons you can't let them post html at all.

A1: AdminCP>Attachments>Attachment Storage Type gives you the path.
A2: Refresh (F5) I guess.
A3: I wonder if a mod that displays inline Flicker, Picasa, Facebook, etc. albums wouldn't be best. Especially what with people always trying to upload beaucoup multi-megapixel snapshots of their pets. Who wants to store that crap?