View Full Version : Can I change Mysql database?.

02-23-2010, 04:01 PM
I have had to renistall my forum and although I made Mysql Backups they would not reinstall for various reasons.

Now my hosting company have managed to install the database onto my local host but my Vbulletin forum is still using the "Empty"database that I used for the install (so no users,messages etc).I have two databases the empty one my forum is using and my old one with the information I need.

I have looked at the tables and users etc all seems to be there but how do I transfare the information from my installed backup to the "empty"one I currently have.

Normally I would just do a backup and and import but that wont work so is there a way I can take across the tables.



02-23-2010, 04:11 PM
Update the config.php file with the new db info that holds your data and you should be all set.

02-24-2010, 06:32 AM
Thanks,for the info I have done what you said and I have all the data running.

Can anyone confirm what is the best method to back up the database,I us PhpMyAdmin but whenever I try to use the database I get different errors.


02-24-2010, 09:27 AM
Thanks,for the info I have done what you said and I have all the data running.

Can anyone confirm what is the best method to back up the database,I us PhpMyAdmin but whenever I try to use the database I get different errors.


You are welcome :)

How mb is your db because some hosts have file size limit restriction in their servers. Do you have ssh access? If you do, have a look here:


If you don''t, then try mysqldumper. It handles very nicely large files, for backing them and/or restoring them.