View Full Version : DataManager

02-21-2010, 12:09 PM
Basically what i'm trying to achieve is an page googlecode requests on commit, which post's the info about it to our forums. In vb3 i had it working using datamanagers. But in vb4 the script fails with an error_404 message(Access denied). After $dataman->pre_save() the $dataman->errors is still empty, and when $dataman->save() is called, the Access denied message appears, and script execution stops. However the thread will still be created, but as the rest of the code will not be executed, there will be no posts for that thread.

So how could i enable the access etc?

Anyways, heres my datamanager code(stripped down, without no security checks etc):

$dataman =& datamanager_init('Thread', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY, 'threadpost');
$dataman->set_info('forum', $vbulletin->forumcache[$autoPosterForum]);
$dataman->set_info('thread', $threadinfo);
$dataman->setr('postuserid', $autoPosterId, true, false);
$dataman->setr('postusername', $autoPoster, true, false);
$dataman->setr('title', $newpost['title']);
$dataman->setr('forumid', $autoPosterForum);
$dataman->setr('lastposter', $autoPoster);
$dataman->setr('lastpostid', $autoPosterId);
$dataman->set('dateline', time());
$dataman->set('views', 0);
$dataman->set('iconid', 0);
$dataman->set('notes', '');
$dataman->set('visible', 1);
$dataman->set('sticky', 0);
$dataman->set('votenum', 0);
$dataman->set('votetotal', 0);
$dataman->set('attach', 0);
$dataman->set('similar', '');
$dataman->set('firstpostid', 0);
$dataman->set('lastpost', time());
$dataman->set('lastpostid', 0);
$dataman->set('lastposterid', 0);
$dataman->set('pollid', 0);
$dataman->set('open', 1);
$dataman->set('hiddencount', 0);
$dataman->set('deletedcount', 0);
$dataman->set('prefixid', '');
$dataman->set('taglist', "NULL");

if($dataman->errors) return;
print 1;
$id = $dataman->save();
print "ID: $id";
// the postMan script is after this, but never gets called.


Access denied.

06-28-2010, 06:57 AM
Have the same problem. The Thread gets created but i get Access denied so the rest of the code isnt executed anymore.

Any ideas?