View Full Version : HTML-How to repeat image?

02-15-2010, 03:32 AM
Ok so I got already a part of what I wanted to do to work..

Basically I wanted to create an overlay over my header , a transparent overlay which is a white colored overlay set to "screen" and opacity 40% in photoshop cs4.

This makes the header appear glossy. Hope you get what I mean.

Now I made the width of this overlay 10 pixels. And I want to make it so that it repeats horizontally from begining of head till the end of header.

I want to do this so that it is across the entire header no matter how big your screen is that you're viewing the site at. that's why the repeat option is best since people have different screen widths rather than one image and no repeat.

I put this code at the end of my header template. The overlay shows up exactly where its supposed to, but no repeat, what do I need to add to it and where to make it repeat?


<DIV STYLE="position:absolute; top:25px; left:35px; width:200px; height:25px; background-repeat: repeat-x;">
<CENTER><img src="images/overlay.png"></CENTER>

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BTW I already put the repeat code into it background-repeat: repeat-x; but it doesn't work.

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Anyone please?

02-16-2010, 07:26 PM
Here is the overlay that I have made so far... But I want it to be like 10px wide only and repeat X times depending how wide the viewer's screen is. So that it fits perfectly across the header for the viewer.


Could someone PLEASE help me with this? I really want this.

Notice how the transparent overlay makes it look more glossy.