View Full Version : Mini Mods - Automatic Tagger From Message Content and Title

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01-23-2010, 10:00 PM
VERSION 4.4.0 RELEASED - prepare for real revolution in tags! :D

What this mod do:
Each time new message arrives (as totally new or reply) this mod will automatically add tags according to message content, title and existing tags in forum. It will also automatically add new tags to old messages.

NOTE: at this moment it adds tags only to threads, but in next releases it will support also other taggable content :)
This is version for vB4 of this great mod: Tagger for vB3.8 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=218350)

In details:
It will add only tags which already exists in your forum if it will be included in your post title or content.

It works simple - if title or content includes tag word, then tag will be added to this thread.
Simple and fast. And also have lot of sophisticated functionalities - see below :)

In more details ;):
I.e. if you already have in forum such tags as autohypnosis, hypnosis, nlp, and submodalities. Now someone will write post like this (as reply or new thread):

Title: Hello NLP fans
Content: I like to use autohypnosis!

So this mod will automatically add for thread where post is written such tags: autohypnosis, nlp

nlp - cause it is in title; autohypnosis - cause it is in content

hypnosis is included in word autohypnosis, but this mod is smart enough to see that there is no separate word hypnosis neither in title nor in content - so it is not added :)
submodalities and any other existing tag is not added here, cause it is not included either in content or title of new post.

In more details with sophisticated functionalities :D:
Also this mod will add tags propositions for each word existing in post title which is not a tag yet. So for this example 2 tags propositions will be added: hello and fans.
You can approve tags propositions manually or set quarantine time after which propositions will automaticaly change to tags.

This mod allows you to define related words for each tag. It means that now tag word don't have to be included in post - it is enough if any of related words is included to add tag :up:
I.e. if you have tag cat then you can define for it related words like: cats,kitty,kitties,lion,tiger. Now if any of those words appears in post then tag cat will be added :)

This is really great if you want have tag added no matter does word will be used singular or plural, or in which time it will be or maybe in your language you have to inflect words. Like in Polish we have: krowa, krowy, krowie, krową - for same word krowa. Now no matter how is inflected tag word in post and no matter in which language is your forum - this mod will appropriately add this tag! :)

You can also use this functionality to define tag packs. I.e. I want that every time when someone is writing about hypnosis or trans, booth hypnosis and trans tags to be added. In such case I simply define trans as related word for hypnosis tag and hypnosis as related word for trans tag :)

This mod also allows you to set default tags for forum. So each new and old thread in forum will be tagged by those tags :) It could be very useful - for example I have forum with good news and I want each thread in this forum to be tagged by newspaper, and news - so I simply write it in forum configuration and mod cares about everything! Is it great or just amazing? ;)

Also with this mod You can just click one link in menu and it will add tags to all already existing threads. So If you was happy that now all new posts will be properly tagged, I have great news for you - now all threads will be properly tagged - even old one :)

Also every day this mod will automatically check does some new tags appears and in such case it will add new tags to all already existing threads which includes this keyword in content or title. So now not only all threads will be properly tagged for moment when you use functionality described above. It will keep all tags in all threads up to date continuously :D

Automatically adds tags to new posts/threads according to content, title and already existing tags in forum.
Allows you to set default tags for forum and will create those tags if don't exists
Tags related words functionality
Automatically creates tags propositions according to posts titles for words which are not tags yet
Configurable creation tags proposition (on/off)
Configurable quarantine time for tags propositions - after this time propositins will be automatically changed to tags (can be dissabled)
Allows manually approve and disapprove tags propositions
Respects tag min and max length settings when creates tags propositions
Configurable set of ignored words during tags propositions creation
Allows you to create tags propositions from all posts titles
You can configure this mod to work only for new threads, or for each post - even replies.
Sophisticated keyword searching (will not add as tags words included in other words)
Configurable words separators for sophisticated searching
Automatically adds new tags to old threads (daily)
Allows you to add tags to all threads
Allows you to clear all tags associations to threads
Gives you alias to Tags form, so you can easy manage them
Gives you alias to Forum Manager form, so you can easily set default tags for forum
Creates new tags if defined ad default tags for forum and not exists
Allows you to add new tag and related words in one step.
You can configure, to how many threads should be added tags, per one page of execution of "Add tags to all threads" task
Respects Maximum Tags per Thread setting
Gives you alias to set native vBulletin Maximum Tags per Thread setting in one menu with other settings of this mod
Version checking supportedAnd commercial :D:
It is very useful for everyone who wants to keep an eye on tags, and doesn't want just each word from title automatically added.

So with this mod you know that only valuable tags are automatically added.

In some languages (like mine - Polish) same word is different according to whole sentence - i.e. in English is just cow and cows - in Polish we have: krowa, krowy, krowie, krową... And I didn't want all of those to make garbage of my tags, so I was not able to mod which was just adding every word which appears in title - it was too weak for me. I really wan to have only valuable tags ant that’s why I created this mod :)
Also with this mod thanks to related words functionality I'm sure that tag will be added no matter in which person, time or quantity the tag word is used in post! And also allows me to create groups of related tags!

When I wrote post I just to add tags myself, but also had to do this for other users who just add post and doesn't care about tags.
You know that? Now this mod will do it for you and also you will forget about tags writing, because after some time in most forums new tags are very rare, and mostly are used tags which already exist.

It was very important for me to have such solution and I want to share :) Enjoy!

Version History:
4.4.0 Version supporting vB4
Earlier For earlier version history see here: Tagger for vB3.8 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=218350)

1. Download
zip file from here (download last release - see index at the end of file name - nothing more - other files are only history)
2. Upload
to your forum directory everything what is included in upload directory
3. Import
in vB Admin CP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product -> Choose product file, set Allow Overwrite to yes and click Import
4. Click : "Mark as Installed" (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/vborg_miscactions.php?do=installhack&threadid=234026) :D Thanks!
5. (Optional) Customize settings
in Admin CP -> Thread Tagger -> Options
6. (Optional) Define default tags for forums
in Admin CP -> Thread Tagger -> Forum Manager choose forum and find Automatic Thread Tagger From Post Content and Title settings (see screenshots)
7. (Optional) Define tag related words
see Thread Tagger menu. Can be done in any time and in parts.
8. (Optional) Clear all tags assotiations
see Thread Tagger menu.
9. (Optional) Add tags to old threads
Admin CP -> Thread Tagger -> Add Tags To All Threads (NOTE: if you want to do this it is advised to make clean-up in your tags, especially if you had other - the old tag adder which was adding every word from title and probably already made a garbage in your tags)

01-24-2010, 12:52 PM
Proposition of English ignored words for tags propositions (Thanks to FF|Skyrider for giving those):
a,able,about,above,abroad,according,accordingly,ac ross,actually,adj,after,afterw ards,again,against,ago,ahead,ain't,all,allow,allow s,almost,alone,along,alongside ,already,also,although,always,am,amid,amidst,among ,amongst,an,and,another,any,an ybody,anyhow,anyone,anything,anyway,anyways,anywhe re,apart,appear,appreciate,app ropriate,are,aren't,around,as,a's,aside,ask,asking ,associated,at,available,away, awfully,b,back,backward,backwards,be,became,becaus e,become,becomes,becoming,been ,before,beforehand,begin,behind,being,believe,belo w,beside,besides,best,bet,er,b etween,beyond,both,brief,but,by,c,came,can,cannot, cant,can't,caption,cause,cause s,certain,certainly,changes,clerly,c'mon,co,co.,co m,come,comes,concerning,conseq uently,consider,considering,contain,containing,con tains,corresponding,could,coul dn't,course,c's,currently,d,dare,daren't,definitel y,described,despite,did,didn't,different,directly, do,does,doesn't,doing,done,don't,down,downwards,du ring,e,eac h,edu,eg,eight,eighty,either,else,elsewhere,end,en ding,enough,entirely,especiall y,et,etc,even,ever,evermore,every,everybody,everyo ne,everything,everywhere,ex,ex actly,example,except,f,fairly,far,farther,few,fewe r,fifth,first,five,followed,fo llowing,follows,for,forever,former,formerly,forth, forward,found,four,from,furthe r,furthermore,g,get,gets,getting,given,gives,go,go es,going,gone,got,gotten,greet ings,h,had,hadn't,half,happens,hardly,has,hasn't,h ave,haven't,having,he,he'd,he' ll,hello,help,hence,her,here,hereafter,hereby,here in,here's,hereupon,hers,hersel f,he's,hi,him,himself,his,hither,hopefully,how,how beit,however,hundred,i'd,ie,if ,ignored,i'll,i'm,immediate,in,inasmuch,inc,inc.,i ndeed,indicate,indicated,indic ates,inner,inside,insofar,instead,into,inward,is,i sn't,it,it'd,it'll,its,it's,it self,i've,j,just,k,keep,keeps,kept,know,known,know s,l,last,lately,later,latter,l atterly,least,less,lest,let,let's,like,liked,likel y,likewise,little,look,looking ,looks,low,lower,ltd,m,made,mainly,make,makes,many ,may,maybe,mayn't,me,mean,mean time,meanwhile,merely,might,mightn't,mine,minus,mi ss,more,moreover,most,mostly,m r,mrs,much,must,mustn't,my,myself,n,name,namely,nd ,near,nearly,necessary,need,ne edn't,needs,neither,never,neverf,neverless,neverth eless,new,next,nine,ninety,no, nobody,non,none,nonetheless,noone,noone,nor,normal ly,not,nothing,notwithstanding ,novel,now,nowhere,o,obviously,of,off,often,oh,ok, okay,old,on,once,one,ones,one' s,only,onto,oppsite,or,other,others,otherwise,ough t,oughtn't,our,ours,ourselves, out,outside,over,overall,own,p,particular,particul arly,past,per,perhaps,placed,p lease,plus,possible,presumably,probably,provided,p rovides,q,que,quite,qv,r,rathe r,rd,re,really,reasonably,recent,recently,regardin g,regardless,regards,relativel y,respectively,right,round,s,said,same,saw,say,say ing,says,second,secondly,see,s eeing,seem,seemed,seeming,seems,seen,self,selves,s ensible,sent,serious,seriously ,seven,several,shall,shan't,she,she'd,she'll,she's ,should,shouldn't,since,six,so ,some,somebody,someday,somehow,someone,something,s ometime,sometimes,somewhat,som ewhere,soon,sorry.,specified.,specify.,specifying. ,still,sub,such,sup,sure,t,tak e,taken,taking,tell,tends,th,than,thank,thanks,tha nx,that,that'll,thats,that's,t hat've,the,their,theirs,them,themselves,then,thenc e,there,thereafter,thereby,the re'd,therefore,therein,there'll,there're,theres,th ere's,thereupon,there've,these ,they,they'd,they'll,they're,they've,thing,things, think,third,thirty,this,thorou gh,thoroughly,those,though,three,through,throughou t,thru,thus,till,to,together,t oo,took,toward,towards,tried,tries,truly,try,tryin g,t's,twice,two,u,un,under,und erneath,undoing,unfortunately,unless,unlike,unlike ly,until,unto,up,upon,upwards, us,use,used,useful,uses,using,usually,v,value,vari ous,versus,very,via,viz,vs,w,w ant,wants,was,wasn't,way,we,we'd,welcome,well,we'l l,went,were,we're,weren't,'ve, what,whatever,what'll,what's,what've,when,whence,w henever,where,whereafter,where as,whereby,wherein,where's,whereupon,wherever,whet her,which,whichever,while,whil st,whither,who,who'd,,whole,who'll,whom,whomever,w ho's,whose,why,will,willing,wi sh,with,within,without,wonder,won't,would,wouldn't ,x,y,yes,yet,you,you'd,you'll, your,you're,yours,yourself,yourselves,you've,z,zer o,img,tha,tru,true,ure,yeah,ki nda,man,lil,pre,ten,wanna,4th,put,plz,ers,123,adde d,cat,cha,ing,just,left,make,p os,size,test

01-24-2010, 01:00 PM
wow been waiting for this...installing NOW :D

incase i missed the memo, does this work for vb 4.0.1 ?

01-24-2010, 01:07 PM
Tagged :D will get on this after my coffee break.

01-24-2010, 01:32 PM
Thank you!

01-24-2010, 01:55 PM
Installed. Thanks, is there a way to not include date formats and money formats but still use the numbers for dvd drives like 223F etc...?

If not what about excluding numbers altogether?

01-24-2010, 02:05 PM
Installed, Thanks was waiting for this only :)

01-24-2010, 02:45 PM
Thanks ...

01-24-2010, 03:16 PM
wow been waiting for this...installing NOW :D

incase i missed the memo, does this work for vb 4.0.1 ?

As you can see in mod description it works for 4.0.x and it was tested on 4.0.1

01-24-2010, 03:18 PM
Installed. Thanks, is there a way to not include date formats and money formats but still use the numbers for dvd drives like 223F etc...?

If not what about excluding numbers altogether?

If you have tag which is number then mod will tag messages including this number. At this moment mod doesn't support ignoring specific tags. You can remove such tag of just make your tag more specific - like what you wrote here "223F".

01-24-2010, 03:23 PM
it will add tags automatically after install?

01-24-2010, 03:46 PM
Not working, or should I say I have 35 pages of proposed tags and no way to select them all to add as no select all option.

01-24-2010, 04:13 PM
THANK YOU NLP-er !!!!!!!!!!!! I lost all my tags on my upgrade,worked like a charm!!

01-24-2010, 04:32 PM
awsome :) thx

01-24-2010, 04:34 PM
Excellent been waiting for this sort of mod - Thanks Installed - 5*

01-24-2010, 04:51 PM
Not working, or should I say I have 35 pages of proposed tags and no way to select them all to add as no select all option.

was just thinking the same would make life so easy :P this would be a great feature :)

01-24-2010, 05:15 PM
than standard thank you ..

01-24-2010, 06:48 PM
it will add tags automatically after install?

Yes and no :) Yes - tags will be added to your threads. No - no new tags will be automatically created. In simpler words - this mod makes automatically tags associations. Please read mod description - it is all there with examples.

01-24-2010, 06:49 PM
Not working, or should I say I have 35 pages of proposed tags and no way to select them all to add as no select all option.

What is not working?

If you do not want proposals to be made then simply disable this feature in options.

01-24-2010, 06:51 PM
THANK YOU NLP-er !!!!!!!!!!!! I lost all my tags on my upgrade,worked like a charm!!

Mod is not removing any tags - ever. You can simply check it's code :)

Also - what upgrade are you writing about - this is first version ever for vB4...

I'm not getting this - is it some kind of irony. Or you really are thanking me because you lost your tags in update from vB3 to vB4 and my mod allowed you to get it back?

Please note that I prefer 2nd option :D:D:D

01-24-2010, 07:12 PM
Mod is not removing any tags - ever. You can simply check it's code :)

Also - what upgrade are you writing about - this is first version ever for vB4...

I'm not getting this - is it some kind of irony. Or you really are thanking me because you lost your tags in update from vB3 to vB4 and my mod allowed you to get it back?

Please note that I prefer 2nd option :D:D:D

I lost my tags in update from vb3 to vb4 and your mod allowed me to get them back.:)

01-24-2010, 07:44 PM
Perhaps i missed it in your description, But b4 i download and install. i was wondering if this version supports stop words. So that i dont get a bunch of trash tags when auto generating new tag list.

01-24-2010, 07:59 PM
just tagged my threads, any idea how I can fix this display issue?

See attachment

Gene Steinberg
01-24-2010, 08:11 PM
just tagged my threads, any idea how I can fix this display issue?

See attachment

This appears to be the result of NOT putting spaces after the comma, it seems. That happens sometimes, while other times it doesn't.

I saw this on one thread, at least so far, in the forums that were updated with this new version. But I fixed that by removing a few unneeded tags. But I'm also concerned.


01-24-2010, 08:31 PM
I got the same as well adds too many non needed tags like The and off and such words. I just change to use titles only in hope to reduce this.

01-24-2010, 08:45 PM
Any conflict with vBSEO?

01-24-2010, 08:50 PM
What is not working?

If you do not want proposals to be made then simply disable this feature in options.

Whats not working as no tags are being added to new posts and no tags are being added to existing posts after I use your instructions to add tags to existing threads.

01-24-2010, 09:08 PM
I got the same as well adds too many non needed tags like The and off and such words. I just change to use titles only in hope to reduce this.

Admincp > Threadtagger

Ignored words for tags propositions

01-25-2010, 12:45 AM
just tagged my threads, any idea how I can fix this display issue?

See attachment


same problem

thanxx installed

??? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ?? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ????????
Medical marijuana patient (http://mmjp.org)

01-25-2010, 01:37 AM
Wow thank you i was waiting for this.

Installed and nominated for MOTM.

01-25-2010, 02:41 AM
Great! Been waiting for this one.

Rik Brown
01-25-2010, 03:48 AM
This mod looks great. I'm glad to see it for vb 4.0.

As a suggestion: We got several hundred pages of tag propositions to work through. When going through those, it would help a lot to have a "select all" and "deselect all" option on each page (select all 30 tags on the page) to speed up the process.

Thanks. -- Rik

01-25-2010, 06:13 AM
Sweet!! Thank you for this!

*** Installed *** :D

01-25-2010, 07:10 AM
Installed, works perfectly ;)

What about vBSEO conflicts?

01-25-2010, 08:22 AM
This mod looks great. I'm glad to see it for vb 4.0.

As a suggestion: We got several hundred pages of tag propositions to work through. When going through those, it would help a lot to have a "select all" and "deselect all" option on each page (select all 30 tags on the page) to speed up the process.

Thanks. -- Rik

+1 :up:

01-25-2010, 09:16 AM
IS there any site that has a whole list of Ignored words for tags propositions?

And as Rik Brown said, a "select all" would be awesome. Or an easy way to use CTRL + Click on each tag easily.

01-25-2010, 10:28 AM
Nominate for MOTM

Chicken Racer
01-25-2010, 01:10 PM
Works great thanks !

01-25-2010, 06:59 PM
I thought it will be good, but its not what i used in vB 3.x version

For a Topic "Notepad++ 5.6.5 Released"

It made these Tags

" * animated
* based
* display
* document
* download
* editor
* feature
* file
* files
* fix
* free
* gif
* html
* icons
* issue
* logo
* notepad
* programming
* recover
* released
* run
* set
* speed
* website
* windows

Means if some one is searching for Windows then this search will arrive which really gonna mess the Search friendly-ness you need to even disallow many words and tag should cover 2-3 or more words.


01-25-2010, 07:27 PM
Installed, thanks Michel

01-25-2010, 07:47 PM
thank you and keep the great work!

01-25-2010, 07:53 PM
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::called() in /usr/local/*******/includes/class_core.php on line 3829

and links in admincp broke, but thats proberly cause product dont install
so no phrases to get, i guess..


EDIT : all you thinking long tags going futher than the boxes, is a vbulletin bug,,
check vbulletin.com its error by default in vb4 and 4.0.1 not from this mod.

01-25-2010, 08:07 PM
too much tags for every post -.-

thereisn't a way to fix it only on TITLE?

01-25-2010, 09:43 PM
too much tags for every post -.-

thereisn't a way to fix it only on TITLE?

you can goto settings > options > tagging options

and set the max tags per thread etc..

01-25-2010, 09:44 PM
Perhaps i missed it in your description, But b4 i download and install. i was wondering if this version supports stop words. So that i dont get a bunch of trash tags when auto generating new tag list.

Perhaps you missed whole description ;) This mod will not create any new tag if you do not want to. It associates existing tags to threads. New tags are created only if you configure mod in such way. And there are also stop words :)

01-25-2010, 09:46 PM
just tagged my threads, any idea how I can fix this display issue?

See attachment

1. Go to vB team - if you are using default template then it means that they miss something.
2. Set limit for max amount of tags per thread

01-25-2010, 09:55 PM
I got the same as well adds too many non needed tags like The and off and such words. I just change to use titles only in hope to reduce this.

So what for you created not needed tags? Simply remove those and issue is gone :)

01-25-2010, 09:56 PM
Any conflict with vBSEO?

There is no such possibility :) This mod has nothing common with URLs. vBSEO has nothing common with making tags associations.

01-25-2010, 09:58 PM
This appears to be the result of NOT putting spaces after the comma, it seems. That happens sometimes, while other times it doesn't.

I saw this on one thread, at least so far, in the forums that were updated with this new version. But I fixed that by removing a few unneeded tags. But I'm also concerned.


Find template which shows tags and add space between those :) + ask vB team to include it in next release - it looks like little bug on their side.

01-25-2010, 10:04 PM
Whats not working as no tags are being added to new posts and no tags are being added to existing posts after I use your instructions to add tags to existing threads.

Please PM me access details to your forum. I have to check it.

But first:
1. please check your vB settings for tags. Especially max limits.
2. create new post using word which you know that exist as tag. If it will be added then everything is fine and nod is working like it should.

01-25-2010, 10:06 PM
This mod looks great. I'm glad to see it for vb 4.0.

As a suggestion: We got several hundred pages of tag propositions to work through. When going through those, it would help a lot to have a "select all" and "deselect all" option on each page (select all 30 tags on the page) to speed up the process.

Thanks. -- Rik

Already on TODO list ;) Thanks for suggestion :):up:

01-25-2010, 10:06 PM
Installed, works perfectly ;)

What about vBSEO conflicts?

What vBSEO conflicts?...

01-25-2010, 10:08 PM
New tags are created only if you configure mod in such way. And there are also stop words :)

doh...nm lol

01-25-2010, 10:12 PM
IS there any site that has a whole list of Ignored words for tags propositions?

And as Rik Brown said, a "select all" would be awesome. Or an easy way to use CTRL + Click on each tag easily.

If someone wants to public such words for specific language I will add it in first post giving credit for author :)

Personally I don't use propositions at all :p People just want this mod creating new tags, so I found a way to allow it without making total garbage in tags like some older mods did (+quarantine feature for those who wants this garbage). If you select propositions manually it will be fine after short time even without ignored words - same proposition will never appears twice.

01-25-2010, 10:15 PM
I thought it will be good, but its not what i used in vB 3.x version

For a Topic "Notepad++ 5.6.5 Released"

It made these Tags

" * animated
* based
* display
* document
* download
* editor
* feature
* file
* files
* fix
* free
* gif
* html
* icons
* issue
* logo
* notepad
* programming
* recover
* released
* run
* set
* speed
* website
* windows

Means if some one is searching for Windows then this search will arrive which really gonna mess the Search friendly-ness you need to even disallow many words and tag should cover 2-3 or more words.


I didn't get your point. Please describe it in other words. I do not understand the issue right now.

01-25-2010, 10:23 PM
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::called() in /usr/local/*******/includes/class_core.php on line 3829

and links in admincp broke, but thats proberly cause product dont install
so no phrases to get, i guess..


EDIT : all you thinking long tags going futher than the boxes, is a vbulletin bug,,
check vbulletin.com its error by default in vb4 and 4.0.1 not from this mod.

Error message which you gave is not related with tagger - tagger has no such method :p

Also there is no issue with Admin CP - just make full installation - you didn't import product file so phrase cannot be found - just like you guess. How you expect mod to work if you didn't installed it?...

And you are right - big boxes are not related with this tagger. This tagger has nothing common with displaying tags on forum :p

01-25-2010, 10:27 PM
too much tags for every post -.-

thereisn't a way to fix it only on TITLE?

It is on TODO list to allow configure it to use only title.

Also - use your vB settings for tags. Tagger honors max tags value. Let me know if you find out that there is a bug. But if it is not - then you simply have it as many as you told that you want by your settings ;)

01-25-2010, 10:29 PM
you can goto settings > options > tagging options

and set the max tags per thread etc..

Exactly :) And tagger is respecting it :) At least it was in vB3.8 version :D So let me know if I miss something here ;)

01-25-2010, 10:30 PM
doh...nm lol

Do not know this language :D

01-26-2010, 05:16 AM
For Tags to show up.

Admincp/options/tagging options.

Tag Cloud: Build Usergroup.. No permission check

01-26-2010, 10:46 AM
*shrugs*, I got way too many tags... And most of them don't even make any sense at all. And I have over 400 pages of tags, I can't really check them all out manually, takes way too much time. Is there anyway it can only tag thread titles and a few words in the post that makes some sense?

01-26-2010, 08:21 PM
*shrugs*, I got way too many tags... And most of them don't even make any sense at all. And I have over 400 pages of tags, I can't really check them all out manually, takes way too much time. Is there anyway it can only tag thread titles and a few words in the post that makes some sense?

+1 :up:

When I ran this on my test board it added a few tags that was not needed.

I have not ran this on my live site and don't think I will till it does its job a little better.

This is a step in the right direction. Keep up the great work.

01-26-2010, 09:17 PM
Error message which you gave is not related with tagger - tagger has no such method :p

Also there is no issue with Admin CP - just make full installation - you didn't import product file so phrase cannot be found - just like you guess. How you expect mod to work if you didn't installed it?...

And you are right - big boxes are not related with this tagger. This tagger has nothing common with displaying tags on forum :p

Ofcourse it is,,

I get this when trying to import the product file.
so cant import the product, when i try, the error appears..

01-26-2010, 09:48 PM
+1 :up:

When I ran this on my test board it added a few tags that was not needed.

I have not ran this on my live site and don't think I will till it does its job a little better.

This is a step in the right direction. Keep up the great work.

I just started adding blacklisted words. Yea it's not the best but it works.

01-27-2010, 01:11 AM
*shrugs*, I got way too many tags... And most of them don't even make any sense at all. And I have over 400 pages of tags, I can't really check them all out manually, takes way too much time. Is there anyway it can only tag thread titles and a few words in the post that makes some sense?

Same problem here. In addition to that, I have a rather small max width forum so the tag overlap and run out of the tag border. Could you add an option to limit the maximum amount of tags per thread?


01-27-2010, 02:05 AM
Same problem here. In addition to that, I have a rather small max width forum so the tag overlap and run out of the tag border. Could you add an option to limit the maximum amount of tags per thread?


This is defaulted in vbulliten. Look under tags in the admin panel if I remember right is where you can set the amount per thread.

01-27-2010, 02:05 AM
*shrugs*, I got way too many tags... And most of them don't even make any sense at all. And I have over 400 pages of tags, I can't really check them all out manually, takes way too much time. Is there anyway it can only tag thread titles and a few words in the post that makes some sense?

I got the same problem; example thread.

Title: Late nights! ffs

Message: I've been going to sleep very late, around 5AM/6AM am'ish and waking up close to 2PM. I tell yeah, its not fair on others around me. I need to sort this shit out before it's too late. I should be targeting to be in bed before 3 am, hence able to walk up early in return.

Tags for this Thread, created - listed below.

* bed
* bee
* close
* early
* fair
* ffs
* ish
* late
* nigh
* nights
* return
* shi
* shit
* sleep
* sort
* walk
* yeah

01-27-2010, 07:59 AM
It seems to me that we're all clammering for the same thing

- ability to select all tags, at least all tags on the tag page to make deletion easier
- ability to remove tags
- quarantine for any new tags

They should be fairly simply to include these fixes that would make it even more awesome.

01-27-2010, 09:26 AM
I was thinking something like this:

This Thread Tagger for 3.8 is working just perfect. Not trying to advertise, merely giving an example.

BTW, here's my "black list" for that tag software. Might come in use for you guys as well.

a,able,about,above,abroad,according,accordingly,ac ross,actually,adj,after,afterwards,again,against,a go,ahead,ain't,all,allow,allows,almost,alone,along ,alongside,already,also,although,always,am,amid,am idst,among,amongst,an,and,another,any,anybody,anyh ow,anyone,anything,anyway,anyways,anywhere,apart,a ppear,appreciate,appropriate,are,aren't,around,as, a's,aside,ask,asking,associated,at,available,away, awfully,b,back,backward,backwards,be,became,becaus e,become,becomes,becoming,been,before,beforehand,b egin,behind,being,believe,below,beside,besides,bes t,bet,er,between,beyond,both,brief,but,by,c,came,c an,cannot,cant,can't,caption,cause,causes,certain, certainly,changes,clerly,c'mon,co,co.,com,come,com es,concerning,consequently,consider,considering,co ntain,containing,contains,corresponding,could,coul dn't,course,c's,currently,d,dare,daren't,definitel y,described,despite,did,didn't,different,directly, do,does,doesn't,doing,done,don't,down,downwards,du ring,e,each,edu,eg,eight,eighty,either,else,elsewh ere,end,ending,enough,entirely,especially,et,etc,e ven,ever,evermore,every,everybody,everyone,everyth ing,everywhere,ex,exactly,example,except,f,fairly, far,farther,few,fewer,fifth,first,five,followed,fo llowing,follows,for,forever,former,formerly,forth, forward,found,four,from,further,furthermore,g,get, gets,getting,given,gives,go,goes,going,gone,got,go tten,greetings,h,had,hadn't,half,happens,hardly,ha s,hasn't,have,haven't,having,he,he'd,he'll,hello,h elp,hence,her,here,hereafter,hereby,herein,here's, hereupon,hers,herself,he's,hi,him,himself,his,hith er,hopefully,how,howbeit,however,hundred,i'd,ie,if ,ignored,i'll,i'm,immediate,in,inasmuch,inc,inc.,i ndeed,indicate,indicated,indicates,inner,inside,in sofar,instead,into,inward,is,isn't,it,it'd,it'll,i ts,it's,itself,i've,j,just,k,keep,keeps,kept,know, known,knows,l,last,lately,later,latter,latterly,le ast,less,lest,let,let's,like,liked,likely,likewise ,little,look,looking,looks,low,lower,ltd,m,made,ma inly,make,makes,many,may,maybe,mayn't,me,mean,mean time,meanwhile,merely,might,mightn't,mine,minus,mi ss,more,moreover,most,mostly,mr,mrs,much,must,must n't,my,myself,n,name,namely,nd,near,nearly,necessa ry,need,needn't,needs,neither,never,neverf,neverle ss,nevertheless,new,next,nine,ninety,no,nobody,non ,none,nonetheless,noone,noone,nor,normally,not,not hing,notwithstanding,novel,now,nowhere,o,obviously ,of,off,often,oh,ok,okay,old,on,once,one,ones,one' s,only,onto,oppsite,or,other,others,otherwise,ough t,oughtn't,our,ours,ourselves,out,outside,over,ove rall,own,p,particular,particularly,past,per,perhap s,placed,please,plus,possible,presumably,probably, provided,provides,q,que,quite,qv,r,rather,rd,re,re ally,reasonably,recent,recently,regarding,regardle ss,regards,relatively,respectively,right,round,s,s aid,same,saw,say,saying,says,second,secondly,see,s eeing,seem,seemed,seeming,seems,seen,self,selves,s ensible,sent,serious,seriously,seven,several,shall ,shan't,she,she'd,she'll,she's,should,shouldn't,si nce,six,so,some,somebody,someday,somehow,someone,s omething,sometime,sometimes,somewhat,somewhere,soo n,sorry.,specified.,specify.,specifying.,still,sub ,such,sup,sure,t,take,taken,taking,tell,tends,th,t han,thank,thanks,thanx,that,that'll,thats,that's,t hat've,the,their,theirs,them,themselves,then,thenc e,there,thereafter,thereby,there'd,therefore,there in,there'll,there're,theres,there's,thereupon,ther e've,these,they,they'd,they'll,they're,they've,thi ng,things,think,third,thirty,this,thorough,thoroug hly,those,though,three,through,throughout,thru,thu s,till,to,together,too,took,toward,towards,tried,t ries,truly,try,trying,t's,twice,two,u,un,under,und erneath,undoing,unfortunately,unless,unlike,unlike ly,until,unto,up,upon,upwards,us,use,used,useful,u ses,using,usually,v,value,various,versus,very,via, viz,vs,w,want,wants,was,wasn't,way,we,we'd,welcome ,well,we'll,went,were,we're,weren't,'ve,what,whate ver,what'll,what's,what've,when,whence,whenever,wh ere,whereafter,whereas,whereby,wherein,where's,whe reupon,wherever,whether,which,whichever,while,whil st,whither,who,who'd,,whole,who'll,whom,whomever,w ho's,whose,why,will,willing,wish,with,within,witho ut,wonder,won't,would,wouldn't,x,y,yes,yet,you,you 'd,you'll,your,you're,yours,yourself,yourselves,yo u've,z,zero,img,tha,tru,true,ure,yeah,kinda,man,li l,pre,ten,wanna,4th,put,plz,ers,123,added,cat,cha, ing,just,left,make,pos,size,test

Small list, but hope its good use for you guys. Might not be all perfect btw!

01-27-2010, 12:20 PM
why i sould use this mod? is for improve seo or page rank?

01-27-2010, 12:35 PM
You can improve your seo and the usability of your community. (Some user use the tag search :))

01-27-2010, 04:13 PM
It seems to me that we're all clammering for the same thing

- ability to select all tags, at least all tags on the tag page to make deletion easier
- ability to remove tags
- quarantine for any new tags

They should be fairly simply to include these fixes that would make it even more awesome.

Plus other options are;

1) Limiting the number of words, example words with 5 letters are included in the tag.

2) Option to tags thread title only, not the post/ or messages.

01-27-2010, 11:28 PM
I was thinking something like this:

This Thread Tagger for 3.8 is working just perfect. Not trying to advertise, merely giving an example.

BTW, here's my "black list" for that tag software. Might come in use for you guys as well.

Small list, but hope its good use for you guys. Might not be all perfect btw!

That is the mod I used to use and it worked great. The only reason that does not work is Vbulletin changed the way the tags are posted. So the sql tables are different.

01-28-2010, 12:11 AM
Installed...works great. Good to see a nice tag cloud now!
I was wondering how I could get some tags for my previous 5000 posts

Thank you!!!!

01-28-2010, 06:16 PM
I get this.

Fatal error: Call to a member function load_editor_settings() on a non-object in /home/clandigi/public_html/infernoshout/engine/inferno_load.php on line 24

Front Range
01-28-2010, 06:36 PM
Thanks for this, installed.

But I noticed now that I have more tags they overflow as attached. Any idea how to fix this little issue?

01-28-2010, 06:45 PM
Thanks for this, installed.

But I noticed now that I have more tags they overflow as attached. Any idea how to fix this little issue?

thats a vb4.0.1 bug no fix as of now(maybe 4.0.2) but you can set the ammount of tags shown in the box to eliminate the over until the bug is fixed.

01-30-2010, 02:19 AM
sorry but i cont clear tags

=> Clear All Tags Associations

Masturbatrix (http://www.++++tube.com/video/32894/masturbatrix)

01-30-2010, 05:06 AM
I can run the script to tag all posts but the automatic daily is not doing it. It shows in the scheduler and is active. No log activity from the script, not sure if thats normal. Definitely not updating the posts at 3am like its setup to do. Anything I should check?


01-31-2010, 08:50 PM
*shrugs*, I got way too many tags... And most of them don't even make any sense at all. And I have over 400 pages of tags, I can't really check them all out manually, takes way too much time. Is there anyway it can only tag thread titles and a few words in the post that makes some sense?

Just clean the mess which you already have in tags. Mod will use only existing tags. If you have tag it is assumed that it is important for you. Also - do not use quarantine time for propositions or just disable whole propositions functionality.

01-31-2010, 08:56 PM
+1 :up:

When I ran this on my test board it added a few tags that was not needed.

I have not ran this on my live site and don't think I will till it does its job a little better.

This is a step in the right direction. Keep up the great work.

Mod adds only needed tags (so included in message title or content). This is its job and it does it great. You will never have added not needed tag by this mod - it will never add tag which is not included in message title or content. If you found such - please note it as bug and I will correct it :)

01-31-2010, 09:00 PM
Ofcourse it is,,

I get this when trying to import the product file.
so cant import the product, when i try, the error appears..

So it is vB issue not the mod - cause mod is not installed yet and product file is fine. Ask vB team what is going on. Also some other mod which you already have can be a reason here.

01-31-2010, 09:01 PM
I just started adding blacklisted words. Yea it's not the best but it works.

What is not the best and for what? :)

01-31-2010, 09:06 PM
Same problem here. In addition to that, I have a rather small max width forum so the tag overlap and run out of the tag border. Could you add an option to limit the maximum amount of tags per thread?


No I can't - it already exists as vB native parameter and mod description clearly says that it is honored by mod.

If I add it again there will be lot of troubles. Why don't you just use existing parameter?

01-31-2010, 09:09 PM
I got the same problem; example thread.

Tags for this Thread, created - listed below.

* bed
* bee
* close
* early
* fair
* ffs
* ish
* late
* nigh
* nights
* return
* shi
* shit
* sleep
* sort
* walk
* yeah

So what is the problem? Which tags are wrong?

01-31-2010, 09:13 PM
It seems to me that we're all clammering for the same thing

- ability to select all tags, at least all tags on the tag page to make deletion easier
- ability to remove tags
- quarantine for any new tags

They should be fairly simply to include these fixes that would make it even more awesome.

1. Note it to vB team - tags page is vB native.
2. This is already possible as vB native functionality
3. What for?

01-31-2010, 09:17 PM
I was thinking something like this:

This Thread Tagger for 3.8 is working just perfect. Not trying to advertise, merely giving an example.

In my opinion mod which you are pointing at makes horrible mess in tags. Run it and your tags will become a big garbage.

This is why I created this mod - to have tagger which allows to keep clean tags.

01-31-2010, 09:23 PM
why i sould use this mod? is for improve seo or page rank?

Whatever reason you want ;)

01-31-2010, 09:25 PM
Plus other options are;

1) Limiting the number of words, example words with 5 letters are included in the tag.

2) Option to tags thread title only, not the post/ or messages.

1) already exists as vB native option and mod description clearly says that it is respected. If you found that it is not then report it as bug. But first just use it.

2) Already on TODO list :) + you can already set ti to not add tags when replies come.

01-31-2010, 09:28 PM
That is the mod I used to use and it worked great. The only reason that does not work is Vbulletin changed the way the tags are posted. So the sql tables are different.

And that is the reason why you have total mess in your tags and over 400 pages of those...

01-31-2010, 09:32 PM
I get this.

Fatal error: Call to a member function load_editor_settings() on a non-object in /home/clandigi/public_html/infernoshout/engine/inferno_load.php on line 24

Not related to the mod.

01-31-2010, 09:33 PM
Thanks for this, installed.

But I noticed now that I have more tags they overflow as attached. Any idea how to fix this little issue?

This is vB bug. Find appropriate template and add space between tags.

01-31-2010, 09:35 PM
sorry but i cont clear tags

=> Clear All Tags Associations


What happens when you try?

01-31-2010, 09:45 PM
I can run the script to tag all posts but the automatic daily is not doing it. It shows in the scheduler and is active. No log activity from the script, not sure if thats normal. Definitely not updating the posts at 3am like its setup to do. Anything I should check?


There should be log activity. And what happens when you run task manually (there are 2 tasks one is working for tagging 2nd for propositions - 2nd one only when quarantine is set)? 1st will work only if you set Cron used id; 2nd if quarantine time is set.

01-31-2010, 09:56 PM
I just installed this... I'm not sure what I was waiting for to get this but I'm glad I did download it. Thank you!

01-31-2010, 10:14 PM
Installed :D

Rik Brown
02-01-2010, 02:00 AM
*shrugs*, I got way too many tags... And most of them don't even make any sense at all. And I have over 400 pages of tags, I can't really check them all out manually, takes way too much time. Is there anyway it can only tag thread titles and a few words in the post that makes some sense?
I had the same problem. What I ended up doing is editing the tags table directly from mysql (we use a mysql frontend named Navicat). Once I pruned the tags list down to much fewer tags (I think about 700) things became much more manageable for us.

Essentially, we had too many tags (not the mod's fault) because we had so many posts. Once you get the tags in which you are really interested, re-tagging is simple and works great. So you might find using a mysql frontend initially until you've pruned out the unnecessary tags. That worked great for us.

ps: This is a great mod!

02-02-2010, 07:02 PM

are you thinking to add this mod for CMS articles too?

02-02-2010, 09:23 PM

are you thinking to add this mod for CMS articles too?

Yes - as it is written in mod description at this moment mod adds tags only for thread, but in future release it will support also other taggable content :) It just have to wait for its tour . Right now I have other priority - it is making version of this translator for vB4 (http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.com/) - you can right now use it with vB4 as free version (see here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=232456)), but I have really big preassure from people which already bought commercial version which is now only for vB3.8 and want to use it in vB4. So I hope you understand - I have to worry about my customers first.
After that will come great upgrades for this free mod :) I have already full TODO list for it ;)

02-03-2010, 05:25 AM
So I hope you understand - I have to worry about my customers first.


just keep your customers not waiting..
i/we have time as you are doing it for us for free :)

thank you anyway for the ATFMCaT!

02-03-2010, 07:54 AM
Installed - Thank you!! :D

02-03-2010, 08:42 AM
dzięki, zainstalowane :)

02-03-2010, 09:00 AM

Is there a way to delete all the previous added tags (I used in the past the auto tagger for vb 3.8 and it left behind thousands and thousands of unuseful tags)?

Thank you in advance.

02-04-2010, 05:22 AM

Is there a way to delete all the previous added tags (I used in the past the auto tagger for vb 3.8 and it left behind thousands and thousands of unuseful tags)?

Thank you in advance.

Hi. Many people are asking about it (having garbage in tags left from other tagger), but I do not want to add such functionality to my mod, cause it is potentially to harmful. So you can delete it manually by Admin CP, or by some mySQL client - directly in data base.

Also - after that please take attention how you configure this tagger. It also has possibility to create new tags - I do not like it nor do not use it personally, but it is added for users who asked for it. Look close on tags propositions and quarantine time for more details :) With default configuration it will not create new tags (still will cerate tags propositions) - just associate existing tags to appropriate messages :)

02-05-2010, 03:12 PM
at first I clicked "clear all tags associations"
after that I clicked "add tags to all threads"
but for some reason it keep stopping somewhere around 4000 each time.
is it possible to do it in different bulks?
so I take 4000 many times?

02-05-2010, 07:21 PM
i've installed, and i can't figure out why it's not really doing anything. tried putting new threads in to test, and it didn't add anything.


02-06-2010, 03:21 PM
nice mod thanks

02-06-2010, 09:30 PM
Mod is not removing any tags - ever. You can simply check it's code

That's bullshit, cause I cleared all tag associations, and it removed all the existing tags off my site. Now I have ZERO tags. And now it won't create new ones based on the existing content. I'm royally pissed.

02-07-2010, 07:52 AM
at first I clicked "clear all tags associations"
after that I clicked "add tags to all threads"
but for some reason it keep stopping somewhere around 4000 each time.
is it possible to do it in different bulks?
so I take 4000 many times?

would appreciate it if developer can answer the quote in this message as well.
one more thing, my users tend to make all these xxxrated tags for some reason, is it possible to let this thread tagger take care of all tags and disable makin tags for my users?
please let me know

02-08-2010, 10:36 AM
at first I clicked "clear all tags associations"
after that I clicked "add tags to all threads"
but for some reason it keep stopping somewhere around 4000 each time.
is it possible to do it in different bulks?
so I take 4000 many times?

Use parameter Threads per page

02-08-2010, 10:37 AM
i've installed, and i can't figure out why it's not really doing anything. tried putting new threads in to test, and it didn't add anything.


Please read mod description and then ask questions. Do you have any tags created in your forum?

02-08-2010, 10:45 AM
That's bullshit, cause I cleared all tag associations, and it removed all the existing tags off my site. Now I have ZERO tags. And now it won't create new ones based on the existing content. I'm royally pissed.

As you nicely described you removed tags ASSOCIATIONS - tags where not removed. You can see all your tags in AdminCP -> Thread Tagger -> Tags. None of your tags was removed. Only associations. So once again as I already wrote: This mod will never remove any tag.

Also instead of pissing out and shouting bullshit here just RTFM. Go once again to clearing associations and read what is written there. Keep special attention on the last sentence + once again RTFM (mod automatically associates tags to new content, for old one you have special task).

02-08-2010, 10:51 AM
would appreciate it if developer can answer the quote in this message as well.
one more thing, my users tend to make all these xxxrated tags for some reason, is it possible to let this thread tagger take care of all tags and disable makin tags for my users?
please let me know

First - see previous post :) Also - I'm answering all questions. Still like to have weekend from time to time or have my own issues. So I would appreciate if no one will hurry me up. Since I'm giving free support spending my free time you can just wait and think that I have my own live too - thanks :):up:

About disabling possibility of making tags by your users. It is already in vB - just play with usergroups rights. Please test it later to be sure that mod still can associate tags to threads.

02-08-2010, 03:16 PM
As you nicely described you removed tags ASSOCIATIONS - tags where not removed. You can see all your tags in AdminCP -> Thread Tagger -> Tags. None of your tags was removed. Only associations. So once again as I already wrote: This mod will never remove any tag.

Also instead of pissing out and shouting bullshit here just RTFM. Go once again to clearing associations and read what is written there. Keep special attention on the last sentence + once again RTFM (mod automatically associates tags to new content, for old one you have special task).

Well regardless of what you're trying to tell me, it removed all the tags from all the posts. I no longer have any tags attached to any messages. I've followed your directions to the T, and it's not creating tags on the posts, and it removed tags from all my posts. My tag cloud is emptied and not one posts has tags left on it.

So I'm considering that "removing tags".

02-08-2010, 03:17 PM
Please read mod description and then ask questions. Do you have any tags created in your forum?

It's showing lists of tags, but it's not attaching anything to any of the posts.

02-08-2010, 03:30 PM
Here's a screenshot of the tags, and such.

02-10-2010, 11:34 AM
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.1:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT forum.forumid, forum.lastpost, forum.lastposter, forum.lastposterid, forum.lastthread, forum.lastthreadid, forum.lasticonid, forum.threadcount, forum.replycount, forum.lastpostid, forum.lastprefixid, default_tags_ids, user.usergroupid, user.homepage, user.options AS useroptions, IF(userlist.friend = 'yes', 1, 0) AS isfriend

FROM forum AS forum

LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (user.userid = forum.lastposterid)
LEFT JOIN userlist AS userlist ON (userlist.relationid = user.userid AND userlist.type = 'buddy' AND userlist.userid = 1);

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'default_tags_ids' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Wednesday, February 10th 2010 @ 08:32:42 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, February 10th 2010 @ 08:32:42 AM
Script : http://www..com/forum.php
Referrer : http://www..com/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=11
IP Address :
Username : mikey
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.51a-log

getting this error please help

02-10-2010, 11:39 AM
Use parameter Threads per page

thank you for replying.
regarding create tags propositions for all titles and add tags to all threads.
does it mather in which order I run them ?
or should I run one of them first and the other second? just to be sure so I dont do anything wrong.

Boosted Panda
02-10-2010, 02:16 PM
Well regardless of what you're trying to tell me, it removed all the tags from all the posts. I no longer have any tags attached to any messages. I've followed your directions to the T, and it's not creating tags on the posts, and it removed tags from all my posts. My tag cloud is emptied and not one posts has tags left on it.

So I'm considering that "removing tags".

Restore the backup you made before you initiated that action... oh wait... let me guess... you didn't backup?

02-10-2010, 02:35 PM
Restore the backup you made before you initiated that action... oh wait... let me guess... you didn't backup?

Not an issue, the forum is small. My point is that he's claiming one thing, and it's not the case. Did you just need to throw your little two cents in to feed your fragile ego?

02-10-2010, 03:41 PM
how much resource it take?

02-10-2010, 04:07 PM
Well regardless of what you're trying to tell me, it removed all the tags from all the posts. I no longer have any tags attached to any messages. I've followed your directions to the T, and it's not creating tags on the posts, and it removed tags from all my posts. My tag cloud is emptied and not one posts has tags left on it.

So I'm considering that "removing tags".

You considering that "removing tags" because you do not know what is tag and what is tag association. According to this discussion you already should see the difference - especially that I gave you a way to find out that all your tags still exists in your database - did you go there ans saw that all your tags still exists?. Those are just not assigned to any thread (since you manually and with intention removed all tags associations) and that is why your cloud is empty - cloud counts for each tag its associations and most popular are displayed as bigger one - that how it works. Tags without any associations are not displayed in cloud since it has no sense.

So once again: This mod will never remove any tag - it can remove all your tags associations if you manually trigger it - what is made by users usually to do re association in next step and be sure that tags are only associated if keyword is included in message.

Why did you removed your associations having no idea what it is - it is your mystery. But you made it with intension since it doesn't work if you click link by mistake - there is another view with information what it does and question are you sure that you want to do it. Also with information what to do later. So it needs 3 clicks to do it. And since we are discussing it I assume that you intentionally clicked "YES" for option "Clear All Tags Associations" and after that you committed it by clicking "Save" - so mod didn't remove you even tags associations. You did it using this mod. And after that you started shouting here shits and describing how much you are pissed off because mod just did what you precisely asked him...

Also - I have no idea what is the issue right now, because I gave you also instructions how to re associate tags - did you try it?

And also 2 - I'm not trying to tell you anything - I'm telling you. And because I wrote this mod and I know how vB database structure looks and how it works in area of tagging it would be wise from your side to at least follow hints which I gave you last time before argue again having no idea how it works - thanks :)

02-10-2010, 04:15 PM
It's showing lists of tags, but it's not attaching anything to any of the posts.

Please create me test account on your forum with any rights - I just need some place where I can write test message and possibility to see what tags exists right now (you can just write me 3-4 tags which exists in your vB). PM me details - I will check it :)

02-10-2010, 04:18 PM
Here's a screenshot of the tags, and such.

You have wrong cron user ID - there should be ID not username. Please find your user by Admin CP and you will find what is his ID :) Also In next release I will add there in description - clearly that id is not username :)

02-10-2010, 04:26 PM
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.1:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT forum.forumid, forum.lastpost, forum.lastposter, forum.lastposterid, forum.lastthread, forum.lastthreadid, forum.lasticonid, forum.threadcount, forum.replycount, forum.lastpostid, forum.lastprefixid, default_tags_ids, user.usergroupid, user.homepage, user.options AS useroptions, IF(userlist.friend = 'yes', 1, 0) AS isfriend

FROM forum AS forum

LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (user.userid = forum.lastposterid)
LEFT JOIN userlist AS userlist ON (userlist.relationid = user.userid AND userlist.type = 'buddy' AND userlist.userid = 1);

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'default_tags_ids' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Wednesday, February 10th 2010 @ 08:32:42 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, February 10th 2010 @ 08:32:42 AM
Script : http://www..com/forum.php
Referrer : http://www..com/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=11
IP Address :
Username : mikey
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.51a-log

getting this error please help

It looks like installation goes wrong - did you imported product file? Please try uninstall and install mod again. If it still happens please PM me access details to your Admin CP and FTP - I will help you. As I see in your log - it happens during new thread creation. I cannot reproduce it on my side - so I need your assistance here. Thanks :)

02-10-2010, 04:30 PM
thank you for replying.
regarding create tags propositions for all titles and add tags to all threads.
does it mather in which order I run them ?
or should I run one of them first and the other second? just to be sure so I dont do anything wrong.

It doesn't matter which order you will use. Also - please read first what propositions are and how it works. I recommend to nod use propositions at all if you want to keep your tags clear. Or if you think you will need some help with choosing what should be a tag - then you can use propositions for this. Propositions will not mess with your tags until you manually promote proposition to a tag or you set quarantine time to have it done automatically (very bad idea, but some people was asking about it).

02-10-2010, 04:32 PM
Restore the backup you made before you initiated that action... oh wait... let me guess... you didn't backup?

It is not needed - mod have task for associating tags to existing threads :) Just have to trigger it manually.

02-10-2010, 04:34 PM
Not an issue, the forum is small. My point is that he's claiming one thing, and it's not the case. Did you just need to throw your little two cents in to feed your fragile ego?

Please without biting. Admins on this forum didn't like it and don't hesitate to use power. Know that from my own experience ;) For personal things use PM

02-10-2010, 04:37 PM
how much resource it take?

You can consider it as none. Of course some is taken, but only when new posts arrives - so mod have no impact on performance during forum display.
+there is task which associates new tags to old posts - this one is working at night and for many forums it is very rare to have new tags.

02-10-2010, 04:39 PM
It looks like installation goes wrong - did you imported product file? Please try uninstall and install mod again. If it still happens please PM me access details to your Admin CP and FTP - I will help you. As I see in your log - it happens during new thread creation. I cannot reproduce it on my side - so I need your assistance here. Thanks :)

Reinstall fixed it ! Thanks

02-10-2010, 05:54 PM
after uninstall it remain in my admincp


02-10-2010, 06:42 PM
Please remove all files of Automatic Tagger :)

02-11-2010, 09:05 AM
Use parameter Threads per page

when the parameter was at 200 it stopped after 4000 threads, then I changed paramter to 100 and it stopped after 9000 threads, then I set parameter to 40 and still stop and 9000 threads.
what todo?
I would really like to tag all threads.

02-11-2010, 03:00 PM
how do i uninstall and remove all files? if i uninstall in the products/plugins I still have menu..

edit: I figured it out. just delete all the uploaded files after uninstalling.

02-11-2010, 03:20 PM
Sooooo is this worth adding?

02-11-2010, 06:17 PM
after uninstall it remain in my admincp


Remove files which you uploaded on server from tagger package :) Especially from /includes/xml directory

02-11-2010, 06:20 PM
when the parameter was at 200 it stopped after 4000 threads, then I changed paramter to 100 and it stopped after 9000 threads, then I set parameter to 40 and still stop and 9000 threads.
what todo?
I would really like to tag all threads.

This is really weird because when it comes with packages then you cannot timeout - simply each package is different request. Does it stops exactly on same thread each time? What happens when it stops - it sops in half of page or doesn't go to another package? If you PM me access detail to your forum I can look at it and solve it.

02-11-2010, 06:24 PM
Sooooo is this worth adding?

Over 200 forums officially say - YES :) Not officially something between 200 and 400 and if you add also version for vB3.8 then it makes between 500 and 2000 :)
Now - make your own decision :)

02-12-2010, 02:42 PM
is this hack working now or are there problems with this ?! i have vb 4.0.1

Doctor Death
02-12-2010, 04:32 PM
Works fine on my 4.0.1 board.

02-12-2010, 06:55 PM
you have only the forum or the suite ?

because i have read some postings here that the people have problems - or the problems only in case of wrong installation of the hack oder wrong settings ?

02-13-2010, 03:04 PM
no check all option is a killer. no way i can check every other box in over 100+ pages by hand

02-13-2010, 04:50 PM
not to step on any toes but here's some javascript i added to check or uncheck all the boxes in tags propositions. feel free to use this code in your next release or not. :)

<!-- Begin
function selectall(obj) {
var checkBoxes = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (i = 0; i < checkBoxes.length; i++) {
if (obj.checked == false) {
checkBoxes[i].checked = true; // this checks all the boxes
} else {
checkBoxes[i].checked = false; // this unchecks all the boxes
// End -->

<input type="button" name="selectall1" value="Check/Uncheck All" onClick="selectall(this);">

i've only tested it in firefox

02-17-2010, 03:44 PM
add 0 tags to ..........

and all my tags is ---------- go


02-17-2010, 04:16 PM
you have only the forum or the suite ?

because i have read some postings here that the people have problems - or the problems only in case of wrong installation of the hack oder wrong settings ?

I do not remember any issue which was caused by bug and is not fixed. If you worry and want to feel safe - simply backup your DB before installation :)

02-17-2010, 04:18 PM
no check all option is a killer. no way i can check every other box in over 100+ pages by hand

Yes I know. Sorry for that. I have already on TODO list to add Check All option for tags propositions, but it have to wait for it's turn (now I'm working on other mod and it has priority). After all - you can just turn of propositions ;)

02-17-2010, 04:19 PM
not to step on any toes but here's some javascript i added to check or uncheck all the boxes in tags propositions. feel free to use this code in your next release or not. :)

<!-- Begin
function selectall(obj) {
var checkBoxes = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (i = 0; i < checkBoxes.length; i++) {
if (obj.checked == false) {
checkBoxes[i].checked = true; // this checks all the boxes
} else {
checkBoxes[i].checked = false; // this unchecks all the boxes
// End -->

<input type="button" name="selectall1" value="Check/Uncheck All" onClick="selectall(this);">

i've only tested it in firefox

Great thanks. I already had examples but I will also look at this one (probably will be the same ;))

02-17-2010, 04:25 PM
add 0 tags to ..........

and all my tags is ---------- go


This mod never removes tags - you can go to Tags option and see that those are still there. Of course if you used option to remove tags associations those where removed.
If you want to re-associate tags you need to configure Cron user id - remember put there id (number) not username and then use the option.

If you will have still issues please PM me :) I will check it out.

02-17-2010, 05:57 PM
This is vB bug. Find appropriate template and add space between tags.

In tagbit

Replace this...

<li><a href="tags.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}tag={vb:raw tag_url}<vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread'">&amp;forumid={vb:raw show.tagforumid}</vb:if>">{vb:raw tag}</a></li>

With this...

<li><a href="tags.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}tag={vb:raw tag_url}<vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread'">&amp;forumid={vb:raw show.tagforumid}</vb:if>">{vb:raw tag}&nbsp;

Adding this &nbsp; took care of the overflow problem.

02-17-2010, 08:12 PM
This mod never removes tags - you can go to Tags option and see that those are still there. Of course if you used option to remove tags associations those where removed.
If you want to re-associate tags you need to configure Cron user id - remember put there id (number) not username and then use the option.

If you will have still issues please PM me :) I will check it out.

I did all option and stell not back



02-19-2010, 09:49 PM
i have a problem that the tags are all inserted in one single line and this disfigures the page layout.
is there any way to make this mod put tags in new lines when the first line runs out of spcae?

02-19-2010, 10:12 PM
I did all option and stell not back



Please PM me access details to your Admin CP and FTP (it can be to real forum or test one but with content) - I will check it on place.
Also please tell me does in your case tags are added to new threads? Please create test one with words which you know that are tags and check it.
Can be that we have some encoding issues here.

02-19-2010, 10:13 PM
i have a problem that the tags are all inserted in one single line and this disfigures the page layout.
is there any way to make this mod put tags in new lines when the first line runs out of spcae?

This is vB bug. And here you have solution:

Also you can limit tags number by vB options :)

02-22-2010, 01:11 PM
I'm getting the following error when trying to import the product. Any suggestions? I did already upload the files.

Fatal error: Call to a member function load_editor_settings() on a non-object in /home/truechea/public_html/forums/infernoshout/engine/inferno_load.php on line 24

That file there is the chat box I'm using...could this mod be incompatible with it?

02-22-2010, 03:46 PM
Proposition of English ignored words for tags propositions (Thanks to FF|Skyrider for giving those):

Where can I get a list like this but in Spanish?

02-22-2010, 08:30 PM
I've disabled "Thread Tagging" because I don't want that box as an option while a user posts.

I would like to use this mod to just automatically tag the threads. Can I still use it with "Thread Tagging" disabled? If I need to enable it for this mod, is there a way I can hide the tag box in the posting screen?


02-23-2010, 11:42 AM
hey, is there any option or way to remove all the tags like i want to remove tags there are so many tags and there is no option to select all is there any way i can delete all it up?

02-23-2010, 04:43 PM
I'm getting the following error when trying to import the product. Any suggestions? I did already upload the files.

Fatal error: Call to a member function load_editor_settings() on a non-object in /home/truechea/public_html/forums/infernoshout/engine/inferno_load.php on line 24

That file there is the chat box I'm using...could this mod be incompatible with it?

It is not yet installed so it is hard to tell about incompatibility - especially that tagger is working in completely different areas.
Your chat box most probably have some error.

1. Can you import any other mod
2. Try do disable chat box - import product and enable chat box again.
3. Contact with chat box mod author for help (his mod is causing the issue)

02-23-2010, 04:44 PM
Where can I get a list like this but in Spanish?

Have no idea :) If someone provide it I will put it in first post for others. Personally I prefer to not use tags propositions at all (disable it).

02-23-2010, 04:45 PM
I've disabled "Thread Tagging" because I don't want that box as an option while a user posts.

I would like to use this mod to just automatically tag the threads. Can I still use it with "Thread Tagging" disabled? If I need to enable it for this mod, is there a way I can hide the tag box in the posting screen?


There is no any tag box - are you sure you are writing about this mod?

02-23-2010, 04:47 PM
hey, is there any option or way to remove all the tags like i want to remove tags there are so many tags and there is no option to select all is there any way i can delete all it up?

Tags view is native vB functionality - please ask vB team about such thing.

02-23-2010, 05:36 PM
There is no any tag box - are you sure you are writing about this mod?

I was meaning the default vb tag box that appears under the main post editing body. I've disabled that because I don't want my users trying to figure out what a tag is.

But... I do want to utilize tags for a tag cloud. So I'd like the auto tagger, I just don't want my users to waste their time trying to learn about tags. (internet noobs)

So I'm wondering since I've disabled Tagging in vbulletin options, will this auto tagger mod still work? I'm guessing not.

So in that case I might have to find a way to just hide the default vb tag input box.

02-24-2010, 05:29 PM
I was meaning the default vb tag box that appears under the main post editing body. I've disabled that because I don't want my users trying to figure out what a tag is.

But... I do want to utilize tags for a tag cloud. So I'd like the auto tagger, I just don't want my users to waste their time trying to learn about tags. (internet noobs)

So I'm wondering since I've disabled Tagging in vbulletin options, will this auto tagger mod still work? I'm guessing not.

So in that case I might have to find a way to just hide the default vb tag input box.

You know - just test it :) I remember that tagger checks allowed number of tags per thread, but I do not remember to check does tagging is allowed at all. So possibly it will work.
If not - turn tagging on and modify vB template to not show tags box :)

02-24-2010, 05:33 PM
You know - just test it :) I remember that tagger checks allowed number of tags per thread, but I do not remember to check does tagging is allowed at all. So possibly it will work.
If not - turn tagging on and modify vB template to not show tags box :)

I'll have to try it. I'm just not up and running yet with my VB installation. Hopefully next week.


02-25-2010, 07:40 PM
nice, it's soo great, but can you please add (select all) on Tags Propositions form ??
that will be more easy for us to insert all words


02-25-2010, 08:32 PM
Excellent! Convenient! Useful! I am very pleased! I give five and install the forum!

02-26-2010, 07:47 PM
hey, is there any option or way to remove all the tags like i want to remove tags there are so many tags and there is no option to select all is there any way i can delete all it up?

I need this too... my tag is full of nonsense now... 675 pages of it :(

Other than that excellent mod, just wish I coud remove my tags to start over...

02-27-2010, 11:42 PM
nice, it's soo great, but can you please add (select all) on Tags Propositions form ??
that will be more easy for us to insert all words


Already on TODO list :)

Also if you want all words be promoted to tags just use quarantine. But be aware - this easily goes to real mess in tags.

02-27-2010, 11:44 PM
I need this too... my tag is full of nonsense now... 675 pages of it :(

Other than that excellent mod, just wish I coud remove my tags to start over...

Please ask vB team for that. I will not add such functionality to mod, because it is possibly to harmful.

02-28-2010, 03:29 AM
This doesnt even seem to tag anything I post... how can I make this mod work?

02-28-2010, 10:18 PM
This doesnt even seem to tag anything I post... how can I make this mod work?

First read how this mod is working. Then check does it working. If not - ask for help :)

Mod will tag if in message exist key words which are already defined as tags. Read mod description :) There are also examples.

03-01-2010, 07:49 PM
Uinstalled and it's left the navigation in... If your mod has to make a link to itself at the very top of the admin sidebar... at least remove it when the products uninstalled.

03-02-2010, 01:51 AM
not work on me. i have 1500 pages of Tags Propositions but when i do add tags to the thread. no tags have been added. it showed me blank. Do you know what is happening?

03-02-2010, 01:54 AM
if I'm manually approved each tags on the Tags Propositions pages. Then it showed in tags page.

How do i auto approve all tags on the Tags Propositions pages

03-02-2010, 02:03 AM
I have over 1500+ pages of Tags Propositions. No select all button and no auto taggger like the one from version 3.84

03-02-2010, 05:42 PM
Uinstalled and it's left the navigation in... If your mod has to make a link to itself at the very top of the admin sidebar... at least remove it when the products uninstalled.

Remove it yourself - just delete files which you uploaded :)

03-02-2010, 05:42 PM
not work on me. i have 1500 pages of Tags Propositions but when i do add tags to the thread. no tags have been added. it showed me blank. Do you know what is happening?

Can you PM me access details to your Admin CP and FTP?

03-02-2010, 05:43 PM
if I'm manually approved each tags on the Tags Propositions pages. Then it showed in tags page.

How do i auto approve all tags on the Tags Propositions pages

Just use Quarantine Time - see in configuration options :) It will promote Propositions to tags itself if you use Quarantine. But it is easiest way to have real mess in your tags. So think do you really want to have such amount of tags...

03-08-2010, 03:35 AM
<font size="2">Cron user id</font>

"If you want your new tags to be added to old threads, then you have to set id of user which will be used by cron as tag adder."

Sorry, can somebody explain this to me? I'm having trouble adding tags to old threads and I'm guessing this might be the answer.

So, my administrator user account has the user id of "1". So do I just put 1 in this box? I've tried this, and the tags aren't being added to the old threads.

or... after I do this, do I need to perform another task?

03-10-2010, 07:31 PM
Cron user id

"If you want your new tags to be added to old threads, then you have to set id of user which will be used by cron as tag adder."

Sorry, can somebody explain this to me? I'm having trouble adding tags to old threads and I'm guessing this might be the answer.

So, my administrator user account has the user id of "1". So do I just put 1 in this box? I've tried this, and the tags aren't being added to the old threads.

or... after I do this, do I need to perform another task?

This should be enough. If you PM me access details to your Admin CP and FTP I can check it and correct if there is some bug.
Please note that tagger have scheduled task which daily adds new tags to existing threads. New means - created in last 24 hours. If you want to add older tags to your threads then you have to manually trigger: Add Tags To All Threads. You will find it in tagger menu.

If it will not work - then I need access to your forum to check it.

03-11-2010, 02:06 AM
I've a trouble, when I click on add tags to all thread it reload the page but doesn't do nothing... just still looping on the page and reload

03-12-2010, 12:24 AM
I've a trouble, when I click on add tags to all thread it reload the page but doesn't do nothing... just still looping on the page and reload

Please PM me access details to your Admin CP and FTP - I will check it and correct it there.

03-12-2010, 05:34 AM
I uploaded this and got no thread tagger option and it made it to when i made a new post it wouldnt redirect you to the post but to a blank page. Any ideas on how to fix this?

03-12-2010, 12:49 PM
Please PM me access details to your Admin CP and FTP - I will check it and correct it there.

I'll try to create a test zone with access for you, for FTP I can't help you, I haven't FTP service on my forum, I use SSH by certificate, if you are on MSN or Skype we can try to check it togheter

03-12-2010, 02:56 PM
So is there any way to delete all of my tags and start over? I must have made a mistake and it created 500 pages of tags. :eek:

I only want to use about 50 tags total, but now I've got thousands.

Uninstalling the mod doesn't get rid of the tags. Is there any way to edit my database to get rid of these and start over?

03-12-2010, 05:33 PM
Same here man, Anyone can tell me how to Delete All tags :(.

Plus at Owner of the mod can you introduce an option like that makes tags from Title only?

Manoel J?nior
03-13-2010, 02:50 AM
Help-me, please:

I import product and...:

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/global.php(29) : eval()'d code on line 39

03-13-2010, 06:48 AM
thanks work nice , i love your plugin

03-16-2010, 06:58 AM
will it work on 4.0.2 ?

03-18-2010, 10:47 PM
I uploaded this and got no thread tagger option and it made it to when i made a new post it wouldnt redirect you to the post but to a blank page. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Make sure you uploaded ALL necessary files to your server :)

03-18-2010, 10:48 PM
I'll try to create a test zone with access for you, for FTP I can't help you, I haven't FTP service on my forum, I use SSH by certificate, if you are on MSN or Skype we can try to check it togheter

Without any way to upload new versions of files it will be very hard to diagnose and correct the issue :/

03-18-2010, 10:52 PM
So is there any way to delete all of my tags and start over? I must have made a mistake and it created 500 pages of tags. :eek:

I only want to use about 50 tags total, but now I've got thousands.

Uninstalling the mod doesn't get rid of the tags. Is there any way to edit my database to get rid of these and start over?

That happens when you play configuration without reading what does it means. By default tagger is not creating new tags and only associate existing one to threads. You directly told mod to add new ones (by setting quarantine time) so it did what you asked him for. It is really good when software id doing what it suppose to do :D

If you want to remove all your tags please ask vB stuff how to do this. Such functionality will not be supported by this mod as potentially to harmful.

03-18-2010, 10:53 PM
Same here man, Anyone can tell me how to Delete All tags :(.

Plus at Owner of the mod can you introduce an option like that makes tags from Title only?

About removing tags - see previous post.

About additional option - already on TODO list :) Also please note that tags propositions are made ONLY basing on titles right now. So new tags can be created by mod only basing on titles. Message body is used to associate existing tags to thread.

03-18-2010, 10:57 PM
Help-me, please:

I import product and...:

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/global.php(29) : eval()'d code on line 39

It is not cosed by tagger. In 29 line of global.php there is global_start hook - this mod is not using it. Disable one by one each plugin which uses global_start hook and you wil find guilty :)

03-18-2010, 10:57 PM
will it work on 4.0.2 ?

Should :) Try it ;)

03-18-2010, 10:58 PM
thanks work nice , i love your plugin

Great thanks :D:up:

03-19-2010, 02:21 AM
Hello this is an excellent Mod.

One question though, sometimes when I create a thread title and use words like "new" or "hello" it tells me I cannot use these words and I am unable to create the thread. To fix these do I just add these words to that long list in the admin cp? Thank you again.

03-19-2010, 01:42 PM
By default tagger is not creating new tags and only associate existing one to threads. You directly told mod to add new ones (by setting quarantine time)

OK, fortunately this was only on our dev site. So if I create 50 tags, and I DON'T set a quarantine time, this won't happen again? I just wanted to make sure.


03-19-2010, 06:21 PM
Should :) Try it ;)
it doesnt work on 4.0.2, i tried and get a lot of nothing. yes i uploaded all the files.

03-20-2010, 04:33 AM
Just a suggestion, but on the proposed tags pages add a button to select all or select none. Otherwise, great mod!

03-20-2010, 04:50 AM
thanks so much for the product I was waiting for it :)

03-22-2010, 11:36 PM
Maybe an option to select tags containing - and . just once and not on ends - URL as tags. Otherwise great.

Dont you have polish blacklist? :> Dzięki :)

03-23-2010, 02:27 AM
it doesnt work on 4.0.2, i tried and get a lot of nothing. yes i uploaded all the files.

niether me ,,,

4.0.2 pl2 <<<<

03-23-2010, 04:20 AM
does it work with cms or only with forum

03-23-2010, 05:28 AM
Dont you have polish blacklist? :> Dzięki :)

My short list Polish ignored words
a,aby,acz,aczkolwiek,aż,ale,ależ,bardzo,bardziej,b ez,będą,będzie,bo,by,być,byli,był,była,było,były,c ali,cała,cały,co,cokolwiek,coś,czasami,czasem,czy, czemu,dla,dlaczego,do,gdy,gdyż,gdzie,gdziekolwiek, gdzieś,i,ile,ich,inna,inny,iż,ja,jak,jakaś,jakichś ,jakiś,jakiż,jakkolwiek,jako,jakoś,ją,jednak,jedna kże,jego,jej,jest,jeszcze,jeżeli,już,kiedy,kimś,kt o,ktokolwiek,ktoś,kt?ra,kt?re,kt?ry,kt?rych,lat,le cz,lub,ma,mi,mimo,mnie,moim,może,możliwe,można,mu, na,nad,nas,natomiast,nawet,nic,nich,nie,nigdy,niż, no,o,obok,od,około,on,ona,ono,oraz,pan,pana,pani,p o,pod,podczas,teraz,też,trzeba,to,tobie,toteż,tu,t woim,twoja,twoje,tw?j,twym,ty,tych,tylko,tym,w,we, według,więc,właśnie,wszyscy,wszystko,wszystkie,z,z a,zapewne,zawsze,ze,znowu,zn?w,żadna,żadne,żadnych ,że,żeby

Mogłaby być chyba trochę dłuższa...

English if someone need:
able,about,above,abroad,according,accordingly,acro ss,actually,adj,after,afterwards,again,against,ago ,ahead,ain't,all,allow,allows,almost,alone,along,a longside,already,also,although,always,am,amid,amid st,among,amongst,an,and,another,any,anybody,anyhow ,anyone,anything,anyway,anyways,anywhere,apart,app ear,appreciate,appropriate,are,aren't,around,as,a' s,aside,ask,asking,associated,at,available,away,aw fully,b,back,backward,backwards,be,became,because, become,becomes,becoming,been,before,beforehand,beg in,behind,being,believe,below,beside,besides,best, bet,er,between,beyond,both,brief,but,by,c,came,can ,cannot,cant,can't,caption,cause,causes,certain,ce rtainly,changes,clerly,c'mon,co,co.,com,come,comes ,concerning,consequently,consider,considering,cont ain,containing,contains,corresponding,could,couldn 't,course,c's,currently,d,dare,daren't,definitely, described,despite,did,didn't,different,directly,do ,does,doesn't,doing,done,don't,down,downwards,duri ng,e,each,edu,eg,eight,eighty,either,else,elsewher e,end,ending,enough,entirely,especially,et,etc,eve n,ever,evermore,every,everybody,everyone,everythin g,everywhere,ex,exactly,example,except,f,fairly,fa r,farther,few,fewer,fifth,first,five,followed,foll owing,follows,for,forever,former,formerly,forth,fo rward,found,four,from,further,furthermore,g,get,ge ts,getting,given,gives,go,goes,going,gone,got,gott en,greetings,h,had,hadn't,half,happens,hardly,has, hasn't,have,haven't,having,he,he'd,he'll,hello,hel p,hence,her,here,hereafter,hereby,herein,here's,he reupon,hers,herself,he's,hi,him,himself,his,hither ,hopefully,how,howbeit,however,hundred,i'd,ie,if,i gnored,i'll,i'm,immediate,in,inasmuch,inc,inc.,ind eed,indicate,indicated,indicates,inner,inside,inso far,instead,into,inward,is,isn't,it,it'd,it'll,its ,it's,itself,i've,j,just,k,keep,keeps,kept,know,kn own,knows,l,last,lately,later,latter,latterly,leas t,less,lest,let,let's,like,liked,likely,likewise,l ittle,look,looking,looks,low,lower,ltd,m,made,main ly,make,makes,many,may,maybe,mayn't,me,mean,meanti me,meanwhile,merely,might,mightn't,mine,minus,miss ,more,moreover,most,mostly,mr,mrs,much,must,mustn' t,my,myself,n,name,namely,nd,near,nearly,necessary ,need,needn't,needs,neither,never,neverf,neverless ,nevertheless,new,next,nine,ninety,no,nobody,non,n one,nonetheless,noone,noone,nor,normally,not,nothi ng,notwithstanding,novel,now,nowhere,o,obviously,o f,off,often,oh,ok,okay,old,on,once,one,ones,one's, only,onto,oppsite,or,other,others,otherwise,ought, oughtn't,our,ours,ourselves,out,outside,over,overa ll,own,p,particular,particularly,past,per,perhaps, placed,please,plus,possible,presumably,probably,pr ovided,provides,q,que,quite,qv,r,rather,rd,re,real ly,reasonably,recent,recently,regarding,regardless ,regards,relatively,respectively,right,round,s,sai d,same,saw,say,saying,says,second,secondly,see,see ing,seem,seemed,seeming,seems,seen,self,selves,sen sible,sent,serious,seriously,seven,several,shall,s han't,she,she'd,she'll,she's,should,shouldn't,sinc e,six,so,some,somebody,someday,somehow,someone,som ething,sometime,sometimes,somewhat,somewhere,soon, sorry.,specified.,specify.,specifying.,still,sub,s uch,sup,sure,t,take,taken,taking,tell,tends,th,tha n,thank,thanks,thanx,that,that'll,thats,that's,tha t've,the,their,theirs,them,themselves,then,thence, there,thereafter,thereby,there'd,therefore,therein ,there'll,there're,theres,there's,thereupon,there' ve,these,they,they'd,they'll,they're,they've,thing ,things,think,third,thirty,this,thorough,thoroughl y,those,though,three,through,throughout,thru,thus, till,to,together,too,took,toward,towards,tried,tri es,truly,try,trying,t's,twice,two,u,un,under,under neath,undoing,unfortunately,unless,unlike,unlikely ,until,unto,up,upon,upwards,us,use,used,useful,use s,using,usually,v,value,various,versus,very,via,vi z,vs,w,want,wants,was,wasn't,way,we,we'd,welcome,w ell,we'll,went,were,we're,weren't,'ve,what,whateve r,what'll,what's,what've,when,whence,whenever,wher e,whereafter,whereas,whereby,wherein,where's,where upon,wherever,whether,which,whichever,while,whilst ,whither,who,who'd,,whole,who'll,whom,whomever,who 's,whose,why,will,willing,wish,with,within,without ,wonder,won't,would,wouldn't,x,y,yes,yet,you,you'd ,you'll,your,you're,yours,yourself,yourselves,you' ve,z,zero,img,tha,tru,true,ure,yeah,kinda,man,lil, pre,ten,wanna,4th,put,plz,ers,123,added,cat,cha,in g,just,left,make,pos,size,test

Proszę bardzo ;)

03-25-2010, 01:22 PM
does it work with cms

03-27-2010, 02:49 PM
Hello this is an excellent Mod.

One question though, sometimes when I create a thread title and use words like "new" or "hello" it tells me I cannot use these words and I am unable to create the thread. To fix these do I just add these words to that long list in the admin cp? Thank you again.

It has nothing to do with tagger - you can simply prove it by disabling tagger and trying to add same thread - you will see same issue. Ask author of mod which causes this or vB team.

03-27-2010, 02:51 PM
OK, fortunately this was only on our dev site. So if I create 50 tags, and I DON'T set a quarantine time, this won't happen again? I just wanted to make sure.


If you do not set quarantine time then no new tag will be created - only existing will be associated to threads. You can even disable propositions if you want :) I added it only because people was asking about that and i DO NOT ADVICE to use it if you want to have your tags nice and clear :)

03-27-2010, 02:53 PM
it doesnt work on 4.0.2, i tried and get a lot of nothing. yes i uploaded all the files.

Which part doesn't work? How did you test it - are you sure that you made it appropriately? Did you create new message using words which you know that are tags on your forum?

03-27-2010, 02:54 PM
Just a suggestion, but on the proposed tags pages add a button to select all or select none. Otherwise, great mod!

Yes - already on TODO list ;)

03-27-2010, 02:55 PM
Maybe an option to select tags containing - and . just once and not on ends - URL as tags. Otherwise great.

Dont you have polish blacklist? :> Dzięki :)

Nie ma sprawy :)

Nie kumam propozycji opcji :P

03-27-2010, 02:56 PM
niether me ,,,

4.0.2 pl2 <<<<

What doesn't work? Some details would be good :D

03-27-2010, 02:58 PM
does it work with cms or only with forum

At this moment only for forum, but it is planned to support all taggable content. Just no time right now to implement it ;)

03-27-2010, 02:59 PM
does it work with cms

Please do not spam - you already asked about it

03-30-2010, 06:06 AM
i installed on 4.0.2 and also did the 9 step but no tags were added.
actually my site is here u can take a look at it: http://forum.mobile4persian.com

03-31-2010, 01:29 PM
i installed on 4.0.2 and also did the 9 step but no tags were added.
actually my site is here u can take a look at it: http://forum.mobile4persian.com

Just looking gives me nothing in potential bug finding. Please PM me access detail to your Admin CP and FTP (those can be temporary accounts or to test forum). I need to go there and check what happens inside.

04-04-2010, 10:22 AM
Hey NLP-er any idea when you gonna add function that only takes tags from titles ?

04-04-2010, 12:07 PM
Hey NLP-er any idea when you gonna add function that only takes tags from titles ?

When I will find time for this ;)

For quick fix please:
1. open file /includes/functions_autotaggerfromcontentandtitile.php
2. find
$content = strtolower($post['message']);
3. REPLACE to:
$content = '';
4. find:
$content = strtolower($post['pagetext']);
5. REPLACE to:
$content = '';
6. Save changes and upload to server
7. open file product-autotaggerfromcontentandtitle.xml
8. find:
$content = strtolower($post['pagetext']);
9. REPLACE to:
$content = '';
10. Save file and import product file again in vBulletin

This was not tested :D

04-04-2010, 03:21 PM
Doesn't creates any tag after the edit

When I will find time for this ;)

For quick fix please:
1. open file /includes/functions_autotaggerfromcontentandtitile.php
2. find
$content = strtolower($post['message']);
3. REPLACE to:
$content = '';
4. find:
$content = strtolower($post['pagetext']);
5. REPLACE to:
$content = '';
6. Save changes and upload to server
7. open file product-autotaggerfromcontentandtitle.xml
8. find:
$content = strtolower($post['pagetext']);
9. REPLACE to:
$content = '';
10. Save file and import product file again in vBulletin

This was not tested :D

04-04-2010, 03:54 PM
Thanks ...

04-04-2010, 06:20 PM
Doesn't creates any tag after the edit

Are you sure that you tested it appropriately? Create new thread with title in which are used keywords which you are sure that are tags in your forum.

04-04-2010, 06:20 PM
Are you sure that you tested it appropriately? Create new thread with title in which are used keywords which you are sure that are tags in your forum.

Yes, I did everything as follows. Tested 3-4 Threads over different forums.

04-05-2010, 09:34 AM
Yes, I did everything as follows. Tested 3-4 Threads over different forums.

So it seems that this quick fix is not working ;) As I wrote I didn't test it. Please just wait for new release.

04-05-2010, 06:19 PM
So it seems that this quick fix is not working ;) As I wrote I didn't test it. Please just wait for new release.

No Problem, Thanks waiting... :erm:

04-13-2010, 10:00 AM
I'm getting this error. I've uninstalled & reinstalled, reuploaded the files. It's still not working.
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.2:

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.2:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT IGNORE INTO tagthread (tagid, threadid, userid, dateline) VALUES (42, 1, 1, 1271156189);

MySQL Error : Table 'obsgdb.tagthread' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Tuesday, April 13th 2010 @ 03:56:29 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, April 13th 2010 @ 03:56:29 AM
Script : http://officialbabyshowerguide.com/admincp/misc.php?do=autotaggerfromcontentandtitle_add_tags
Referrer : http://officialbabyshowerguide.com/admincp/index.php?do=nav
IP Address :
Username : admin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-log

04-13-2010, 03:07 PM
Tx again, installed on a new site im working on, and therer it works..
dosent work on my own test site. :D

same versions, same modifications installed.. strange..

oh well.. Thumbs up! good work.

04-14-2010, 11:44 PM
I'm getting this error. I've uninstalled & reinstalled, reuploaded the files. It's still not working.
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.2:

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.2:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT IGNORE INTO tagthread (tagid, threadid, userid, dateline) VALUES (42, 1, 1, 1271156189);

MySQL Error : Table 'obsgdb.tagthread' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Tuesday, April 13th 2010 @ 03:56:29 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, April 13th 2010 @ 03:56:29 AM
Script : http://officialbabyshowerguide.com/admincp/misc.php?do=autotaggerfromcontentandtitle_add_tags
Referrer : http://officialbabyshowerguide.com/admincp/index.php?do=nav
IP Address :
Username : admin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-log

You are using wrong mod version (for vB 3.x).

04-14-2010, 11:45 PM
Tx again, installed on a new site im working on, and therer it works..
dosent work on my own test site. :D

same versions, same modifications installed.. strange..

oh well.. Thumbs up! good work.

If you want you can PM me details about this test forum failure - I can check it.

04-15-2010, 05:57 PM
Great product.

I had your old version (4.1.3) on vB3.x and wanted to upgrade the board and the plugin so:

I disabled it (to preserve database content)
I updated board to vB 4 Publishing suite
I uploaded this version
I activated this version
I successfully imported everything from your last version

Can I now uninstall 4.1.3 or will it have an effect on 4.4.0?

Thanks in advance

04-22-2010, 07:49 AM
where can I set words, that should not be used as tags when I run your "Add Tags To All Threads"-cron?

I set it at amdinCP>tags but didnĀ“t work.

Thanks for help.

04-23-2010, 08:17 PM
Great product.

I had your old version (4.1.3) on vB3.x and wanted to upgrade the board and the plugin so:

I disabled it (to preserve database content)
I updated board to vB 4 Publishing suite
I uploaded this version
I activated this version
I successfully imported everything from your last version

Can I now uninstall 4.1.3 or will it have an effect on 4.4.0?

Thanks in advance

Previous one is not working on vB4.x. If you uninstall it now it will affect 4.4.0 because they are using same options, table for propositions and additional columns in some vB tables. So if you uninstall it now you will have to uninstall 4.4. also and install it again.
You can do this or just keep old version disabled what have no impact on your forum functionality or performance.

04-23-2010, 08:18 PM
where can I set words, that should not be used as tags when I run your "Add Tags To All Threads"-cron?

I set it at amdinCP>tags but didn?t work.

Thanks for help.

Not right now- if you have a tag it will be used. If you do not want it to be used - why you have such tag? Just remove it...

04-23-2010, 11:02 PM
Thank you very much, i have installed it in my site http://www.mngol.com

But is it work with the rss feeds?


Winter Sonata
04-24-2010, 01:13 AM
marked as installed :)

but could you please tell me that issue
The tags become so much and the page could scroll to the right to see all of them
Could that solved ?

05-02-2010, 09:41 PM
Thank you very much, i have installed it in my site http://www.mngol.com

But is it work with the rss feeds?


It is not tagging RSS feeds.

05-02-2010, 09:43 PM
marked as installed :)

but could you please tell me that issue
The tags become so much and the page could scroll to the right to see all of them
Could that solved ?

This is vB bug not the mod - please go to vB team. Simples solution - edit appropriate template and put space between tags

05-03-2010, 10:54 AM

Something is wrong, this mod can only fetch tags from the title and not from the content.

05-04-2010, 01:49 AM
Looks awesome, will install it soon.

05-04-2010, 06:15 PM

05-05-2010, 02:19 PM
Just had to removed all mods from my forums because I'm having an issue with my server.

When I uninstalled this Automatic Tagger mod it left something behind in admin panel. Please see screen shot.

Anyone got any ideas on how to get rid of it please?

05-06-2010, 02:12 AM
When I uninstalled this Automatic Tagger mod it left something behind in admin panel. You forgot to delete all the files you uploaded with this mod. The automatic uninstall doesn't do that for you.

05-06-2010, 10:24 PM

Something is wrong, this mod can only fetch tags from the title and not from the content.

Are you sure? Did you use in content keywords which you know that exists as tags? If you sure then please create me test account and give me URL to your forum I will check it myself.

05-06-2010, 10:26 PM
Just had to removed all mods from my forums because I'm having an issue with my server.

When I uninstalled this Automatic Tagger mod it left something behind in admin panel. Please see screen shot.

Anyone got any ideas on how to get rid of it please?

Yes - just remove uploaded files from server :) Especially /includes/xml/cpnav_autotaggerfromcontentandtitle.xml

05-07-2010, 08:10 AM
why isn't there a simple "min-char-count" for tags?
it generated so many 00, 01, 0000, aa etc tags that it is ridiculous!

05-07-2010, 08:21 AM
why isn't there a simple "min-char-count" for tags?
it generated so many 00, 01, 0000, aa etc tags that it is ridiculous!

There is nothing ridiculous in doing what you asked for... If you do not want mod to create new tags just do not use tags propositions.

Please read how this mod is working and read configuration description which you set. This mod will NEVER create new tag if you do not want it and default configuration is to NOT create new tags and only associate existing ones to messages. So if mod created any new tag it is only because you asked for it.

Also you are screaming to give you something what you already have - that is kind of ridiculous :D You can set minimum tag length in vB options - the mod respect it what you can read in description of this mod.

Please in case of issues just ask first instead of screaming of ridiculous things without even knowing what you are writing about. If you have any questions - please just ask I will gladly spend my free time for you and give you answer - lets hope that there will be nothing ridiculous in that ;)

final kaoss
05-11-2010, 11:15 AM
This thing hasn't been tagging threads from my RSS poster, ideally on this forum http://vgchat.info/forum/forums/118-Engadget-feed
I run the task manually... 0 threads tagged.... I check the task log for it... zero entries found, is there a reason why it's not tagging these RSS posts?

05-15-2010, 10:44 AM
Thanks ...

05-22-2010, 11:49 AM
the plugin is still cutting some of the words randomly for me don't know if it is because of foreign language
older versions were doing it also

05-22-2010, 04:22 PM
i dont want tags from message content, only title, how i do it ?

05-25-2010, 04:55 AM
This thing hasn't been tagging threads from my RSS poster, ideally on this forum http://vgchat.info/forum/forums/118-Engadget-feed
I run the task manually... 0 threads tagged.... I check the task log for it... zero entries found, is there a reason why it's not tagging these RSS posts?

As is described in mod description at this moment only threads tagging is supporting. And this is working only for threads created by people. RSS is just nor supported right now. Please note that I'm planning to tag any taggable thing (like CMS, blogs...) just do not have time for this lately ;)