View Full Version : Notice Post Data HTML Question

01-19-2010, 11:41 PM
I need to put a form in a "Notice", as I need to "POST" data to another site. It says that I can use any HTML. I have tested my form code, and post and it works. But when I put it in the VBulletin Notice, it displays as expected, but when I submit the form, it loads the "profile.php" page, and then back to my home page... and the post never reaches the desired site. What is blocking the form post from the Notice?

<form action="http://anysite.com/index.php?user={username}&id={userid}" method="post">
<input name="" type="submit" value="Submit" />

02-09-2010, 11:55 PM
FYIL Even though vBulletin says that you can use any HTML in notices, this is no longer true with 4.0. You can't use an html form in this area because it conflicts with the vBulletin code that uses a form for the new "dismissible" feature. We fixed this by including an /form tag at the beginning of the text box before we start a new form.

09-24-2012, 04:38 PM
Thank you, thank you. I fought with this for hours until I ran across your post.
Such a simple solution. Thanks...