View Full Version : $vbulletin->templatecache in vB4

01-05-2010, 09:19 PM

It seems that something changed in vB3 and vB4 in area of cached template. I'm just in progress of make my mod compatible with vB4 and I have issue with cached templates.

In hook cache_templates is no longer recognized $globaltemplates - I looked into vB4 code and changed $globaltemplates to $cache, bot still in hook global_start value of $vbulletin->templatecache['footer'] is empty.

So the question is how to get to footer template in vB4?...

01-06-2010, 04:12 AM
header footer and headinclude
I think they are only rendered once the first template is rendered...
That is good because you can populate template hooks BEFORE the renderering...

to test where that is in the page.. take any page..
and add:
print $footer; exit;
after the require backend stuff...
you will get a blank page..

now move that line down in the code..
you will get an output after the first $templater->render(); line
(where the render thing can also be in a function)

my 2 cents