View Full Version : HOW to reset members date of birth?

01-01-2010, 04:00 PM
Happy New year everyone. I have a small issue and hope someone can help me. Last year I migrated my site over to vB from SMF and with the migration to the new software, members that never had their BDAY entered defaulted to 1901 year and Jan 1. Need less to say I had a crap load of birthday greetings go out.

Is there a program/mod or a way to make it so members have to enter in there birthday again before they can participate??

Thanks in advance

01-02-2010, 10:04 PM
Anyone? There must be something a guys can do?

01-03-2010, 03:38 AM
I would just make a global notice that is very bold/big explaining to members that it is pertinent for them to go into their profile and change their birthdays :)

01-04-2010, 02:14 AM
Your options are to place all of these users who have their date of birth set as Jan 1st 1901, add them to a user group that you have made up. Then Make a new notice that only that usergroup can see. From there, tell them they have to update their data of birth.

Your other options are, you can convert these values your self if you still happen to have the old database, parse the date, and convert if for each user on your forum.

Anything else would require a modification of the vB default install, and since we are not all playing with the same deck anymore I can't really help you there.

01-04-2010, 11:06 AM
Unless its a configurable setting I don't think users can change their date of births. They set it up when they initially register but as far as I knew it was uneditable after that point except for the admin.

EDIT: Ignore must be a configurable option as it's editable in the vb.org usercp lol.

I'd say a plugin would be required to do it. There are plugins around that make the users do certain things (accept new rules) before being able to continue so that may be a place to start looking.

01-04-2010, 04:27 PM
I'd say a plugin would be required to do it. There are plugins around that make the users do certain things (accept new rules) before being able to continue so that may be a place to start looking.

That's a great point! A plugin would do what he described. However, getting users to do anything is like herding cats. I don't recommend it.