View Full Version : Widget and side block.

12-29-2009, 08:57 AM
I have aske over at vbulletin.com but i thought i would ask here as well.

I have got a cms php widget working on a test site with the code below but when i try and make a side forums block the code does not work even tho i have got a html block working ok.
I do not know how 2 code so i thought i would ask if anyone cold help please as i am looking at putting our site live soon and want to get tings sorted before i do the upgrade.

Here's the working widget code for our BHD server status.


$dbhost = "localhost"; // Database host
$dbname = "******"; // Database name
$dbusername = "******"; // Database user name
$dbuserpw = "******"; // Database password

$link_id = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbusername,$dbuserpw)
or die("Could not connect to MySQL.");

$selected = mysql_select_db($dbname,$link_id) or die("Could not select database");

$result = mysql_query("SELECT name, server_name, map_name, game_type, dedicated, time, max_players, num_players, player_names, player_teams
FROM chronos_servers ORDER BY max_players DESC");
$onlinex = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$name = $row[0];
$sname = htmlspecialchars(base64_decode($row[1]));
$max = $row[6];
$map = htmlspecialchars(base64_decode($row[2]));
$mapname = $row[2];
$dedi = $row[4];
$type = $row[3];
$num = $row[7];
$sertime = $row[5];
$players = $row[8];
$teams = $row[9];
$status = $row[12];
$curtime = time();
$tdiff = $curtime - $sertime;
if ($tdiff < 120) {
$onlinex = 1;
$result1 = mysql_query("SELECT name, thumbnail, game_type, id FROM chronos_maps WHERE name = '$mapname' AND game_type = '$type' ");
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {
$mtn = $row2[1];
$mpid = $row2[3];
switch($result["age"]) {
case -1: $status = "<font color='red'>Loading Map"; break;
case -2: $status = "<font color='yellow'>Waiting for Players"; break;
case -4: $status = "<font color='blue'>Scoring Map"; break;
default: $status = "<font color='green'>Hosting Map";

$url = "<a href='http://www.csa-squad.co.uk/index.php?page=bhdserverstatus'BORDER=0 >";
$url2 = "<a href='http://lobby.sigurd-project.com/server-383.xml'BORDER=0 target=\"_blank\">";

echo "<CENTER>$name</CENTER>";
echo "<CENTER><img src='http://www.csa-squad.co.uk/Neos_Chronos/serverstatus/img/online.gif'></CENTER>";
echo "<CENTER>$type</CENTER>";
echo "<CENTER>$map</CENTER><P>";
echo "$url<CENTER><img src='http://www.csa-squad.co.uk/Neos_Chronos/$mtn'></a></CENTER><br>";
echo "<CENTER>I.P =</CENTER>";
echo "<CENTER>PORT 17479</CENTER>";
echo "<CENTER>Players : $num/$max</CENTER>";

if(strlen($players) > 0) {
$PlayStr = explode("\n", $players);
$TeamStr = explode("\n", $teams);
echo "<CENTER><marquee scrollamount='2' width='150'>";
for($i = 0; $i < count($PlayStr); $i++) {
if($TeamStr[$i] == "None") echo "[<font color=\"Green\">";
if($TeamStr[$i] == "Red") echo "[<font color=\"Red\">";
if($TeamStr[$i] == "Blue") echo "[<font color=\"Blue\">";
echo base64_decode($PlayStr[$i])."</font>] ";
echo "</marquee></center>";
echo "$url2<CENTER><img src='http://www.csa-squad.co.uk/Neos_Chronos/serverstatus/sigurdstatus.gif'></a></CENTER><br>";
echo "<center><a href=\"http://www.babstats.com\" target=\"_blank\">Babstats</a></center>";
//echo "Status:$status<br />";
echo "<CENTER>_____________</CENTER>";
if ($onlinex == 0) {
echo "<CENTER>! CsA Tryouts</CENTER>";
echo "<CENTER><img src='http://www.csa-squad.co.uk/Neos_Chronos/serverstatus/img/offline.gif'></CENTER>";
echo "<center><a href=\"http://www.babstats.com\" target=\"_blank\">Babstats</a></center>";

//echo "Status:$status<br />";
echo "<CENTER>_____________</CENTER>";


$output .= ob_get_contents();

Thanks in advance for any help :)

12-29-2009, 11:15 AM
Try replacing $output .= with return in the last line but one.

12-29-2009, 11:55 AM
That sort of works thanks i can now see it in the side bar but it also shows above the header as well this seems to be intermitment so might just be me but i had the sam problem with Firefox & IE.

So the end of the code now looks like.

return ob_get_contents();

Thanks again for helping me :)

12-29-2009, 01:25 PM
Try this (all echo replaced with $output .= and removed then unnecessary output buffering):

$dbhost = "localhost"; // Database host
$dbname = "******"; // Database name
$dbusername = "******"; // Database user name
$dbuserpw = "******"; // Database password

$link_id = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbusername,$dbuserpw)
or die("Could not connect to MySQL.");

$selected = mysql_select_db($dbname,$link_id) or die("Could not select database");

$result = mysql_query("SELECT name, server_name, map_name, game_type, dedicated, time, max_players, num_players, player_names, player_teams
FROM chronos_servers ORDER BY max_players DESC");
$onlinex = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$name = $row[0];
$sname = htmlspecialchars(base64_decode($row[1]));
$max = $row[6];
$map = htmlspecialchars(base64_decode($row[2]));
$mapname = $row[2];
$dedi = $row[4];
$type = $row[3];
$num = $row[7];
$sertime = $row[5];
$players = $row[8];
$teams = $row[9];
$status = $row[12];
$curtime = time();
$tdiff = $curtime - $sertime;
if ($tdiff < 120) {
$onlinex = 1;
$result1 = mysql_query("SELECT name, thumbnail, game_type, id FROM chronos_maps WHERE name = '$mapname' AND game_type = '$type' ");
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {
$mtn = $row2[1];
$mpid = $row2[3];
switch($result["age"]) {
case -1: $status = "<font color='red'>Loading Map"; break;
case -2: $status = "<font color='yellow'>Waiting for Players"; break;
case -4: $status = "<font color='blue'>Scoring Map"; break;
default: $status = "<font color='green'>Hosting Map";

$url = "<a href='http://www.csa-squad.co.uk/index.php?page=bhdserverstatus'BORDER=0 >";
$url2 = "<a href='http://lobby.sigurd-project.com/server-383.xml'BORDER=0 target=\"_blank\">";

$output = "<CENTER>$name</CENTER>";
$output .= "<CENTER><img src='http://www.csa-squad.co.uk/Neos_Chronos/serverstatus/img/online.gif'></CENTER>";
$output .= "<CENTER>$type</CENTER>";
$output .= "<CENTER>$map</CENTER><P>";
$output .= "$url<CENTER><img src='http://www.csa-squad.co.uk/Neos_Chronos/$mtn'></a></CENTER><br>";
$output .= "<CENTER>I.P =</CENTER>";
$output .= "<CENTER>PORT 17479</CENTER>";
$output .= "<CENTER>Players : $num/$max</CENTER>";

if(strlen($players) > 0) {
$PlayStr = explode("\n", $players);
$TeamStr = explode("\n", $teams);
$output .= "<CENTER><marquee scrollamount='2' width='150'>";
for($i = 0; $i < count($PlayStr); $i++) {
if($TeamStr[$i] == "None") $output .= "[<font color=\"Green\">";
if($TeamStr[$i] == "Red") $output .= "[<font color=\"Red\">";
if($TeamStr[$i] == "Blue") $output .= "[<font color=\"Blue\">";
$output .= base64_decode($PlayStr[$i])."</font>] ";
$output .= "</marquee></center>";
$output .= "$url2<CENTER><img src='http://www.csa-squad.co.uk/Neos_Chronos/serverstatus/sigurdstatus.gif'></a></CENTER><br>";
$output .= "<center><a href=\"http://www.babstats.com\" target=\"_blank\">Babstats</a></center>";
//$output .= "Status:$status<br />";
$output .= "<CENTER>_____________</CENTER>";
if ($onlinex == 0) {
$output .= "<CENTER>! CsA Tryouts</CENTER>";
$output .= "<CENTER><img src='http://www.csa-squad.co.uk/Neos_Chronos/serverstatus/img/offline.gif'></CENTER>";
$output .= "<center><a href=\"http://www.babstats.com\" target=\"_blank\">Babstats</a></center>";

//$output .= "Status:$status<br />";
$output .= "<CENTER>_____________</CENTER>";


return $output;

12-29-2009, 02:24 PM
Thats stoped the side bar and above the header issue but for some reason it will not update the players on the server.
When i done the edit and save it and went to the sideblock for the 1st time it showed 2 players on but it is still showing 2 players on even tho the server is empty ? the widget on the cms is updateing ok as that shows 0 players.

12-29-2009, 02:36 PM
The forum blocks are cached. Try changing Cache Time (in minutes) setting to 0 for your block. But beware, that will run the query every single time a page is loaded.

12-29-2009, 02:53 PM
Thanks alot for your help that done the trick :)