View Full Version : Easy way to change the Style ID?

12-24-2009, 07:03 PM
The reason I want to change the style ID on my styles is that I'm using vb xperience as a rewards system. Once users get however many points they unlock a new style for my forum. To change styles they have to download a .txt file that tells them the styleid

Congratulations you have unlocked a new Style!

To Change Styles Simply type in one of the URL?s below into the URL bar in your Browser.

Styles you have unlocked
Default Style: http://www.domain.com/forums/index.php?styleid=13
vBulletin original: http://www.domain.com/forums/index.php?styleid=1

As you can see it would be pretty easy to guess the styles, so I need away to change the styleid so one style would be 5 another 213 etc.

12-29-2009, 12:16 PM
Just tried it on my dev site - I believe you can use an SQL query and change them, then set them hidden in the AdminCP. Just make sure you have a default style set for users that you already created and didn't edit in MySQL. But might want to ask around a little more - not quite sure how this would affect them completely.

SQL is:

UPDATE style SET styleid='thenewstyleid' WHERE styleid='theoldstyleid';

Tell me if it works alright. This would be a nice modification.

08-25-2011, 02:30 PM
I just did it:

1. run the following sql:

UPDATE style SET styleid='##NEWSTYLEID##', parentlist = '##NEWSTYLEID##,-1' WHERE styleid='##OLDSTYLEID##';
UPDATE stylevar SET styleid='##NEWSTYLEID##' WHERE styleid='##OLDSTYLEID##';
UPDATE template SET styleid='##NEWSTYLEID##' WHERE styleid='##OLDSTYLEID##';
UPDATE templatehistory SET styleid='##NEWSTYLEID##' WHERE styleid='##OLDSTYLEID##';

2. Go to Maintenance > Update Counters > Rebuild Styles. Run
3. Go to Settings > Options > Style & Language Settings. Click Save (no changes necessarily)

That should do it.