View Full Version : Getting Blank Page when posting

12-02-2009, 10:57 AM
Hey all,

We are having an issue that happens randomly. I just want to get feedback here to make sure I have covered all of the bases.

Occasionally when people go to post a new thread or reply after a short delay they get a blank page. Because this happens randomly I figured this was a time out caused possibly by a memory shortage. The randomness could be due to the problem only happening when a few people post at once?

Am I on the right track here?

I have already uninstalled mods and plug ins and I have tried many other things too.

Can anyone offer any other ideas on this and on how to troubleshoot a problem like this? I have been unable to duplicate the problem myself so it is very difficult to test my fixes.

During the ThanksGiving Holiday the site was rather slow and the issue didn't arise at all which does sort of tell that it most likely happens under load. Normally with a memory shortage wouldn't an error display?

I have added code to the config file and I am also going to try to bypass php.ini by adding a memory increase to htaccess. I will also contact the host to have them increase the memory unless I get some new information here leading me to another possibility. As I said though, I have already tried just about everything you can think of and the problem has been going on for months.

I have posted on other forums and I have also been in touch with those in the know and so far I haven't gotten anything new. What do the brilliant minds at VB org think about this??

To those that decide to take the time to help me out on this, Thank you so very much!



12-02-2009, 01:20 PM
You may want to look in your error_logs to see if there is anything in there about this (if you don't know where they are, ask your host).

12-02-2009, 10:11 PM

That was actually one of the first things I did long ago and it shows nothing. There is no error, just a time out. I believe I finally have it taken care of though but I was hoping for some possibilities here. I know it is a challenge.

Thanks again for your reply.