View Full Version : MySQL query please

11-25-2009, 01:28 PM
Hi all!
i need to attach a paragraph above the text already is in pagetext (table "post"):
e.g. :
text to add: "some text to add"
pagetext: "some text already in pagetext"
result in pagetext: "some text to add some text already in pagetext"
I already created a table "addings" with 3 fields (postid, threadid, addtext).
Could someone show to me wich query I need to execute pls?

11-25-2009, 01:41 PM
Do you need to actually change what is in the database (which means the user can edit it) or can you just put the text in the postbit template?

11-25-2009, 01:49 PM
I need to change what is in the database

11-26-2009, 11:09 PM
noone can help?

11-27-2009, 12:02 PM
So just to make sure I understand, do you want a query so that the database starts out as:

table 'posts':
1, 2, "This is a post"
2, 5, "This is another post"
3, 3, "This is a third post"

table 'addings':
1, 2, "Add text-"
3, 3, "More added text-"

then you run the query once and the database is

table 'posts':
1, 2, "Add text-This is a post"
2, 5, "This is another post"
3, 3, "More added text-This is a third post"

table 'addings':
1, 2, "Add text-"
3, 3, "More added text-"


11-27-2009, 12:24 PM
Yes kh99 that's exactly what I whant to do :)
could you help?

11-27-2009, 12:43 PM
Well, I'm not a SQL expert (just learning actually), but I ran a little test and this seems to work (use at your own risk!):

UPDATE vb_post AS post
LEFT JOIN vb_addings as addings
ON (post.postid=addings.postid AND post.threadid=addings.threadid)
SET post.pagetext=CONCAT(addings.addtext, post.pagetext)
WHERE addings.addtext IS NOT NULL

1. This seems very dangerous! Are you sure you want to try this? Back up your database first.
2. The 'vb_' in red should be changed to be your own prefix.
3. Did you add a prefix to your 'addings' table? Change or remove the 'vb_' in blue accordingly
4. I test both postid and thread id, although I believe postid is unique
5. If you want to put something between the addtext and pagetext, you can add it to the CONCAT function (in green), such as CONCAT(addings.addtext, ' ', post.pagetext) to add a space.
6. Are you sure? Maybe run a test with an addings table that has only one or two rows.

11-27-2009, 02:26 PM
Really a great Thank you kh99 :)
Yessss it worked very fine, 409 lines sucessfully updated!
Thanks again for yor time, you are a very kind person.