View Full Version : Chat Modifications - [Shout/Chatbox 0.7.06] GCBOS - Generic Chat Box Operating System
01-25-2010, 11:41 PM
maybe waiting for someone to go onto the chatboxThing is, this is a shoutbox, not a chatroom. A lot of us are on shared servers and we can't handle resource intensive chatrooms that allow people to refresh constantly while waiting for new chats. A real drag on the system.
If you're on your own dedicated server, why not add a regular chatroom mod?
01-25-2010, 11:49 PM
Is there any way to disable the 'typewriter' effect? I'm trying to make the shouts just appear all at once. Is this possible?
01-26-2010, 01:19 PM
when give infractions to a member
following error
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare gcbos_command_impersonate() (previously declared in /home/xxxx/public_html/includes/class_gcbos.php(49) : eval()'d code:22) in /home/xxxx/public_html/includes/class_gcbos.php(49) : eval()'d code on line 35
getting same error message, while trying to give warning to users through normal thread
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare gcbos_command_impersonate() (previously declared in /home/xxxx/public_html/myboard/includes/class_gcbos.php(49) : eval()'d code:22) in /home/xxxx/public_html/myboard/includes/class_gcbos.php(49) : eval()'d code on line 35
same error..fix it please!
01-26-2010, 03:41 PM
Is there any way to disable the 'typewriter' effect? I'm trying to make the shouts just appear all at once. Is this possible?
Same Question.
01-26-2010, 06:06 PM
Same Question.
same here :up:
All I see when I but the <!-- {SHOUTBOX} --> code on my forum is {SHOUTBOX} it does not show the box or anything.
01-26-2010, 06:59 PM
/unmute The Deco:
#9:57 pm GCBOS> The user FF|Skyrider has been muted by FF|Skyrider.
When I did:
/unmute FF|Skyrider
I got:
#9:57 pm GCBOS> The user FF|Skyrider has been muted by FF|Skyrider.
When I did it again, I got:
#9:57 pm GCBOS> The user FF|Skyrider has been unmuted by FF|Skyrider.
Tried to Unmute someone again, once again It muted me.
I think the "anti-spam" has something to do with it!! Make it so it won't have any effect on admins/mods please
01-27-2010, 04:24 AM
Could you please let us know how to
a: Reverse chat display, display newest at the top.
b: kill the typing effect.
It seems a few of us would like this.
Update: speeded up typing speed, easy :D would just like to get the newest shout at the top (display top to bottom)
01-27-2010, 09:18 AM
Shoutbox doesn't show Polish diacritic signs.
Could someone write how to change GCBOS encoding to UTF-8, or any other way to make Polish sings showed properly?
Update: speeded up typing speed, easy :D would just like to get the newest shout at the top (display top to bottom)
Mind sharing what you did for the rest of us? =)
01-27-2010, 03:40 PM
Mind sharing what you did for the rest of us? =)
Erm, hope I'm not treading on others toes here, but simply altered (in /clientscript/gcbos.js)
01-27-2010, 04:30 PM
Erm, hope I'm not treading on others toes here, but simply altered (in /clientscript/gcbos.js)
01-28-2010, 12:22 AM
Okay so I installed this, but it will only work with my default style. If I choose a different style it will no longer show up. An idea how to fix this.
01-28-2010, 01:29 AM
Okay so I installed this, but it will only work with my default style. If I choose a different style it will no longer show up. An idea how to fix this.Can you verify you manually inserted the call <!-- {SHOUTBOX} --> into templates for each style?
01-28-2010, 02:20 AM
Thanks for the info.
01-28-2010, 04:47 PM
can someone tell me how to change the time-format 12hrs to time-format 24hrs ?
01-28-2010, 08:51 PM
the chat box keeps displaying off to the right of the screen
01-28-2010, 09:34 PM
With GCBOS activated vbulletin display the following error when a moderator try to give an infraction:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare gcbos_command_me() (previously declared in /site/forum/includes/class_gcbos.php(49) : eval()'d code:39) in /site/forum/includes/class_gcbos.php(49) : eval()'d code on line 47
any ideas?
01-29-2010, 09:17 AM
can someone tell me how to change the time-format 12hrs to time-format 24hrs ?
i need the same......
and please fix the problem with ? ? ? in the Chatbox
01-29-2010, 03:50 PM
tried putting the code in the template, but it never shows up
01-29-2010, 04:20 PM
how to remove the code - #12:36 pm <font color="PURPLE">viethak> to membername only Do reply
how to remove the code - #12:36 pm <font color="PURPLE">viethak> to membername only Do reply
Edit each usergroup you have specified a color for. Change it to use SINGLE quotes intead of DOUBLE quotes. Such as:
<font color='PURPLE'>
01-30-2010, 05:26 AM
Erm, hope I'm not treading on others toes here, but simply altered (in /clientscript/gcbos.js)
thank you :up:
01-30-2010, 04:05 PM
Erm, hope I'm not treading on others toes here, but simply altered (in /clientscript/gcbos.js)
Thank you! :up:
01-30-2010, 07:06 PM
I love the shout box. One problem though.
When I'm on everything works fine, but if I browse to any other page on the site all the chats look like this:
#/delmessage]1:06 pm Majed1293/pm]> Alenah is admin?/edit]/instant]/message]
#/delmessage]2:14 pm cameronfield/pm]> OMFG HI2U/edit]/instant]/message]
#/delmessage]3:17 pm Seatbelt99/pm]> hey/edit]/instant]/message]
#/delmessage]3:18 pm Seatbelt99/pm]> Check out the dark skin/edit]/instant]/message]
#/delmessage]3:18 pm Seatbelt99/pm]>]/instant]/message]
#/delmessage]3:19 pm noname27/pm]> lockerz/edit]/instant]/message]
#/delmessage]3:21 pm xtwistedmetal/pm]> hi/edit]/instant]/message]
#/delmessage]3:22 pm Seatbelt99/pm]> hi/edit]/instant]/message]
#/delmessage]3:22 pm xtwistedmetal/pm]> rawr/edit]/instant]/message]
#/delmessage]3:22 pm xtwistedmetal/pm]> stats needsto be dimed a bit darker/edit]/instant]/message]
#/delmessage]3:23 pm xtwistedmetal/pm]> nvm/edit]/instant]/message]
This is for all users.
Any suggestions?
01-30-2010, 08:48 PM
Inferno Chatttt....we Want You For Vb4!
01-30-2010, 09:32 PM
Inferno Chatttt....we Want You For Vb4! Evo worked like a charm as well for vb 3.x
01-31-2010, 03:30 AM
Is there going to be an option for people to choose their own font and color?
Also, is there an archive option?
01-31-2010, 10:49 AM
tried putting the code in the template, but it never shows up
same problem i'm having
01-31-2010, 11:04 AM
Even after following installation instructions perfectly I can not get the chat box to display on my Forum Home: I've included <!-- {SHOUTBOX} --> in my forumhome template but still no luck? Anyone please help me. I am losing members without the shoutbox.
01-31-2010, 12:27 PM
Even after following installation instructions perfectly I can not get the chat box to display on my Forum Home: I've included <!-- {SHOUTBOX} --> in my forumhome template but still no luck? Anyone please help me. I am losing members without the shoutbox.
You have likely done this, but I forgot so I'll suggest it.
You have to go to each usergroup and turn on each option before it will show up.
01-31-2010, 12:29 PM
very good!
01-31-2010, 01:05 PM
Yeah I did this on each user group still no luck.
01-31-2010, 01:19 PM
The instructions are so vague that most of the users of this shoutbox seem to figure out the solution themselves for most of the problems. looking at the writeup for this mod I thought it would be MOD of the year but the work around for all the problems made me change my mind regarding this being the best Mod on VB 4.
Atleast now can someone help me displaying it on my Forum?
01-31-2010, 04:58 PM
cant wait for a different shoutbox, this one is like no-frills imo
but nice for now i guess :)
02-01-2010, 05:18 PM
I just installed it and everything went smoothly.
Working like a charm!
The instructions are so vague that most of the users of this shoutbox seem to figure out the solution themselves for most of the problems. looking at the writeup for this mod I thought it would be MOD of the year but the work around for all the problems made me change my mind regarding this being the best Mod on VB 4.
Atleast now can someone help me displaying it on my Forum?
I'm no expert... yet let's see.
What are you having problems with?
1- upload contents of 'upload' folder to your forum
2- install new product with the attached .xml file
3- To add the "<!-- {SHOUTBOX} -->" do it like this:
Admin CP >> Styles & Templates >> Style Manager >> drop-down menu "Edit Templates"
Then, scroll down on the list until you see Forum Home Templates, then double-click on it.
Below that, a template called "FORUMHOME" will appear.
Click on that, then click on the "Customize" button on the right (or on the "Edit" button).
Then, here was my edit (there might be a better way to do it... this is what I did and it works)
{vb:raw headinclude_bottom}
{vb:raw header}
{vb:raw navbar}
<!-- {SHOUTBOX} -->
<div id="pagetitle">
Hope that helps!
02-01-2010, 05:47 PM
Is there anyway to add smilies to it?
02-01-2010, 05:49 PM
In what template should I add:
<!-- {SHOUTBOX} -->
So the shoutbox shows in the CMS home?
At the moment, it displays perfectly in the Forum home.
Thanks for the help and hard work!! :)
02-01-2010, 06:13 PM
If anyone is interested in getting thread replies:
Create a new plugin.
Product: GCBOS
Hook Location: postdata_postsave
Title: New reply
Execution Order: 5
Plugin PHP Code:
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_gcbos.php');
$gcbos = new GCBOS();
global $vbulletin;
if ($vbulletin->options['gcbos_forum_alert'] == 1 && !in_array($this->info['forum']['forumid'], (array)explode(';', $vbulletin->options['gcbos_forum_exceptions'])))
$titleprefix = '';
$titlesuffix = '';
$gcbos->create_message('replied to the thread ' . $titleprefix . unhtmlspecialchars($this->info['thread']['title']) . $titlesuffix, $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], TIMENOW, 0, GCBOS_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']);
02-01-2010, 06:35 PM
In what template should I add:
<!-- {SHOUTBOX} -->
So the shoutbox shows in the CMS home?
At the moment, it displays perfectly in the Forum home.This would likely be a permissions issue. Remember you have to manually set everything in vb4. To get it at the top you just want to use the Advertising Manager. AdminCP>Advertising>Add New Ad . It will show at the top of all 3 products - the CMS, Blog, and Forum.
02-01-2010, 11:13 PM
This would likely be a permissions issue. Remember you have to manually set everything in vb4. To get it at the top you just want to use the Advertising Manager. AdminCP>Advertising>Add New Ad . It will show at the top of all 3 products - the CMS, Blog, and Forum.
Thanks for the reply and help Videx!
So I go to Add New Ad... Select "Below Navbar"
What code should I drop in the "Ad HTML" box?
Please excuse my n00bness....
Help much appreciated! :)
02-01-2010, 11:41 PM
Oh dear. No, I'm the one that must beg forgiveness. I think. Actually, I was thinking of a different mod where I slipped the call into an ad block. But really, I don't suppose you couldn't call the shoutbox that way. I don't know. For mine, I just followed the instructions and inserted the call below the navbar line.
02-02-2010, 02:38 AM
I just installed it and everything went smoothly.
Working like a charm!
I'm no expert... yet let's see.
What are you having problems with?
1- upload contents of 'upload' folder to your forum
2- install new product with the attached .xml file
3- To add the "<!-- {SHOUTBOX} -->" do it like this:
Admin CP >> Styles & Templates >> Style Manager >> drop-down menu "Edit Templates"
Then, scroll down on the list until you see Forum Home Templates, then double-click on it.
Below that, a template called "FORUMHOME" will appear.
Click on that, then click on the "Customize" button on the right (or on the "Edit" button).
Then, here was my edit (there might be a better way to do it... this is what I did and it works)
{vb:raw headinclude_bottom}
{vb:raw header}
{vb:raw navbar}
<!-- {SHOUTBOX} -->
<div id="pagetitle">
Hope that helps!
Thank you for the reply and I tried it without luck but what I am gonna re-install everything starting from the upload. Will let you know the status.
02-02-2010, 06:30 AM
If anyone is interested in getting thread replies:
Create a new plugin.
Product: GCBOS
Hook Location: postdata_postsave
Title: New reply
Execution Order: 5
Plugin PHP Code:
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_gcbos.php');
$gcbos = new GCBOS();
global $vbulletin;
if ($vbulletin->options['gcbos_forum_alert'] == 1 && !in_array($this->info['forum']['forumid'], (array)explode(';', $vbulletin->options['gcbos_forum_exceptions'])))
$titleprefix = '';
$titlesuffix = '';
$gcbos->create_message('replied to the thread ' . $titleprefix . unhtmlspecialchars($this->info['thread']['title']) . $titlesuffix, $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], TIMENOW, 0, GCBOS_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']);
:) great thanks for the help
if you want this to show as an action you could also use
[QUOTE=macheath;1972385]If anyone is interested in getting thread replies:
Create a new plugin.
Product: GCBOS
Hook Location: postdata_postsave
Title: New reply
Execution Order: 5
Plugin PHP Code:
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_gcbos.php');
$gcbos = new GCBOS();
global $vbulletin;
if ($vbulletin->options['gcbos_forum_alert'] == 1 && !in_array($this->info['forum']['forumid'], (array)explode(';', $vbulletin->options['gcbos_forum_exceptions'])))
$titleprefix = '';
$titlesuffix = '';
$gcbos->create_message('replied to the thread ' . $titleprefix . unhtmlspecialchars($this->info['thread']['title']) . $titlesuffix, $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], TIMENOW, 0, GCBOS_MESSAGE_TYPE_ACTION, $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']);
Anyway im working on the next build of GCBOS 0.7 RC3 at the minute i should have a few new fixes in store (infraction error) etc.
02-02-2010, 05:51 PM
For mine, I just followed the instructions and inserted the call below the navbar line.
Thanks for the reply Videx! :)
I placed it below {vb:raw navbar}, yet it still only shows in the forums.
What template should I edit in order to have the shoutbox displayed everywhere on the site?
Here's what I have at the moment (partial copy/paste, with the pertinent info)
{vb:raw header}
{vb:raw navbar}
<!-- {SHOUTBOX} -->
<div id="pagetitle">
<h1>{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}</h1>
<p id="welcomemessage" class="description">{vb:rawphrase welcome_to_the_x, {vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}}</p>
My other query, if somebody could please shed some light:
Unregistered / Not Logged In users are not able to see any of the messages.
The shoutbox displays in the window, yet it contains no messages.
I went to the Unregistered / Not Logged In group, and set the permissions to:
GCBOS Permissions
Can View GCBOS
Can Talk in GCBOS
Any ideas?
I tried all that, but I cannot get the box to appear. I have admins to yes you can see it, but I cannot see the thing.
02-02-2010, 07:23 PM
What template should I edit in order to have the shoutbox displayed everywhere on the site?I don't know, but I wouldn't do that myself since I'm on a shared server. Remember, especially until this box gets an idle timeout feature, that members using it a lot and just hanging out and watching it will use a lot of server resources. People on shared servers could find themselves suspended.
I dropped it in FORUMHOME and FORUMDISPLAY to minimize load.
If you want it on every page, drop it at the very bottom of the NAVBAR template.
02-02-2010, 09:16 PM
Just sent rc3 to some testers :) fixed the infraction error added notifications for new post and /me and /pm loophole for muted users.
Just sent rc3 to some testers :) fixed the infraction error added notifications for new post and /me and /pm loophole for muted users.
Sounds good, what about a timeout so it stops polling after X minutes? This would help a lot.
Okay, I have done everything everyone has done and I do not understand why my chatbox is not showing up. I have put the code in, I have done the usergroup thing I uploaded everything from the upload folder and I installed the plug in. Can someone explain? The forum is If anyone can see why.
02-03-2010, 04:31 AM
Okay, I have done everything everyone has done and I do not understand why my chatbox is not showing up. I have put the code in, I have done the usergroup thing I uploaded everything from the upload folder and I installed the plug in. Can someone explain? The forum is ( If anyone can see why.I see the shoutbox call in your page source. I think this indicates you made the edit, but didn't install the product. Try it again, allowing overwrite. Also try disabling all your other mods to see if one is interfering.
02-03-2010, 12:21 PM
I dropped it in FORUMHOME and FORUMDISPLAY to minimize load.
If you want it on every page, drop it at the very bottom of the NAVBAR template.
Yup! That did it! Awesome!!
Question, is there a change coming for the "typewritter effect" of the messages, when you load a page?
Unregistered / Not Logged In users are not able to see any of the messages.
The shoutbox displays in the window, yet it contains no messages.
I went to the Unregistered / Not Logged In group, and set the permissions to:
GCBOS Permissions
Can View GCBOS
Can Talk in GCBOS
02-03-2010, 09:47 PM
Okay, I have done everything everyone has done and I do not understand why my chatbox is not showing up. I have put the code in, I have done the usergroup thing I uploaded everything from the upload folder and I installed the plug in. Can someone explain? The forum is If anyone can see why.
I am using 4.01 and am seeing the same thing.
1. Loaded ok
2. added <!-- {SHOUTBOX} --> to many areas including navbar/forumhome etc
3. changed usergroup permissions
4. shoubox is in the source code on the page but not visible
any ideas?
02-03-2010, 10:18 PM
@ xDazedx:
Did you upload all the files?
Then did you import the product with the .xml file?
02-03-2010, 11:48 PM
@ xDazedx:
Did you upload all the files?
Then did you import the product with the .xml file?
I figured it out. Not sure how it happened but I grabbed the wrong version of code. Pulled the old and grabbed the right version and who would have guessed, it worked! :D
Great mod and thanks!
02-04-2010, 02:25 AM
I have been doing this over and over as suggested by the experts but I still can not get it to display, I must be doing somehting completely wron, I've uploaded all the files from GCBOS_0.7.0 RC2 version upload folder to my forum home and then imported the product.xml and set all the user group permissions and then placed <!-- {SHOUTBOX} --> in my FORUMHOME but it freakin dont work, is there any one who can help me from the start? Please?
02-04-2010, 02:34 AM
I've uploaded all the files from GCBOS_0.7.0 RC2 version upload folder to my forum homeActually, only one of the files should end up in /forum/. No idea if that's your problem.
02-04-2010, 11:51 AM
I have been doing this over and over as suggested by the experts but I still can not get it to display, I must be doing somehting completely wron, I've uploaded all the files from GCBOS_0.7.0 RC2 version upload folder to my forum home and then imported the product.xml and set all the user group permissions and then placed <!-- {SHOUTBOX} --> in my FORUMHOME but it freakin dont work, is there any one who can help me from the start? Please?
Did you give permissions to your Admins and Registered users to view the ShoutBox?
You have to edit the User Group... at the bottom, you will find the GCBOS permissions.
02-04-2010, 01:21 PM
select how to view chat: last message on top or in bottom
colored text
02-04-2010, 01:28 PM
How can i chance the world
GCBOS in "who's online"
02-04-2010, 11:19 PM
hohleweg try searching for it in languages & phrases.
Request for future upgrade - alternate two row colors between members. This makes it easy to identify messages from each members.
02-05-2010, 12:17 AM
Erratic... bug?
I don't know if this is a bug or a problem over on my side, yet I thought I let you know:
I have a page, if it is written without www. the GCBOS does not show.
If you add www. it shows.
My example page is:
02-05-2010, 02:24 AM
Warning: Parameter 5 to gcbos_command_mute() expected to be a reference, value given in [path]/includes/class_gcbos.php on line 125
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [path]/includes/class_core.php:4372) in
^^ was working fine for like a month now... wtf is this random error?
02-05-2010, 06:06 AM
edit: cant get it to show up on forumhome...
02-05-2010, 06:14 AM
Did you give permissions to your Admins and Registered users to view the ShoutBox?
You have to edit the User Group... at the bottom, you will find the GCBOS permissions.
Yes I did this, I gavce permission to view from the begining but no luck. This seems to be me alone who has a problem.
02-05-2010, 09:56 AM
hohleweg try searching for it in languages & phrases.
i dont can find ist
witch phrase is it?
greetings jo
02-05-2010, 10:37 AM
How can i chance the world
GCBOS in "who's online"
I changed it in the plugin-manager.
edit "Whos online"
$userinfo['action'] = 'whatever you want';
02-05-2010, 12:45 PM
I have a colorful nickname with the small picture (gif),
how to correct this problem? :
02-05-2010, 01:17 PM
For some reason after I updated to the latest version of your mod it made it look like this:
Any help on how to make it look regular would be appreciated. Thank you.
02-05-2010, 01:28 PM
I changed it in the plugin-manager.
edit "Whos online"
$userinfo['action'] = 'whatever you want';
Thanks m8 :)
02-05-2010, 05:27 PM
Thanks for this great mod :)
Some suggestions:
1. A setting to control the default height of the chat box.
2. An archive page to view the older shouts.
Some small fixes:
1. Remove from gcbos.php:
This is deprecated. vBulletin isn't using this any more.
2. Replace the cache_templates plugin code with:
$cache[] = 'GCBOS';
When caching only one or two templates, this is faster than array_merge().
3. Replace
<script src="clientscript/gcbos.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/gcbos.js"></script>
to make it XHTML valid.
4. In the GCBOS template replace
<img src="images/buttons/collapse_40b.png" alt="" title="Collapse this Category">
<img src="images/buttons/collapse_40b.png" alt="" title="{vb:rawphrase collapse_this_category}" />
to make it XHTML valid and to phrase it (it's a global phrase, so it works for sure).
5. In the GCBOS template replace
<input type="text" id="gcbos_input" style="width: 92%; height: 19px; margin: 1px;float:left;" autocomplete="off" />
<input type="text" id="gcbos_input" style="width: 92%; height: 19px; margin: 1px;float:left;" />
to make it XHTML valid. Autocomplete isn't a valid XHTML attribute. I don't think it's required for the AJAX to function in this case?
6. Hide the notice by default
<div class="forumrowdata">
<p class="subforumdescription" id="gcbos_notice" style="display:none"></p>
and then use style.display = 'block' in the JavaScript to show it when there actually is a notice. This avoids an empty bar.
02-05-2010, 06:58 PM
Thanks for this great mod :)
Some suggestions:
1. A setting to control the default height of the chat box.
2. An archive page to view the older shouts.
Some small fixes:
Many thanks for the suggestions.
02-06-2010, 02:39 AM
Now getting script errors seems to be on firefox mostly:
02-06-2010, 09:38 AM
When I'm adding a warn I have an error like that:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare gcbos_command_impersonate() (previously declared in /home/frizona/public_html/includes/class_gcbos.php(49) : eval()'d code:22) in /home/frizona/public_html/includes/class_gcbos.php(49) : eval()'d code on line 35
I suppose that it's connected with your modification, so I'm writing here.
02-06-2010, 01:42 PM
is it possibile to put this chatbox in the sidebar?
i try but it doesn't look like very well (i think the css should be checked)
is there someone that put the chatbox on the sidebar with success?
02-06-2010, 04:25 PM
How could there possibly be enough room on the side? Especially once you put other things there too.
02-06-2010, 08:44 PM
How can i change the Time shown in the box ? I need a 24 h displayed not am or pm :-)
And is there any news about a smileybox ? My users asked me about this
Many greetings from germany
And thanks for your work
02-07-2010, 01:48 AM
Thanks for this great mod :)
Some suggestions:
1. A setting to control the default height of the chat box.
2. An archive page to view the older shouts.
Many thanks for the suggestions.
+1 to that as well.
02-07-2010, 02:06 AM
Unregistered / Not Logged In users are not able to see any of the messages.
The shoutbox displays in the window, yet it contains no messages.
I went to the Unregistered / Not Logged In group, and set the permissions to:
GCBOS Permissions
Can View GCBOS
Can Talk in GCBOS
I have the same "excat" problem with the latest release version of GCBOS under vb4.01
Any ideas why this is?
02-07-2010, 07:46 AM
I carnt get to come up on the forum i followed the instructions but still nothing comes up..
im not sure where im going wrong :'
02-07-2010, 07:11 PM
PHP Version 5.2.11
I followed all the instructions, the README file and I checked the files in FTP, but it is always loading, what did I do wrong? Thanks
02-07-2010, 10:30 PM
I hope the plugin gets updated asap with the fixes.
02-08-2010, 01:02 AM
When I'm adding a warn I have an error like that:
I suppose that it's connected with your modification, so I'm writing here.
I have fixed this for RC4 which is currently being ran on the test site :) should be uploading it tomorrow if no more bugs arise.
02-08-2010, 01:05 AM
Thanks for this great mod :)
Some suggestions:
1. A setting to control the default height of the chat box.
2. An archive page to view the older shouts.
Some small fixes:
1. Remove from gcbos.php:
This is deprecated. vBulletin isn't using this any more.
2. Replace the cache_templates plugin code with:
$cache[] = 'GCBOS';
When caching only one or two templates, this is faster than array_merge().
3. Replace
<script src="clientscript/gcbos.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/gcbos.js"></script>
to make it XHTML valid.
4. In the GCBOS template replace
<img src="images/buttons/collapse_40b.png" alt="" title="Collapse this Category">
<img src="images/buttons/collapse_40b.png" alt="" title="{vb:rawphrase collapse_this_category}" />
to make it XHTML valid and to phrase it (it's a global phrase, so it works for sure).
5. In the GCBOS template replace
<input type="text" id="gcbos_input" style="width: 92%; height: 19px; margin: 1px;float:left;" autocomplete="off" />
<input type="text" id="gcbos_input" style="width: 92%; height: 19px; margin: 1px;float:left;" />
to make it XHTML valid. Autocomplete isn't a valid XHTML attribute. I don't think it's required for the AJAX to function in this case?
6. Hide the notice by default
<div class="forumrowdata">
<p class="subforumdescription" id="gcbos_notice" style="display:none"></p>
and then use style.display = 'block' in the JavaScript to show it when there actually is a notice. This avoids an empty bar.
Thanks i shall add these changes to RC4
02-08-2010, 11:45 AM
Unregistered / Not Logged In users are not able to see any of the messages.
The shoutbox displays in the window, yet it contains no messages.
I went to the Unregistered / Not Logged In group, and set the permissions to:
GCBOS Permissions
Can View GCBOS
Can Talk in GCBOS
Any solutions or ideas to fix this problem.
02-08-2010, 12:39 PM
Are options to remove the typewriter effect, and what order new shouts are displayed in, being added?
02-08-2010, 01:53 PM
Matais - I think you are wanting what I was looking for. Newest posts at the top vs the bottom and all texts displayed and not reloaded on a page refresh.
What I would like to also see on this is a slight color change between rows and then maybe at the top, menu buttons for image, links, smilies etc. for people who do not know bbcode off the top of their head.
Great mod!
02-08-2010, 01:56 PM
Are options to remove the typewriter effect, and what order new shouts are displayed in, being added?
Typewriter is disabled in 0.6.9(?)+ via forcing the instant tags :) and i may add ordering in a later release o, more concerned with fixing outstanding issues and implementing crucial ones that have been left aside at the moment.
RC5 is underway witht he above changes made (read a few posts up) im still having issues with hiding the notice section via js (refreshing the page for some reason) and it frankly looks ugly without it there :) im currently downgrading my test server to PHP5.2.12 to test on since 5.3 is pure evil 8- )
02-08-2010, 03:19 PM
I disable it, the typewrite effect.... the order of new shouts...sometime it no load...sometime yes... thanks but no thanks.
02-08-2010, 04:21 PM
PHP Version 5.2.11
I followed all the instructions, the README file and I checked the files in FTP, but it is always loading, what did I do wrong? Thanks
If you want to support is good otherwise seek another chat, is the second time I put the same message. Thanks
02-08-2010, 05:10 PM
Nice feature, very easily installed.
02-09-2010, 12:32 AM
Typewriter is disabled in 0.6.9(?)+ via forcing the instant tags :) and i may add ordering in a later release o, more concerned with fixing outstanding issues and implementing crucial ones that have been left aside at the moment.
RC5 is underway witht he above changes made (read a few posts up) im still having issues with hiding the notice section via js (refreshing the page for some reason) and it frankly looks ugly without it there :) im currently downgrading my test server to PHP5.2.12 to test on since 5.3 is pure evil 8- )
Thanks for your work!! :up: :up:
02-09-2010, 12:36 AM
This mod severely RAPES CPU usage / mysql Usage for me. Anyone else get this? I got around 70-100 users online and this thing is lagging like crazy!
02-09-2010, 06:38 AM
Its worked fine for me on vb 4.1 buth i have disabled it en uninstalled.
Its shows the new treaths subjects from the forum directory for staff only.
Thnx for this chatbox that i have used.
02-09-2010, 09:46 AM
Its worked fine for me on vb 4.1 buth i have disabled it en uninstalled.
Its shows the new treaths subjects from the forum directory for staff only.
Thnx for this chatbox that i have used.
Go the the Mod's Settings in Admin CP.
You can specify which forums NOT to display.
02-09-2010, 11:48 AM
After I enable this addon, I cant use the switch Editor Button when creating or editing Articles.
In the forum and comments it still works tho.
Disabling this Plugin, and I can use the button!
02-09-2010, 01:08 PM
Now that's interesting. I had noticed the advanced editor not working but had sort of assumed it was another 401 bug.
02-09-2010, 01:35 PM
After I enable this addon, I cant use the switch Editor Button when creating or editing Articles.
In the forum and comments it still works tho.
Disabling this Plugin, and I can use the button!
How odd GCBOS doesnt touch anything like that...
Update: Tested on localhost works fine for me if the text editor is showing the raw tags just highlight them to worked for me.
Just one last thing to fix in RC5 (i hate javascript) and i shall release it if any one can help with it (show the notice container only on certain events please pm me).
Im currently working on a surprise feature, which might push back RC5 for a day or so. I have the html etc done its just the backend that needs doing now!
02-10-2010, 03:35 AM
Anyway to get some type of "Time out" system in place? Or maybe as just an option I can turn on?
People sit in my shout box all night and they show up as on the forums for the entire time.. On vb3x I had a chat box that would time out after a set time and would blank out the box and advise the users they need to refresh the box (via a small button on the chat box) to continue to see chat's. That's about the only thing I miss from my old system. I love the live update of the chat in real time that's really nice ;)
02-10-2010, 11:33 AM
Anyway to get some type of "Time out" system in place? Or maybe as just an option I can turn on?
People sit in my shout box all night and they show up as on the forums for the entire time.. On vb3x I had a chat box that would time out after a set time and would blank out the box and advise the users they need to refresh the box (via a small button on the chat box) to continue to see chat's. That's about the only thing I miss from my old system. I love the live update of the chat in real time that's really nice ;)
Erm i may add it to 0.7 at some point.
Anyway im still messing with this mystery feature :P and ofc the js for it *sigh*
02-10-2010, 12:58 PM
I am a bit of a noob to VB, just migrating from PHPBB. Installed this shoutbox and I really like it so far.
My question might be trivial, though I did use the search function prior to posting... so please.. no flaming haha.
Just want to know if there is a way to set the default size of the shoutbox? Or even to have it default to minimized? I see you can modify that once it is loaded, but I would prefer it to be slightly smaller to start unless the user wants to make it bigger.
EDIT: Ok, didn't realize it put in a GCBOS template entry. Sorry for the post haha!
02-10-2010, 06:25 PM
I'm liking it...
Two things I've noticed:
- the inability for the 'Unregistered' user group to see text posted in the shoutbox (regardless of the permissions set on the group itself). So not sure if there is another permission somewhere overriding it when it goes to get the posted text...
- i'm using bbpixel (so not standard) and joomla - but if I log into an admin user with an expired password notice, that notice seems to draw inside the shoutbox before it is replaced with the shoutbox text..
02-11-2010, 12:15 AM
I'm seeing a lot of this error in my php logs
PHP Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in C:\wwwroot\vbulletin\includes\class_gcbos.php on line 128
just a quick FYI
02-11-2010, 02:16 PM
I'm seeing a lot of this error in my php logs
just a quick FYI
Yeah i need to recode the command system to not use references but i have no motivation for it since my PHP 5.3.1 build fully supports it ;P
02-11-2010, 08:04 PM
Anyway the amount of resources this thing takes up can be reduced MyChemicalSelf? It lags horribly with 60+ users online my forum, but love all the commands, but its just too slow and laggy and hogs up too much resources or something
02-11-2010, 09:52 PM
Anyway the amount of resources this thing takes up can be reduced MyChemicalSelf? It lags horribly with 60+ users online my forum, but love all the commands, but its just too slow and laggy and hogs up too much resources or something
What are your server specs?
The demo forum ( has There are currently 156 users online. 64 members and 92 guests users online and there is no lag.
Oh im trialing RC5 on the demo boards at the moment with the surprise removed fixed an annoying bug :) i shall release it in a minute or two if all is still working.
02-11-2010, 10:01 PM
A major update "0.7.0 RC5" has been released this contains many fixes and new features.
02-11-2010, 10:05 PM
A major update "0.7.0 RC5" has been released this contains many fixes and new features.The changelog doesn't show any updates since RC1, so I'm wondering what's new?
02-11-2010, 10:30 PM
The changelog doesn't show any updates since RC1, so I'm wondering what's new?
The changes are in the update email and should be on the second post i forgot to update the changelog file since this isnt a 'gold' release (0.7 final)
-0.7.0 RC1
--Fixes for broken commands in 0.6.10
--Alert on new topic
--UTF-8 support thanks to Namaless
--Messages display instantly
--Check README for instructions on PHP5.3+
-0.7.0 RC2
--Fixed an xml error
--Fixed SQL error
-0.7.0 RC3 - RC5
--Fixed template errors
--Optimized for vB4
--Removed vB3 specific code
--Fixed a white screen (php error) when infracting users
--Added topic reply notifications
--Fixed a 'important' issue with topic reply notifications
02-11-2010, 11:58 PM
Today I upgraded to php 5.2.12 and the chat no longer appears in the chat box. I see the "Loading.." but after that I just get a blank screen I'm on RC5 also.
When I go back to 5.2.11 everything works like normal.
The text i typed into the box when I was on 5.2.12 shows up in the window on 5.2.11 so its accepting the input but just not displaying anything on php 5.2.12.
EDIT: Never mind its working (luz)
02-12-2010, 12:01 AM
What are your server specs?
The demo forum ( has users online and there is no lag.
Oh im trialing RC5 on the demo boards at the moment with the surprise removed fixed an annoying bug :) i shall release it in a minute or two if all is still working.
Pretty good server (Dedicated), and this site im running off of is the only site that utilizes any mySQL db, etc:
Generic 1024 MB
Generic 1024 MB
Dell Single socket 1067FSB - Quad Core Capable
Western Digital 250GB:SATA:7200RPM
Unknown Onboard
Intel 2.13 GHz 1066FSB - Kentsfield
02-12-2010, 12:21 AM
Is there any way to disable topic reply notifications?
02-12-2010, 12:26 AM
Does this update resolve the messages displaying slowly, which you mentioned in your changelog was resolved in RC1 but never showed up fixed in RC2?
I don't like the scrolling effect.
02-12-2010, 12:53 AM
Unregistered / Not Logged In users are not able to see any of the messages.
The shoutbox displays in the window, yet it contains no messages.
I went to the Unregistered / Not Logged In group, and set the permissions to:
GCBOS Permissions
Can View GCBOS
Can Talk in GCBOS
This has been FIXED with the latest version of RC5
Unregistered / Not Logged in users are unable to send messages, even when the permission has been set to YES under usergroups.
02-12-2010, 02:23 AM
Is there any way to disable topic reply notifications?Sort of. In Options deselect "Alert on new topic". However, PM alerts will still be shown.
02-12-2010, 02:57 AM
Hello !
When i give an infration to user, i see this error :
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare gcbos_command_impersonate() (previously declared in /home/ : eval()'d code:22) in /home/ : eval()'d code on line 35
How can i fix it :( Please help me ?
02-12-2010, 03:10 AM
When i give an infration to user, i see this error :The infraction error is supposed to have been fixed in RC5. Please verify that is the version you are using.
02-12-2010, 03:18 AM
When i upgrade to GCBOS RC5, i can't type Vietnamese in chatbox :(
My encoding is utf-8, i change ISO-8859-1 to utf-8 but not effect.
02-12-2010, 03:31 AM
Sort of. In Options deselect "Alert on new topic". However, PM alerts will still be shown.
Ya the new reply alert option is really spammy on the other hand I like to see when people post new topics. A switch to turn off the reply notification but keep the new topic notification wold be nice.
02-12-2010, 06:01 AM
Does this update resolve the messages displaying slowly, which you mentioned in your changelog was resolved in RC1 but never showed up fixed in RC2?
I don't like the scrolling effect.
I wish it did. Everyone on my site seems to dislike how it displays like that.
02-12-2010, 07:35 AM
Thanks for the update, but I really wish to see these 2 features:
1), Archive/Log system which can be set per usergroup.
2), Direct bottom chat (display latest chats instantly), so the scrolling effect won't show.
02-12-2010, 09:19 AM
German Umlauts like äöü will not work with RC5.
02-12-2010, 10:06 AM
Thanks for the update, but I really wish to see these 2 features:
1), Archive/Log system which can be set per usergroup.
2), Direct bottom chat (display latest chats instantly), so the scrolling effect won't show.
Once i have a bug fixed (editing posts showing as a reply) i will consider working on an archive.
All shouts are displayed instantly as they are wrapped with instant tags, not the best solution but meh ill sort it properly eventually.
About umlauts etc yeah not sure why its propbably because of the charset im using woops ill sort it for the gold release (i force the chat to use utf8 ^.^)
Hello !
When i give an infration to user, i see this error :
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare gcbos_command_impersonate() (previously declared in /home/ : eval()'d code:22) in /home/ : eval()'d code on line 35
How can i fix it :( Please help me ?
Please update to RC5 it has been fixed in the private build for a while. (silly bug)
Pretty good server (Dedicated), and this site im running off of is the only site that utilizes any mySQL db, etc:
Generic 1024 MB
Generic 1024 MB
Dell Single socket 1067FSB - Quad Core Capable
Western Digital 250GB:SATA:7200RPM
Unknown Onboard
Intel 2.13 GHz 1066FSB - Kentsfield
How odd with RC5 on the demo site we are on older hardware if i remember right and we do just fine currently i will look into adding an idle system
0.75 0.78 0.86 | 103 Users Online
02-12-2010, 10:55 AM
Would it be possible to make the chatbox "active" when your screen is seeing the chatbox? To prevent usage if the person is just browsing the page itself, not looking at the chat box.
02-12-2010, 01:13 PM
I dont know if this is concerning but I used this plug in on my website and a few days later my host blocked my whole site because there is a leak in GCBOS.php file please help me or tell me how to fix it .
02-12-2010, 01:20 PM
Instead of Cyrillic characters (UTF-8) in RC5 displayed characters from the Latin set. I had to return to the RC2. :(
02-12-2010, 01:26 PM
I dont know if this is concerning but I used this plug in on my website and a few days later my host blocked my whole site because there is a leak in GCBOS.php file please help me or tell me how to fix it .This is why there has to be an idle timeout option. Once 20-30 people sit on the page and start using it as a chatroom, any shared server is in danger of being suspended.
Of course, I have no idea if that was your problem because you've given us zero details. I know there's nothing terribly wrong with this mod because the last few days during this huge blizzard my community has been hopping and I've been monitoring our shared server loads and they're fine with as many as 80 on (but not all sitting in the chatbox!).
02-12-2010, 02:34 PM
Sort of. In Options deselect "Alert on new topic". However, PM alerts will still be shown.
Okay, thanks. It would be nice to have a seperate option, though. ;)
Thanks for everything so far! :)
02-12-2010, 03:18 PM
After the host restored everything we got informed that we got DDOS Attacked all information of the Plug in was available in the chatbox which I had to disable it ...
Any clues ?
I'm really thankful for your guys work I don't have bad intentions but I just want to ask why this happen and if you guys have a solution for it thats all.
02-12-2010, 10:19 PM
A ddos attack has nothing at all to do with this mod. Unless they're actually trying to say there's a vulnerability in the code and there was a ddos attack at the same time. More likely they just saw people trying to chat during the attack and it was generating normal errors.
On an overloaded shared server your users will hit the buttons over and over trying to get it to work; it's normal for lazy tech staff to read this as being your fault, but it isn't.
Jim Co
02-13-2010, 02:34 AM
Everything appears OK but when I type in a shout and hit submit nothing shows up what you typed just disappears..using the newest one clean install.
02-13-2010, 02:55 AM
Once i have a bug fixed (editing posts showing as a reply) i will consider working on an archive.
All shouts are displayed instantly as they are wrapped with instant tags, not the best solution but meh ill sort it properly eventually.
About umlauts etc yeah not sure why its propbably because of the charset im using woops ill sort it for the gold release (i force the chat to use utf8 ^.^)
Please update to RC5 it has been fixed in the private build for a while. (silly bug)
How odd with RC5 on the demo site we are on older hardware if i remember right and we do just fine currently i will look into adding an idle system
Thank you, we will be looking forward to a more optimized instant loading of the messages. We are using the other chatbox mod for vb4 AsC or whatever it is called, no lag WHAT SO EVER, so it has to be something with the coding, or utilizing a lot of resources, or something!
02-13-2010, 11:50 AM
Is it possible to switch off several msgs like PM, New Topic reply to thread and so on?
02-13-2010, 01:39 PM
I would just like to see the "topic replies" disabled on chat.
New topic alert is a great feature, but on bigger boards, where there is a reply happening just kills the chat :(
02-13-2010, 02:48 PM
I would just like to see the "topic replies" disabled on chat.
New topic alert is a great feature, but on bigger boards, where there is a reply happening just kills the chat :(
Can this be disabled? "Topic Replies"
Members are complaining as it spams the chatbox.
02-13-2010, 03:28 PM
i have this problem. By typing a word:
i receive this word in my shoutbox:
Whats the problem?
i have this problem. By typing a word:
i receive this word in my shoutbox:
Whats the problem?
UTF-8 doesn't work. :(
I would just like to see the "topic replies" disabled on chat.
New topic alert is a great feature, but on bigger boards, where there is a reply happening just kills the chat :(
+1 Just make it configurable :up:
02-14-2010, 07:30 AM
Yes dude, but it isna't utf-8. It is ISO-8859-1.
Best regards
02-14-2010, 08:37 PM
how can I empty the cache of the shoutbox?
02-15-2010, 02:10 PM
how can I empty the cache of the shoutbox?
type /prune
Im still working on the gold release one last bug to fix 'editing posts' and what not i also need to sort utf8 support.
02-15-2010, 11:57 PM
type /prune
Im still working on the gold release one last bug to fix 'editing posts' and what not i also need to sort utf8 support.
Cant wait for it. I'm sure its gonna be awesome :)
02-17-2010, 04:21 PM
gefällt = gefällt
Changeing the charset from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 did not solve that problem but messed up all other text with special characters.
Even all other solution posted on the last 60 pages of this thread did not help.
02-17-2010, 05:52 PM
''/clear'' no trabaja. Tampoco las tildes ni la ñ.
02-19-2010, 01:16 AM
0.7 RC6/ Gold is scheduled to land tomorrow evening GMT.
-Option to disabled notifications for New topics and New reply's individually
-Fixed gcbos showing post editing as a reply
-UTF8 support (i have tested English characters and Arabic on my iis7 install).
Anything else i have missed 'bug' wise not php5.3 related?
02-19-2010, 01:41 AM
GCBOS 0.7 installed on my forum, with the character fix, see attachment.
02-19-2010, 01:45 AM
Just need results from the Demo site before i release :)
02-19-2010, 02:47 AM
0.7 RC6/ Gold is scheduled to land tomorrow evening GMT.
-Option to disabled notifications for New topics and New reply's individually
-Fixed gcbos showing post editing as a reply
-UTF8 support (i have tested English characters and Arabic on my iis7 install).
Anything else i have missed 'bug' wise not php5.3 related?
great updates :)
any chance of having online users added to the shoutbox window?
02-19-2010, 03:26 AM
I really was hoping by gold there would be a way of displaying messages instantly.
The current method you mentioned of "wrapping instant tags" isn't going to work for us.
Ah well. Hope you can get that sorted out soon.
02-19-2010, 03:33 AM
The instant tags display the message instantly without the type writer...
02-19-2010, 04:29 AM
gef?llt = gefällt
Changeing the charset from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 did not solve that problem but messed up all other text with special characters.
Even all other solution posted on the last 60 pages of this thread did not help.
Me too
02-19-2010, 11:11 AM
No bugs have been found in RC6 those who are testing it i shall release within the next hour or so.
02-19-2010, 01:32 PM
No bugs have been found in RC6 those who are testing it i shall release within the next hour or so.
great news....will be waiting here :D
02-19-2010, 03:04 PM
Right just uploaded 0.7.06 (0.7 Final) to my server, ill upload to in a minute or so.
02-19-2010, 03:08 PM
Thanks a lot :)
02-19-2010, 03:12 PM
Released :) sent an update notification, 0.6 is now unsupported. Updated first post and Changelog.
Super.. Works perfectly again!
Collation issue resolved.
02-19-2010, 06:53 PM
Glad it works :) it was a silly bug, i decoded the data to utf8 in the wrong place so it was 'corrupt' when it was time to display it *woops* found out how to fix it by accident last night.
02-20-2010, 12:59 PM
Hello MyChemicalSelf,
I downloaded RC7.06, yet I am having trouble unzipping it.
There's like... upload folder inside upload folder and it is giving me an error.
Any ideas?
02-21-2010, 04:44 PM
Its just a mapping for osx just ignore it and unzip the files as you would normally (Works with winrar).
Working on 0.7.1 shouldnt be to long.
02-21-2010, 07:10 PM
Its just a mapping for osx just ignore it and unzip the files as you would normally (Works with winrar).
Yes... not sure what happened on my side... yet I was able to unzip it just fine now.
Working on 0.7.1 shouldnt be to long.
Thank you very much for your work!
Much appreciated :D
02-22-2010, 09:04 AM
Good Job! Thank you very much!
02-22-2010, 11:57 PM
Glad to know the archive is fine no bugs so far with this version so expect 0.7.1x soon.
02-23-2010, 01:13 AM
Glad to know the archive is fine no bugs so far with this version so expect 0.7.1x soon.
this just keeps getting better :D
02-23-2010, 03:08 AM
I'm thinking of making a shoutbox page for vBulletin that will have options for moderators and a search-able archive (these are just ideas don't hold me to them) in 0.7.1x you can expect a shout style system (colors; possibly bold / italics you get the idea).
02-23-2010, 03:50 AM
I am thinking of install this thank you
02-25-2010, 05:27 PM
All installed and uploaded and not showing on my forums.
in vb4.0.2 where exactly do i put this code?
<!-- {SHOUTBOX} -->
02-25-2010, 06:01 PM
Nevermind I got it.
02-25-2010, 06:04 PM
I'm thinking of making a shoutbox page for vBulletin that will have options for moderators and a search-able archive (these are just ideas don't hold me to them) in 0.7.1x you can expect a shout style system (colors; possibly bold / italics you get the idea).
Would love to see this mate,Great work keep it comming.Thank's.:up:
02-25-2010, 11:43 PM
Right i'm quite busy lately so 0.7.1x may just include a colour picker and other planned features coming in a later release (0.7.2x).
Hopefully i can finish the colour system some time tomorrow.
Forgot to mention i think i have a fix for all PHP5.3 issues with references, variables are automatically passed as a reference in PHP5.3 and i think 5.2 this means i just need to adjust some functions and how the arguments are passed to them.
02-26-2010, 12:56 AM
Np mate :)
will wait...the important thing is you are still updating it with features :)
Hats off
02-26-2010, 09:16 AM
Hi mate,
by editing a shout i got this format error:
For example: /edit 487 Ich teste Umlaute - ä ü ö ï
03-03-2010, 01:42 PM
This might not be do-able but its worth a shot?
Is there a way to split the chat/shout box so it will show Shouts on one side and Forum Posts/Threads on the other side? This way new threads and posts are drowned by an active shout box.
03-03-2010, 04:16 PM
0.7.07 is underway so far its PHP 5.3 fixes still untested i will get a chance over the weekend :)
03-05-2010, 06:39 PM
0.7.07 relased i reccomend installing the following modification ( to add GCBOS to your navbar (
--GCBOS Page:
--Fixes for PHP5.3
Edit: for some reason i cant edit the thread title any one know if Firefox doesnt support inline editing? o.o
03-08-2010, 02:37 PM
what about my error?
03-08-2010, 06:11 PM
Can I create rooms in chatbox?
03-08-2010, 08:22 PM
Some strange UTF bugs, when you post in Russian - it is OK. But when you set up notice - it works wrong way...
If you refresh - you can see new notice, but after chatbox updates, it became screwed again...
i wish i could use it, but seem like it is too early...
03-09-2010, 01:06 AM
the chatbox doesnt show when i put this
<!-- {SHOUTBOX} -->
any ideas?running vb 4.0.2
03-09-2010, 03:47 AM
Anyone know how to allow guests to type in chat?
03-09-2010, 11:45 PM
never mind, but unistalled because not support of latin charsets and some bugs like no bold on nick names just showing <b>nick <b>
03-10-2010, 03:20 PM
Is there any way to make GCBOS show UTF-8 characters (đšžćč) some of them are alright, but some are not.
03-10-2010, 06:09 PM
7.07 blowed up the UTF-8 Support.
In 7.06 everything worked fine.
03-10-2010, 06:15 PM
Is there a way to add a smilies box?
03-12-2010, 10:35 AM
7.07 blowed up the UTF-8 Support.
In 7.06 everything worked fine.
I have to recall this post. For me it works now. i think it was caused by the update from 4.0.0 to 4.0.2. I originally installed the english version of vb4 but used the german update files. After the upgrade i followed this tutorial ( Upgrade from eng to de.
After this you have to upgrade the german "du" language files manually and i just forgot to import blog and cms language pack. I did that today and now it works.
Perhaps this hint could help anybody else.
03-12-2010, 03:28 PM
For all those with VBSEO and having problems with displaying, you need to set the 'clean up html code' setting to 'no'
03-13-2010, 07:42 PM
Hey this is a great mod! Mychemicalself, I went to your website and saw those left sidebars on your forum home with the "New Forum Posts" and "New Threads". I am interested in adding that to my site as well. Would you mind sharing how you did that? That looks really cool.
Thank you in advance.
cindy helmond
03-16-2010, 10:59 AM
great but one problem cant see whos online function ?
cindy helmond
03-16-2010, 03:32 PM
is there an way to get the new message on the top of page ?
03-16-2010, 03:36 PM
database error, at the time of user registration
03-24-2010, 11:13 AM
For all those with VBSEO and having problems with displaying, you need to set the 'clean up html code' setting to 'no'
Could you tell me where is that option?
03-29-2010, 03:25 PM
Anyone know how to allow guests to type in chat?
Currently this is not supported it is on my to do list.
never mind, but unistalled because not support of latin charsets and some bugs like no bold on nick names just showing <b>nick <b>
Use newer html such as <span style="text-weight: bold;"> </span>
For all those with VBSEO and having problems with displaying, you need to set the 'clean up html code' setting to 'no'
Never noticed this my site uses vBSEO
database error, at the time of user registration
Never happened before on mine or the demo forums (this does not touch anything related to registration).
-Recode JavaScript engine
-Implement API
-Work on restructuring the source and improving command handling(?)
-Work on a more fluid layout for the 'page' and forums version
-Finish work on colors.
04-03-2010, 05:05 PM
Works well. Still using and added it to the end off navbar to have the box everywhere.
Well some Bold, invert and Color could be added.... ;)) maybe later
04-03-2010, 06:08 PM
Without reading through the many posts
Is there any extras you are adding to this ?
If possible i would like to see chat channels
So we can have a protected channel and a community channel
Cheers for the work and its all working fine
04-04-2010, 10:46 AM
Hello again. I would like to ask if its possible to add the Number u set for Maximum message length between the Type Field and the submit button (see attachment)? and how can i change the Submit to an arrow? Its bit better for me coz im running a multilanguage board. Thanks
04-07-2010, 10:55 AM
Without reading through the many posts
Is there any extras you are adding to this ?
If possible i would like to see chat channels
So we can have a protected channel and a community channel
Cheers for the work and its all working fine
I like the idea of channels :) might work on it some time.
Hello again. I would like to ask if its possible to add the Number u set for Maximum message length between the Type Field and the submit button (see attachment)? and how can i change the Submit to an arrow? Its bit better for me coz im running a multilanguage board. Thanks
Erm its in the GCBOS template you would need to edit that. The max message size part might be interesting but that's where the color chooser is on my development boards D:
04-07-2010, 01:06 PM
So we have to wait for a newer version ;)
btw.. how can i get rid of things like ...posted, replied, etc, Threads, Post and so on. I just want to use the shoutbox as a shoutbox not an information box?! Thanks
04-16-2010, 12:27 PM
There is a Problem between this and VB 4.0.3. It makes the Switch Editor button in the CMS not work.!&highlight=Switch+Editor+Mode
04-16-2010, 11:01 PM
Got it to work.
04-17-2010, 04:30 PM
Version 0.8.01 released please overwrite all files and import the new XML.
If a mod views this can they please update the title to:
[Shout/Chatbox] GCBOS - Generic Chat Box Operating System [vB4]
04-18-2010, 04:16 AM
Is there a possibility to have it blown up into a full page chat box and go back to the small chatbox on the forum display page, and tell who is in the chatbox room. I think that is the only thing missing with this awesome chatbox. Great work on this mod it is a great enhancement to my site.
04-19-2010, 03:07 PM
There is a Problem between this and VB 4.0.3. It makes the Switch Editor button in the CMS not work.!&highlight=Switch+Editor+Mode
Version 0.8.01 released please overwrite all files and import the new XML.
If a mod views this can they please update the title to:
What did this update correct? The previous issue with the SWE is still there after the update.
04-19-2010, 04:16 PM
What did this update correct? The previous issue with the SWE is still there after the update.
I have a fix and will upload a fixed bundle within the hour :)
04-19-2010, 04:53 PM
Is there a possibility to have it blown up into a full page chat box and go back to the small chatbox on the forum display page, and tell who is in the chatbox room. I think that is the only thing missing with this awesome chatbox. Great work on this mod it is a great enhancement to my site.
Is the main page it will get a redesign in the future :)
The channels option may get added after the upcoming redesign.
--Fixed known issues with vBCMS
04-19-2010, 06:28 PM
Thanks MCS!
04-19-2010, 06:31 PM
XML Error: no element found at Line 182
no idea what im doing wrong
04-19-2010, 07:14 PM
XML Error: no element found at Line 182
no idea what im doing wrong
Sec let me take a look! The product imports fine for me.
04-20-2010, 02:08 PM
I see you updated yesterday. Has the SEM button issue been corrected?
04-21-2010, 01:44 PM
I need to know how to change the name, I dont get what that guy said..
04-21-2010, 01:46 PM
I see you updated yesterday. Has the SEM button issue been corrected?
The update checks for pages that have the "id" of the switch mode button on and disables the chatbox. It was the best i can do until i redesign the template for GCBOS. Its fixed for me so in theory it will work elsewhere.
I need to know how to change the name, I dont get what that guy said..
Languages and Phrases -> Search -> GCBOS -> GO
Edit the one called GCBOS to have what ever you want in it.
04-21-2010, 01:52 PM
Ahah, Thanks for the Help..
04-21-2010, 01:55 PM
Pleasure :)
04-22-2010, 01:33 PM
The update checks for pages that have the "id" of the switch mode button on and disables the chatbox. It was the best i can do until i redesign the template for GCBOS. Its fixed for me so in theory it will work elsewhere.
Languages and Phrases -> Search -> GCBOS -> GO
Edit the one called GCBOS to have what ever you want in it.
Well that may be another problem when GCBOS is used as a shout box widget on the main CMS page, which is where it is working but also killing my Switch Editor button. My GCBOS is also located on my Forum main so if I install this update it will work in neither place?
What I find off if you look at my site is that I have the GCBOS shout box on the main CSS where it is apparently killing my SEM button. I also have the chat on my Forum where it has not effected my SEM button.
Have a look at my site and you will wee what I mean.
04-23-2010, 10:40 AM
Well that may be another problem when GCBOS is used as a shout box widget on the main CMS page, which is where it is working but also killing my Switch Editor button. My GCBOS is also located on my Forum main so if I install this update it will work in neither place?
What I find off if you look at my site is that I have the GCBOS shout box on the main CSS where it is apparently killing my SEM button. I also have the chat on my Forum where it has not effected my SEM button.
Have a look at my site and you will wee what I mean.
In theory the new update should fix it, since when it detects the SEM it disables the chat. I will take a look at your site though and see what i can think off.
04-23-2010, 10:49 PM
How can i make this chat box thinner ?
So its half the width it is already
04-23-2010, 11:02 PM
2 questions.
Tried reading through as many of the 65 pages as I could but giving up.
Can you config this so different users text shows up as different colors?
Also, how can you clear the text in the chat box. Say a conversation is over and you want to remove everything?
04-25-2010, 03:53 PM
Hi GCBOS won't let me remove it.. I get the following error:
Can't DROP 'gcbos_color'; check that column/key exists
Error Number : 1091
04-30-2010, 05:16 PM
So is there ANY way to rename the header at the top not to read "GCBOS" of this mod?
That name means nothing to people... I'd like it to read "Shout Box"
05-01-2010, 06:22 AM
Could someone please tell me how to stop/disable this product from showing up as a location on the who is online list?
The problem I'm having is that because I have it added to my forum header (so it appears on every page), it lists members almost constantly as viewing/using the shoutbox, instead of their true location ie. what section/thread they are viewing.
Thanks in advance :)
05-01-2010, 07:26 AM
This update stop the GCBOS module for vBAdvanced 4.0B1 from working :(
05-01-2010, 11:59 AM
Any help here?
Hi GCBOS won't let me remove it.. I get the following error:
Can't DROP 'gcbos_color'; check that column/key exists
Error Number : 1091
05-03-2010, 02:39 PM
Actually this mod rocks but, unfortunately it uses iconv to convert from/to utf, and I don't have it in my server and I cant risk recompiling php via shell for it..
So the mod uninstalled now, and bye bye dardacheh.... فهو لا يدعم العربيّة
05-03-2010, 03:46 PM
So is there ANY way to rename the header at the top not to read "GCBOS" of this mod?
That name means nothing to people... I'd like it to read "Shout Box"
Admin - Languages & Phrases - Search in Phrases
In the search box enter - GCBOS and click find
It then shall list lots of info with the GCBOS
Find the 1 that ONLY says - GCBOS
Click EDIT
And change to whatever you want and save
05-04-2010, 04:43 AM
Could someone please tell me how to stop/disable this product from showing up as a location on the who is online list?
The problem I'm having is that because I have it added to my forum header (so it appears on every page), it lists members almost constantly as viewing/using the shoutbox, instead of their true location ie. what section/thread they are viewing.
Thanks in advance :)
05-08-2010, 02:09 AM
needs an option for standard dimensions. Needs basic codes such as bold, italic, font.
Smileys are preferred inline right above or below the box.
05-09-2010, 07:33 PM
I am starting to get a data base error
Database error in vBulletin :
mysql_connect() [<a href='function.mysql-connect'>function.mysql-connect</a>]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
/home/xxxxxx/public_html/forums/includes/class_core.php on line 312
MySQL Error :
Error Number :
Request Date : Sunday, May 9th 2010 @ 02:31:44 PM
Error Date : Sunday, May 9th 2010 @ 02:31:44 PM
Script : http://www.xxxxxxxx/forums/gcbos.php
Referrer : http://www.xxxxxxx/forums/forumdisplay.php?254-GOW-Lounge
IP Address : xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
Is this due to this mod ?
cheers and any fix possible ?
05-17-2010, 05:12 PM
What is the Damned method for removing this? I see plenty of people asking and no answers. I can not get it to remove the product.!
Same reason as above
This product will NOT uninstall
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.3:
Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE `user` DROP COLUMN `gcbos_color`;
MySQL Error : Can't DROP 'gcbos_color'; check that column/key exists
Error Number : 1091
Request Date : Monday, May 17th 2010 @ 12:12:51 PM
Error Date : Monday, May 17th 2010 @ 12:12:51 PM
Script :
Referrer :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.46-log
05-18-2010, 12:40 PM
For those of you who could not get it to Uninstall try this. It worked for me.
ACP>Plugins & Products> Manage Products
Find the Line for GCBOS Make sure the dropdown says "edit". Click GO.
Scroll down to where you see the install code and Uninstall code
Check both boxes to the Right under Delete to delete both these codes.
Click Save at the Bottom..
Now you need to remove the GCBOS templates. Since the product is gone these can now be removed
ACP>Styles and Templates>Search in templates search for GCBOS
highlight each template and click Revert, this removes them since the product is gone.
Go to ACP>Plugins & Products> Plug in manager and verity that the GCBOS plug ins are gone.
Now delete all the files you uploaded from the package onto your server.
Lastly search for <!-- {SHOUTBOX} --> in your templates and remove the lines you added.
This should have removed all of this POS product that does not uninstall through Normal means.
Hope this helps.
MyChemicalSelf you need to fix this product, so it can be uninstalled correctly.
$vbulletin->db->query_write("ALTER TABLE `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "user` ADD `gcbos_effects` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0");
oO why?
05-19-2010, 10:36 PM
uninstall this product thanks in advance
05-19-2010, 10:41 PM
For those of you who could not get it to Uninstall try this. It worked for me.
ACP>Plugins & Products> Manage Products
Find the Line for GCBOS Make sure the dropdown says "edit". Click GO.
Scroll down to where you see the install code and Uninstall code
Check both boxes to the Right under Delete to delete both these codes.
Click Save at the Bottom..
Now you need to remove the GCBOS templates. Since the product is gone these can now be removed
ACP>Styles and Templates>Search in templates search for GCBOS
highlight each template and click Revert, this removes them since the product is gone.
Go to ACP>Plugins & Products> Plug in manager and verity that the GCBOS plug ins are gone.
Now delete all the files you uploaded from the package onto your server.
Lastly search for <!-- {SHOUTBOX} --> in your templates and remove the lines you added.
This should have removed all of this POS product that does not uninstall through Normal means.
Hope this helps.
MyChemicalSelf you need to fix this product, so it can be uninstalled correctly.
thanks for your help I worked at 100%
05-25-2010, 04:53 PM
Glad I could Help.
06-03-2010, 06:03 PM
My /notice broke out of no where, I havent done anything just for some odd reason it started doing this
06-11-2010, 08:41 PM
wow come on!
remove it if no response
06-12-2010, 04:20 PM
I had to uninstall it, it doesn't work for me.
06-12-2010, 11:16 PM
On my site the shoutbox only loads one shout at a time.. it takes a couple seconds for all the shouts to load instead of them loading instantly.
06-20-2010, 07:49 PM
gcbos update but I have problems with special characters such as words with accents etc. aside the ñ is not in the previous version was solved and now as my language is Spanish, it looks bad when chatting, as you can solve that problem
and the first problem was solved, reraised gcbos.php file and fix the problem with the ñ but the problem remained on the links of the issues and the user name that solution can be applied in this case, the problem is same letter ñ and accented words
06-30-2010, 11:38 PM
hanks for your response I see is not important the question I asked greetings
que sera importante aqui??
07-28-2010, 02:37 PM
My chat can't display Cyrillic characters. If I change it in my database to Cyrillic it shows up, so I think the problem is that the chat force messages to be UTF8.
Can you tell me how to remove this forcing?
08-08-2010, 05:20 AM
How can i add this chat to a forum other the forum home or showthread, I will like to have in a forum itself. Can I do that and how please..
08-09-2010, 02:45 PM
How can i add this chat to a forum other the forum home or showthread, I will like to have in a forum itself. Can I do that and how please..
anyone have a clue please?
08-09-2010, 03:23 PM
How can i add this chat to a forum other the forum home or showthread, I will like to have in a forum itself. Can I do that and how please..
go to admincp/styles and templates/search template /navbar template/ad_global_below_navbar template/ and then place the code <!-- {SHOUTBOX} --> at the end of the template and save template..will be displayed throughout the forum including cms,blogs and vbadvance.
08-10-2010, 12:59 AM
go to admincp/styles and templates/search template /navbar template/ad_global_below_navbar template/ and then place the code <!-- {SHOUTBOX} --> at the end of the template and save template..will be displayed throughout the forum including cms,blogs and vbadvance.
ok, let me explain myself a bit more, what I want to do is add a chatbox inside a forum in particular and not the whole forums.
For sample; is like adding a chat in the vbulletin 4.0 Modification section only and not in all forums. With that said I will like a chat in the portuguese forum in my forums. I think to get this done I have to add the Forum ID I want to have the chatbox add but how I do that?
Thanks mate for wanting to help
08-22-2010, 07:49 AM
is it possible to make it show the newest messages at top of chat box instead of bottom?
09-08-2010, 09:11 PM
I went ahead and removed the & in front of output in the class_gcbos file.
I still have to do this with the latest release, yet the version notes show that 0.6.10 fixed the "depreciated issues" Any chance of a solution to this going forward?
Also how do we set it to not have the text come out like a type-writer on a new install? This is really annoying and I wish to turn it off as it takes forever.
Winter Sonata
09-11-2010, 02:37 AM
I guess it doesn't work with vb 406 ? Does it ?
09-23-2010, 11:00 PM
I really cant wait for the fonts, smiles etc to be added then i love this shoutbox so much ill always use it :) as of ill install but disable it as the shoutbox i have atm has them options but not commands.
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