View Full Version : Blog This Post issue... how to fix it?

11-02-2009, 09:06 PM
When reading a thread a user has the ability to quote a post with the "Blog this Post" feature. When they click it, they effectively create a blog entry based off of a post in the forums. The original post shows up as a quote and all of the content of that post shows up in the quote.

This feature has one massive bug though. Any attachments that are posted using the Attach bbcode breaks - the attachments turn into text links and when clicked, they result in errors. The problem is that the attachments don't transfer from the post to the blog entry.

I've brought this up on vb.com, but I don't think the staff is checking the Blog forum anymore and I highly doubt they'll fix this bug since they're spending all their time on vb4 now. Would anyone here have an idea on how to fix it? Or is this something a hardcore developer would need to tackle? Isn't this ironic? I might have to pay someone to fix a bug that vb won't fix themselves even though they want to charge me 5-7 times the cost of the old renewal fee for a product I don't really know that I want yet? I just want the product I did pay for to work correctly.... LOL

11-05-2009, 04:45 PM
Please guys, vb staff simply won't reply to this issue. Anyone have any ideas on how I can fix the bug on my own?