View Full Version : Will spliting the mysql database and files to different servers make my forum faster?

10-29-2009, 07:15 PM
Will splitting the mysql database and files to different servers make my forum faster or should I just upgrade to a dedicated server?

For example, I am running on vps. If I had lets say 2x 1440 ram which makes it 2880 ram and split my mysql and files into two different servers will it be better or will upgrading to 2880 ram without splitting my mysql and files a better option?

10-30-2009, 11:19 PM
I see the upgrade to 2880 mb ram a better option.

Webserver/Database RAM comsuption is something hard to guess, and not ever equilibrated.

So if you have 2x1440, your apache/lighttpd/webserver can break 1440mb while mysql is using just 400mb or vice-versa.

With a single server, you have more flexibility: 1440+400 is 1840, still far from crashing or even slowing down the website access.

10-31-2009, 06:28 AM
Thanks RenatoMN

10-31-2009, 07:04 AM
Will splitting the mysql database and files to different servers make my forum faster or should I just upgrade to a dedicated server?

FWIW, you can significantly increase your server performance by moving the static content (images and javascript) to an inexpensive content delivery network (CDN). We use SimpleCDN, Mirror Bucket, with satisfactory results.

10-31-2009, 05:41 PM
impo, having a dedicated physical (not 2 vps running on the same physical box) database server is always preferable (because the database will run with as much of the live data cached in memory {disc i/o is the performance killer} as possible given the available ram) as long as you have an excellent or dedicated (ie private) network connection between the application server and the dbms server. many LAMP systems run the database and application on the same server due to costs, and because doing so permits you to not open the database to external connections (for security concerns).