View Full Version : How to embed PHP in HTM?

Lift for Life
10-26-2009, 10:27 AM
Please don't hate me,,,,, but I use Microsoft Frontpage for my main web pages. I want to create a dynamic web template in Frontpage (.dwt) which would be the base of htm pages. I then want to embed a php page inside of the htm.

Abbreviated question: How can I embed a php page inside of a htm page without messing up my php forum?

I tried a snippet of code in in the Apache handler (Hostgator) which hosed my forum (quickly resolved)


James Birkett
10-26-2009, 12:21 PM
Only method I can think of is using an iframe.

Lift for Life
10-26-2009, 03:00 PM
Thanks, I hadn't considered an Iframe however I'm not sure that I would like the look of it. I'm also considering using a non-forum url for the application. Still, the cleanest view would be to embed. Just not sure of how to treat php differently within the same site.

I'm leaning toward the second "non-forum" url for this one.
