View Full Version : Trying to make clicking a button in postbit change thread title

09-24-2009, 01:09 AM

On the forum I run we have a problem with people asking for help who haven't tried any work. I want to make all registered members have the ability to report the thread as having someone doing this. Logistically, this seems very similar to the post THANKS mod, but I couldn't use that to figure this out.

This is sort of how I think it could be done, but I'd love to get some help. Put this somewhere in the postbit.

Obviously need to restrict this to members only so,
<if condition="$show['member']">

Then I need to reference an image and when clicked add "Prefix" to the thread title. I just don't know how to construct this at all. I get the logic of it, just don't know the code.

Any ideas?