View Full Version : USER CP integration in my Website (profile unification)

08-25-2009, 06:06 PM
Hi, my website is www.idieta.ro (http://www.idieta.ro/) and my forum is www.idieta.ro/forums (http://www.idieta.ro/forums).
The task:
Task1: Profile unification.
The issues I have:
Issue1: In my website now I have two different profiles and PANELS witch is confusing for many users.
Issue2: I need extra data from users like (for example):

first name
last name
phone number Issue3: I need the user accounts to be spaces and other special characters free.
Issue4: I need to disable and redirect all USER CP specific links to my NEW USER CP in parent application.
I have to take the following notes in consideration:
Note1: My website application uses a SYMFONY 1.0.17 framework.
Note2: The profile must be a plug-in (so it can help others) for SYMFONY 1.0.8.
Note3: SYMFONY uses SF_GUARD PLUGIN for user management.
What help do I need:
Help1: Any information about database interaction for user profiles.
Help2: Any information, warnings or walkthroughs for my specific task.
Help3: Any information about user registration, user account validation, CAPCHA, etc.
Help4: Solution about disabling/redirecting USER CP with minimal amount of modification ( I like the upgrade process for the forum to be easy as it is after these modifications).
Help5: Links and other data that may lead to something useful.

Help6: Encouragement it's welcomed too. :)

I am sorry for my cold presentation from above but I like to make it as clear as possible. Also I'd like to say Hello to all of you!