View Full Version : very odd error...

07-28-2009, 10:53 PM
Everytime I go to 'http://zoovix.com/community/usercp.php' on my website, it redirects me quickly to 'http://zoovix.com/community/profile.php?do=dst' and gives me the error below:


This happened after I changed my time zone to GMT -6.

Can someone please register and try it? See if it happens to you? What is wrong?

Using vb3.8.0 BETA (I can't update to the full version. :mad:)

07-29-2009, 01:01 AM
I'm assuming this is because of two reasons. One is due to your TZ change vBulletin is attempting to correct your DST setting automatically, two is the form doesn't have the valid CSRF token required, that could be due to a customised template, or possibly a bug in the beta.

07-29-2009, 01:04 AM
Sorry, I figured it out. The skin was for an older version.