View Full Version : stop vB from listing attached files after upload

07-09-2009, 10:48 PM
Is this possible? Can it just have one-line summary instead of listing every file? eg: [ 87 files in 38,382kb ]

The reason I ask, is the forum I'm working on has a 3rd party uploader allow a *LOT* of attachments to each post. The problem being, once the user is finished uploading, it takes *forever* to list the files in the main vB window. Files 1-100 aren't bad, but they get progressively slower each file, so by the time you're up to file 400, there's like a ful 1-2 seconds between each file being listed.

(no, uploading only 100 at a time is not a feasible option with this forum, when they're trying to get 5000+ attachments at a time online)

Does vB *need* to list each file the way it does or can a simple summary be given?

edit - coder found, mod complete