View Full Version : Is it possible to list attached image thumbnails by HEIGHT only?

05-27-2009, 05:18 PM
Default is it resizes the long side.

The problem is that this makes for an ugly appearance when there's 3+ pictures attached to a post. It looks MUCh better if all thumbnails have the same HEIGHT (width can be proportional). When you have multiple rows going across the screen in a post, it just looks so much better if they're all the same height.

Is there any way to do this?

06-01-2009, 03:40 PM
Does anyone know the code for this part of vB that makes the thumbnail based on the largest dimension?

I don't know much at all about programming but seeing as nobody else has replied here, I'll take a look at it if I can just find that part of the code.

Instead of resizing based on largest dimension, it needs to resized based on the height dimension only.