View Full Version : usercss color values

05-27-2009, 12:55 PM
In the memberinfo template, is it possible to access a certain hexadecimal color value?

I would like to add the background color of the profile to the following code:
controls: {
backgroundColor: '#FF0000',

It's part of a javascript, and as you can see, I need the exact color value. I cannot just add a class to the html element.

05-27-2009, 03:44 PM
In the memberinfo template, is it possible to access a certain hexadecimal color value?

I would like to add the background color of the profile to the following code:
controls: {
backgroundColor: '#FF0000',

It's part of a javascript, and as you can see, I need the exact color value. I cannot just add a class to the html element.

Hi Squishi

I use Pixie Color picker by Nattyware

Pixie is a utility made especially for webmasters and designers. It is a color picker with few extra goodies.

Run it, simply point to a color and it will tell you the hex, RGB, HTML, CMYK and HSV values of that color. You can then use these values to reproduce the selected color in your favorite programs. Pixie will also show the current coordinates of your mouse pointer.

It is the only tool you'll need for working with colors.

Its free and you can download it here http://www.nattyware.com/pixie.php

Once you start it, where ever your cursor goes it will tell you the Hex decimals of the color.

Its excellent when you want to know the hex colors of a color on a site

Let us know how you got on ;)

05-28-2009, 08:59 AM
Well, thanks for the info. But I guess I was not clear enough.

The color value should be inserted dynamically, of course, according to the user's profile settings.