View Full Version : Inferno Shoutbox - Show thread prefix

05-26-2009, 02:12 AM
I was looking to have prefix show up when messages are posted in infernoshoutbox. I wen't through the xml file and found the following:

if ($infernoshout->vbulletin->options['ishout_bbcodes'] & 64)
$titleprefix = '';
$titlesuffix = '';

$shout =& new shout;
$shout->silent = true;
$shout->process('/me posted the thread ' . $titleprefix . unhtmlspecialchars($this->thread['title']) . $titlesuffix);

This seems to be what is telling it to create a new shout when users post a thread. I need it to add the thread prefix as well.

05-26-2009, 03:09 AM
You'll need to grab the prefixid in the query for the thread. Then you may use something like this code to create the prefix (it's an example! Modify it for your own needs). If you need further help, you will have to ask in the modification thread since they will know the correct place to add the code and how to add to the query.

if ($variable['prefixid'])
$variable['prefix_plain_html'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($vbphrase["prefix_$variable[prefixid]_title_plain"]);
$variable['prefix_rich'] = $vbphrase["prefix_$variable[prefixid]_title_rich"];
$variable['prefix_plain_html'] = '';
$variable['prefix_rich'] = '';