View Full Version : editing of custom profile field.

04-26-2009, 01:49 PM
I created a profile field: Status

to mimic the Facebook status field.

However to edit it it shows up on the bottom of the usercp -> "edit your details"
I would like to add a link to the navbar "status" or "update status"

and in there just have the field to update only this status field.

Is there a way that I can isolate this custom profile field?

The end result is a quick and easy way ( from a member perspective ) to update status ( which is a customized field ).

Really it would even be cool if there was a text box on the navbar that someone could just enter in their status and then click save or enter ....


04-26-2009, 06:01 PM
Try reading this discussion:

04-26-2009, 11:33 PM
OK I read that ... and I think that it is kind of what I want.
But kind of lost in the details about the other sites.
What is the summary of what needs to be done?

Where am I supposed to put that snippet of code?

04-27-2009, 02:23 AM
Try putting the code where you want the box to be. I would play with this on a test style, not your live style. Make sure you do the html correctly for where you put it (like, don't ad <tr><td>s unless you need them, etc.).