View Full Version : Okay... lets see if anyone can figure this one out...

04-20-2009, 06:40 PM
This isn't specific to vBulletin at all... I'm just asking here for general knowledge. I'm wondering if there was a way to calcualte map/atlas/globe domination through percentages.

What I mean is... Lets say I have a map of a continent. Then I have 3 nations, each with their own percentage value that adds up to a sum of 100%. What I would need is a way to dynamically create a colored overlay over the continent that shows the domination of all three nations. As one nation loses control, their blob should get smaller and the other blobs should get bigger...

Any ideas?

Brother Malachi
04-20-2009, 08:23 PM
Probably would be easiest with Flash/Actionscript.