View Full Version : Authenication against mysql db

04-20-2009, 01:58 PM

We have a old support site which uses a user flat file. We currently have apache auth working with Vbulletin. When a person clicks on vbulletin forum link it asks them to use their user credentials from our company support site. Once they enter that information they can either login to vbulletin forum or register for a account. Sort of like double authenication. We now have a new support site that stores the users in a mysql database instead of a flat file. How can we authenicate users to vbulletin with the new site using mysql db. Does some type of replication of the db have to be set up and copied over to the vbulletin server?



04-21-2009, 09:25 AM
You should have authentication headers in the HTTP headers that you can access from PHP. Use this information to log in a user (or setup an account if it is the first time). Look inside login.php to see how logins are processed.