04-11-2009, 06:55 PM
I haven't updated my vbulletin in a while but it's nice to see the RSS feeds "post as threads" feature. Did anyone make a mod yet which would allow one to add a column at either side of the forum where it would show the RSS topics from these threads? I was thinking of it being sorted by forum (i.e. per RSS feed) and it would show a date + topic but the click would lead to the source rather than the topic posted on the forum, so for instance:
Name RRS Feed 1
04/11 Topic 1 (http://link-to-the-rss-feed)
04/11 Topic 2 (http://link-to-the-rss-feed)
03/11 Topic 3 (http://link-to-the-rss-feed)
Name RRS Feed 2
04/11 Topic 1 (http://link-to-the-rss-feed)
04/11 Topic 2 (http://link-to-the-rss-feed)
03/11 Topic 3 (http://link-to-the-rss-feed)
Would be nice if it could be set how many items to show per feed since some are more active than others. But I know I'm asking for too much. :p
I haven't updated my vbulletin in a while but it's nice to see the RSS feeds "post as threads" feature. Did anyone make a mod yet which would allow one to add a column at either side of the forum where it would show the RSS topics from these threads? I was thinking of it being sorted by forum (i.e. per RSS feed) and it would show a date + topic but the click would lead to the source rather than the topic posted on the forum, so for instance:
Name RRS Feed 1
04/11 Topic 1 (http://link-to-the-rss-feed)
04/11 Topic 2 (http://link-to-the-rss-feed)
03/11 Topic 3 (http://link-to-the-rss-feed)
Name RRS Feed 2
04/11 Topic 1 (http://link-to-the-rss-feed)
04/11 Topic 2 (http://link-to-the-rss-feed)
03/11 Topic 3 (http://link-to-the-rss-feed)
Would be nice if it could be set how many items to show per feed since some are more active than others. But I know I'm asking for too much. :p