View Full Version : does anyone know how to move templates into files?

03-28-2009, 11:28 PM
Hey guys..

I'm doing a lot of template modifications at the moment, building new functionality, etc. and its a pain the butt to have to copy my template from an IDE, paste into the template editor on vbulletin, save, and switch to my board, and refresh..

doing this while trying to solve basic css & javascript problems can be very time consuming. I'm almost ready to give us... there must be a better way?

Why are the templates stored in the database anyway? It'll be easy enough to read the files from the filesystem and give the exact same functionality in the admin section.. and geez, wouldn't it be faster reading from the filesystem rather than the db???

Does anyone know how to do this? Or could they point in the right direction on where/how the templates are processed, saving me a whole bunch of time sifting through hundreds of thousands of line of php.

03-29-2009, 03:55 AM
One of the main reasons why templates are stored in the DB is that to store them in the filesystem, you need to have the correct permissions, etc.

To change the method of storage would be very tedious - modifying the Admin CP page, as well as the template fetching lines, plus more.

03-29-2009, 04:03 AM
maybe a feature in a future release.
thanks for your reply