View Full Version : magpierss in postbit

03-21-2009, 08:33 AM
Im trying to list the latest published article in each users postbit. Im using magpierss to pull the feed from wordpress and this is the code I got

$rss = fetch_rss("http://www.domian.com/author/".$userinfo[username]."/feed" );
foreach ($rss->items as $item) {
$wpLink = $item[0]['link'];
$wpTitle = $item[0]['title'];

but I suspect the $userinfo[username] part dont work inside a plugin, so how can I fix this ?

(The wordpress author name and forum username is the same)

03-22-2009, 01:06 PM
You are correct, you are trying to mix and match PHP with the Vbulletin variable system. You will need to find the source of $userinfo[username], or modify it in the styles.

I have not done very much research of the plugin, but have you attempted to ask for support within that thread?

03-22-2009, 03:26 PM
What hook location are you using? Go find that hook in the code and look above it and see what variable they are using for the userinfo right there.