View Full Version : Statistics In VB

03-17-2009, 09:51 PM
Hi I setup a forum that is a link, obviously this means that the following items,

Last Post

Do not update to give any statistics as a link is not a really a forum its just a link.

Is there anyway to force statistics in here from another forum through sql or php?

Any help is appreciated.

03-18-2009, 06:19 AM
What do you mean by "force statistics in here from another forum"?

03-18-2009, 02:21 PM
You would have to be able to query the database at that other forum to get those statistics/information.

03-18-2009, 08:05 PM
Thanks Lynee, its the same boards let me explain a bit better :)

I installed the Arcade plugin, to have the arcade system on my forums.

I have a category and forums as below

--Off Topic
---Arcade (link)
---Arcade Chit Chat (forum)
---Arcade Tournaments (forum)

Now, as Arcade is a link to the arcade system and is classed as a link there are no statistics to the right showing "Last Post" "Threads" "Posts".

I would like to put statistics into this section from the "Arcade Tournaments" forum so when people see the arcade link they can also see the latest "Last Post" "Threads" and "Posts" from the "Arcade Tournament" forum.

So I was wondering how I can get these statistics to the right of the link?

03-18-2009, 09:07 PM
You would have to write some code to grab the stats for the two sub-forums and add them together to be input into the Arcade section. We've had threads about that before - do a search on "$vbulletin->forumcache" and look for discussions involving $totalthreads and $totaltposts and see what you can find. Or, look at the bottom of the index.php page and see the code there.