View Full Version : Logging Time

Jacob B
02-20-2009, 03:04 AM
I am looking to insert a time log into one of my modifications. For instance; once a user submits a form, the time of that particular submission is recorded and is then displayed inside/with that user's post.

I seem to be having a slight problem getting it to log the time. I'm not actually aware of how vBulletin logs the time. I've looked through the API and can't seem to locate the information I'm after. I'm actually not sure about what PHP I must use to insert it and log it.

If someone could supply the code and elaborate on where the code must go inside the PHP & Product file, it'd be greatly appreciated. I've been able to get the date logged just fine, but logging time seems to be beating me at this game.

02-20-2009, 03:23 AM
Use the constant "TIMENOW". This is a constant vBulletin sets which is computed from time() and is a Unix timestamp.

Jacob B
02-20-2009, 03:33 AM
Thank you! I knew it was something small, but couldn't get my head around it.