View Full Version : How do I use the phrases that are not in the GLOBAL group?

01-29-2009, 12:27 PM
How do I use a phrase like date_range in the Threadtools group of phrases?
I need a phrase that contains the text "Date Range" but I don't want to add a
phrase if it's already in vbulletin available.
However, when I just use $vbphrase[date_range].
The phrase is not found.

Please advice.....

01-30-2009, 03:47 AM
You need to add the phrase group to be loaded. This is the $phrasegroups array at the start of the file.

01-30-2009, 05:36 AM
Hi Dismounted, thanks for your reply.

I already saw that in other script files but I don't know how and when the phrases are loaded.
With which function are the phrases loaded?

Just read a thread concerning this topic; I have to fill the phrasegroups array BEFORE the global.php is included.
Tried that and it works!!