01-14-2009, 04:36 PM
Sinse there are many people that make modules for vbadvanced and since I didnt get any reply in (guess that no one has any clue about this) I post this here hoping someone knows whats happening.
I made a php module and add it, clean file output, wrapper on.
The module code is:
<td class="$bgclass"> <!-- Your code here -->
$linkav = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pw) or die("Could not connect1");
mysql_select_db($db, $linkav);// or die("Could not select".'adhoro');
$sqlstm="select COUNT(*) as totales, ada.categoriaid as cid,
adc.categoriaid as cdi2,adc.categoria
from ad_avisos as ada
inner join ad_categorias as adc
on ada.categoriaid=adc.categoriaid
group by ada.categoriaid
order by adc.categoria asc";
$resultav = mysql_query($sqlstm, $linkav) or die("Query failed". mysql_error());
while($c = mysql_fetch_array($resultav))
echo '<a href="link">'.$c["categoria"].' ('.$c["totales"].')</a><br/>';
With this code inside the module mi page wont show up, not in IE not in FIREFOX, it just wont show up.
THe entire page wont load, firexo says (trasnlated from spanish) The page you are trying to acces cand be shown because it has not valid format.
I dont know what it means but when I type de url to the module directly it works, I can see that the php code is working just fine, I dont know why with that code it doenst work.
Doen anyone has a clue of whats going on here?
Thank you!
Sinse there are many people that make modules for vbadvanced and since I didnt get any reply in (guess that no one has any clue about this) I post this here hoping someone knows whats happening.
I made a php module and add it, clean file output, wrapper on.
The module code is:
<td class="$bgclass"> <!-- Your code here -->
$linkav = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pw) or die("Could not connect1");
mysql_select_db($db, $linkav);// or die("Could not select".'adhoro');
$sqlstm="select COUNT(*) as totales, ada.categoriaid as cid,
adc.categoriaid as cdi2,adc.categoria
from ad_avisos as ada
inner join ad_categorias as adc
on ada.categoriaid=adc.categoriaid
group by ada.categoriaid
order by adc.categoria asc";
$resultav = mysql_query($sqlstm, $linkav) or die("Query failed". mysql_error());
while($c = mysql_fetch_array($resultav))
echo '<a href="link">'.$c["categoria"].' ('.$c["totales"].')</a><br/>';
With this code inside the module mi page wont show up, not in IE not in FIREFOX, it just wont show up.
THe entire page wont load, firexo says (trasnlated from spanish) The page you are trying to acces cand be shown because it has not valid format.
I dont know what it means but when I type de url to the module directly it works, I can see that the php code is working just fine, I dont know why with that code it doenst work.
Doen anyone has a clue of whats going on here?
Thank you!