View Full Version : New Posting Features - Automatic Thread Tagger for vB3.8

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05-30-2014, 04:55 AM
Don't use twitter then :)

06-16-2014, 06:58 PM
thanks for plugin :)

04-03-2015, 04:30 AM
How about making this for vb 5 - vb5 is the wave of the future!

I was stuck in vb3 for years but now that I've upgraded to vb5 over all I am glad I made the move.

Simon Lloyd
04-03-2015, 04:24 PM
How about making this for vb 5 - vb5 is the wave of the future!

I was stuck in vb3 for years but now that I've upgraded to vb5 over all I am glad I made the move.
Why are you posting the exact same message in lots of threads??????

09-16-2016, 12:24 PM
Would love to see an update to this in order to work with PHP 5.4 please ooooh please!

07-04-2018, 11:18 AM
Worked OK for me on php 5.4 ?

Anyway it does not appear to work on php 7.x I have not yet had chance to look at a fix for it although in theory it does not (appear) to be a difficult thing to sort out.

Call to undefined function split() in ....\includes\functions_autotagger.php on line 148

Only in php7 , php5.6 perfectly fine :) . Confirmed by switching back to 5x without any issues and it works.

#1 : vbstop() called in ....\includes\class_core.php on line 3834
#2 : vbulletin_exception_handler() called in on line

Var Type: [ NULL ]

Var Data: null

Something here tells me that likely a "require" or "require once" might be all that is needed as I cannot quite see why said function is awol in a different php version, unless its one of the &= vs = things.

I've not looked into this just yet but if anyone has any clues would be appreciated to point me in the right direction! :D

07-04-2018, 07:57 PM
I thought I'd try replacing split with explode, which after a couple of tests appears to work now. :)

There are 11 instances of 'split' (not 'preg_split' , just 'split') to change in / includes / functions_autotagger.php , did not notice anything else in the two other files that needed any changes.

"Proof is in the pudding" so to speak so I grabbed a few RSS imports, then manually ran the auto tagger and now it does work with php7... I am running 7.0.10 to be more precise about it.

Pic of a random test RSS thread which then had the auto tagger run on it: