View Full Version : [SIGPIC] modifications...

11-12-2008, 02:15 AM
Okay... there is something I want to do with sigpics... instead of throwing out everything between the here tags, I want to take the information in between and display it to the right of the image. Is this possible?

herethe rest of the sig

so it looks like this...

<div><img src="this is the sigpic" align="left">here</div>the rest of the sig...

Digital Jedi
11-12-2008, 04:22 AM
Okay... there is something I want to do with sigpics... instead of throwing out everything between the here tags, I want to take the information in between and display it to the right of the image. Is this possible?

herethe rest of the sig

so it looks like this...

<div><img src="this is the sigpic" align="left">here</div>the rest of the sig...
You can probably do this by going into whichever postbit template your using and editing the DIV or TD that contains the sig and align it to the left. I think it's commented as <!-- Begin Signature Start --> or something similar.

11-12-2008, 06:34 AM
The thing is... I dont want the entire sig aligned to the left... I only want the stuff inside the [sigpic] tag to show to the right of the pic... the rest of the sig, i want to show up as usual, underneath or above the sigpic.