View Full Version : hack's idea ... or maybe there is a hack that does it?!

10-30-2008, 02:39 PM
hi there


i was thinking of this as a hack

we all brows the net and sometimes we stop at something that we do want to keep it for the future

i am talking here about a link for let say

an image

a program

a poem

whatever the case might be



its just that everytime i have to go back to this site and go get that image or that link whenever i need it that i have to open the whole site

and i am talking here for ppl with internet service provider who limites thier member band width for let say 1 giga per month or whatever that case might be

or member with a slow internet connection and have to deal with big size forum

or members browsing site with thier mobile

so instead of going and opening the whole site up to look for a small tiny info

why cant i keep it save and close

where i can only store whatever i do really need

i call it a storage

yeah a storage for links pictures midea files for a closer reach

now how do i really let my member inside my vbulletin use it


i was thinking of having a forum that you can have the memeber passowrd protect thier threads

where only them and your forum moderator are able to look at it

and maybe it will recognize the member and only show him his own threads

i know you might say why dont i play with the forum permision ( like the way i am using with my feedback forum)

but i think

you need to show it as a new feature that been added so your member can use it and may be use it...

i hope i have explain this very well

i am not a coder

and this is just an idea

we do have sites that you can store files for download and images also

but can you remember all the time there adress and can you really feel relaxed when you open you favorit file and keep looking for a link and have to download the whole thing for a tiny thing

sorry if this is not the right place to add this subject in

but hey its an idea and i wanted to share it with you all

god bless you

thanx for your concern

best regards


10-30-2008, 02:47 PM
use Google Notebook for this...: http://www.google.com/tools/firefox/

i don't see why you would not use your browser for such features... always storing YOUR interesting content on a forum where that stuff would not be shared is illogical. a forum is a place for sharing, not a storage...

10-30-2008, 03:20 PM
Installed :D