View Full Version : How do I, in javascript, determine the current editor mode?

J Random Hacker
10-30-2008, 07:51 AM
How would I discover the current editor mode (simple/wysiwyg) in javascript?

I'm new to vB but not programming, just can't seem to find the one answer that stands between me and getting my mod to work. :confused:

A little background: I've written a CGI application that can output either bbcode or HTML dependent upon the value of an input passed into it (via Ajax call). I can stuff that output into the editor no matter which mode it's in, but I haven't yet figured out how to determine the editor mode so I can tell the CGI which output format to generate.

Thanks in advance!

J Random Hacker
10-31-2008, 10:46 PM
Never mind, it was obvious enough after all.